
Topic: Books You're Currently Reading?

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@PixelDragon 100% with you on "Year One" - I think I even prefer it to "The Dark Knight Returns" these days. Try "Daredevil:Born Again" - also by Miller and Mazzucchelli - also a masterpiece.



@PixelDragon I've been getting heavily back into comics lately myself - mainly the ones not featuring any capes or spandex! Keen to read your thoughts on "Watchmen" - I know it regularly gets afforded GOAT status but there really aren't many better. It's a work of genius.



I'm planning on reading Empire of the Vampire again ahead of Book 2 coming out.
Picture Bloodborne meets Anne Rice meets an epic fantasy quest.

I'm also reading the Rise of the Ranger series for some traditional high fantasy fun.

"It's been my lifelong dream to operate a drill a hundred times bigger than me!"

PSN: Shepherd_Tallon


to start off the new year Im reading Winds of Dune and Hunters of Dune



@PixelDragon Have you heard the version of "Sandman" that's on Audible? It's sort of like an old school radio play adaptation and it's unbelievably good.



@PixelDragon You can get an Audible subscription independently of any Amazon Prime shenanigans and there are typically free trial periods for new customers - plenty of time to listen to the "Sandman" plays!



@Shepherd_Tallon Been hearing good things about "Empire of the Vampire" and I'm looking forward to reading it, but decided to hold off until the release of the third book is a bit closer so that I can read them fairly close together. Interested in hearing your thoughts on the second one when you've read it



@FuriousMachine The first book was the first fantasy novel I came across in years that I read in a few days. A lot of fantasy novels since The Wheel of Time ended feel to me like they are written to be easily adapted in to a TV show or something.
They're all fast paced, which is great, but very few of them these days take the time to meander a little and the world building suffers I feel. (I know it's a matter of taste.)

I think Vampire strikes a nice balance. I'm more excited for the second novel than I have been for any movie and a lot of games.
I'll remember to come back and let you know my verdict.

"It's been my lifelong dream to operate a drill a hundred times bigger than me!"

PSN: Shepherd_Tallon


@PixelDragon Aw, that's a shame - I just knew you didn't need a Prime subscription to become an Audible member. Kudos on not wanting an Amazon account - I very rarely resort to buying things off them and only very occasionally activate my Prime Video account (the last time was to watch the new season of "Picard") but other than creating an account and then deleting it having listened to "Sandman", I'm out of suggestions, I'm afraid.
PS Do you know anybody who would trust you with their Amazon sign-in details and account? That could work, I suppose.

[Edited by LN78]



First book of the year finished. Before I dive into sci-fi and fantasy I ended up reading All that Remains by Sue Black. A Scottish anthropologist. A fascinating and moving account of her time in the field and how she has dealt with her own personal losses, has certainly given me a lot to think about when it comes to the end of my time here on the planet.

Fantastic to see lots of posts in here. I love comics, watchmen and Sandman are top quality reads. Nothing tops Hellboy for me though.



@PixelDragon Just looked and there's an (ahem) "unofficial" - but apparently preowned - version for sale (on CD, I assume) on eBay for under £15 if you search "Sandman Audiobook". I'm as down on piracy as I am on Amazon, but that might be a solution?

[Edited by LN78]



It's worth jumping through a few hoops for. Just look up the cast list and you'll see what I mean.



I’m about finished BioShock: Rapture by John Shirley. It’s a prequel to the original game, and also cannon. It’s absolutely fantastic and worth a read if you’re interested in the franchise.



Just started reading the shadow and bone series. Was gutted Netflix cancelled it seen as I was enjoying it so bought the books cheap online too see how the sun summoners story ends



Just finished Calvino's 'Collection of Sand' ,it is my favorite work that I've read so far by him, but I still have a couple more of his books on my to-read list. Currently reading 'Labyrinths' by Borges, the story 'The Circular Ruins' in their was excellent, redolent of the literary style of Malcolm Lowry's 'Under the Volcano'. And whilst everything I've read in that book so far has been stellar, that piece in particular has really "taken the cake" for me.

[Edited by BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN]

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Shepherd_Tallon Cool, looking forward to it

@MightyDemon82 "All That Remains" sounds like a perfect addition to my non-fiction reading list. I endeavor to read non-fiction every now and then and some of them have been absolutely brilliant.

"Unfollow: A Journey from Hatred to Hope" by Megan Phelps Roper, "Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood" by Danny Trejo and "Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice" by Bill Browder are all recent favourites.
I also enjoyed "The Premonition: A Pandemic Story" and "Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt" by Michael Lewis (the latter giving a frightening look at the wild west that is the finance sector).



@MightyDemon82 Hope you'll enjoy them
Fair warning, though: "Unfollow" is chock full of Bible verses/quotes, due to her illustrating the cult's mindset (and how they justify their actions through the Bible)., and it can be a bit too much at times. I sort of tuned out and glossed over most of the quotes after a while, but the Phelps Roper's story is definitely worth reading anyway

[Edited by FuriousMachine]



got the Winds of Dune and Hunters of Dune paperbacks in the mail yesterday.

already started reading Winds of Dune and I like it so far


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