
Topic: Dream game trailers

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I thought I'd try to get your creative minds going: Do you have a favourite franchise or dream game you would love to see happen? If you do, what would you put into the reveal trailer? Here's mine:
Picture the scene, it's nearly the end of Sony's E3 (or Gamescom) conference. They've had a solid if not spectacular showing but they say "we'll leave with one last thing". The lights go out, the screen goes black for a few seconds until "Sony Computer Entertainment presents" comes up. Then "Sony Santa Monica" comes up followed by the sound of harsh winds, the screens fades in on a harsh, white, mountainous backdrop. Before long we hear quick crunching footsteps of a man in Viking gear running in the snow, he seems to be chased by something, as he hids we discover that he's being chased creatures created by ice. Soon they spot him and give chase, now cornered deep into the mountain, he desperately fends off a few of the monsters before the floor gives way & and falls into a part of the mountain that seems to hold some kind of temple. The man comes too, to find a plinth near him that holds what appears to be some kind of weapon. It's a hammer. As the monsters swarm in (in an act of desperation) the man reachs for the hammer. As he grips it, time seems to slow down & little sparks of electricity start pulsing through the hammer, suddenly the sparks get more violent & start to consume him, the monsters stop in confusion & fear. Eventually the sparks stop and the man slowly gets up, as he does the booming voice of a narrator says "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor"  The man smiles as the monsters rush towards him the music changes from a sweeping operatic piece to Kiss's God of Thunder. We seemlessly switch to gameplay, the literally takes out hundreds of the ice creatures with blistering array of combos & attacks. As the fight moves to the side of the mountain, a giant titan like creature emerges from the rocks. The man starts spinning Mjolnir seemingly powering it up) as the titan moves in for the attack, the man slams the hammer into the ground. The impact erupts the mountain into the sky, the debris engulfs the screen. The crowd roars as the title sparks onto the screen...God of War: Thunder... BOOM done lol



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