
Topic: Games of the 7th Generation

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Alright Let's keep this simple. The New Console Generation is almost upon us, and the new Handheld generation has been in full force, so now I think is time too look back at what we most enjoyed during this last generation, the 7th generation.

Please note: Platforms that are considered for this list are: Wii, PS3, 360, PSP, DS, as well as all of their downloadable services. You may also include PC games between 2006 and 2013.

My List:

RPG - Xenoblade Chronicles - Actually, I'd say this is my game of the generation. It has practically everything I've ever wanted in a video game, and it doest almost all of it just right.

Fighting - King of Fighters XIII - It's been a while since a game left me smiling ear to ear every time I played it, but this is definitely one of those games. My only qualm is that the AI is stupid as hell in Versus mode. I had to crank the difficulty all the way up to get even a remote challenge.

Adventure - Ghost Trick - It's freakin' Ghost Trick! Creativity! Ghosts! Pomeranians! YES!

Action Adventure - 3D Dot Game Heroes - A Zelda clone that actually exceeds Zelda in every concievable way? I can dig that.

Hack & Slash - Bayonetta - Do I even need to say it? This is a better Devil May Cry 4 than even Devil May Cry 4, and considering that was my second choice, that's saying something.

2D Platformer - N+/Super Meat Boy - This was a difficult choice, so I'm just putting both down. Despite my general apathy towards indie games, these were two big non-old-game reasons for me to keep my 360, as well as two games that changed my whole perspective of platformers: Instead of just being frustrating patience testers, they actually have the capacity to be fun.

3D Platformer - Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time - Despite having virtually no competition, I still felt it was a pretty fun game in its own right.

Open World - Crackdown - It takes a lot for me to enjoy an open world game, but this game really knew how to do it all right. The story was silly without being too over the top, the narrator was funny as hell, the whole world and everything just had this charm to it that I really liked. The gameplay was refreshing and actually felt like it offered a lot of freedom. I especially loved the ability to focus on platforming and collecting, it made it fun to just run around and explore.

Third Person Shooter - Vanquish - High Octane Action: The Game

First Person Shooter - Killzone 2 - Because I only played the demoes of Crysis and Far Cry 3: Dragon Blood. Still, KZ2 was pretty much the only FPS I did play that was actually really fun...and I honestly played way more of those than I ever would've believed...I just got Borderlands, though, so we'll see. Oh, and I should see if there is a demo for Call of Juarez.

Strategy - Valkyria Chronicles - Because I didn't play XCOM (Hurry up with that double pack, 2K!). And because it really is a great game with charming characters (once you change the voice acting to Japanese), an interesting story, and creative gameplay.

Racing - Wipeout Pure/Wipeout HD - Seeing as Wipeout HD took a lot from Pure, and I played Pure way more, I thought I'd list both together. I don't play many racing games anymore, but when I did, Wipeout soaked up more of my time than I ever care to admit. It's all around a fantastic pair of games, with a bunch of cool modes (including an endurance mode that you don't normally see in racers), loads of style, great music, and fun tracks. The HD version especially looked gorgeous. RIP, Studio Liverpool, at least you left behind your masterpiece.

Beat 'em up - Scott Pilgrim VS The World: The Game - It's been a while since I played a game that just oozed charm from the love put into it. I don't even really like Beat 'em ups, but I couldn't not love this game!

Rhythm Game - Elite Beat Agents - ^Last game I played like this.

Minigame Collection - Retro Game Challenge - Oh my god, this game really knew how to make you feel like you were sent back in time! So much attention to detail! Most of the games were fun, too. Most of them. <_<

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


It's cool to see Scott Pilgrim VS The World: The Game in your list, I think Ubisoft's PSN title did a masterful job of recapturing the gameplay and visual style of Konami's classic 1990s cartoon brawlers.

I can't wait for Mercenary Kings on PS4, because I think the artists and animators at Tribute Games have an exceptional talent for sprite and background design.

I am passionate about retro gaming, from antiquated consoles to the continuation of classics. Obviously I love PSone, and PS2 retro games. I blast my ears to breakneck melodic punk, gruff vocals and nimble alternative guitar hooks.

X: | Bluesky:


Action/Adventure: The Last of Us
FPS: Killzone 2
3D Platformer: Super Mario Galaxy 2
Sidescroller: Shadow Complex
RPG: Mass Effect 1
Open-world: Grand Theft Auto V
Third Person Shooter: Gears of War 1
Fighting: Mortal Kombat
Racing: Need For Speed Hot Pursuit
Sports: MLB The Show (series)



Loved the thread!
My choices are:

RPG: The World Ends With You (DS) - This is my game of the generation and it is definetely one of my all-time favorites and it is my favorite game on the DS. For me, it is perfect and every now and then I delete my save file so I can start it over.
I have to mention my second choice, as it is also one of my favorite games of all time: Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII (PSP). One of the best games on the PSP with a really touching story and great combat system.

Fighting: Super Street Fighter IV (PS3)/ Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (PS3)/ Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (PSP). I really couldn't decide which one is best, because I play all 3 of them a lot to this day. They are a lot of fun and in my opinion, have infinite replay value. I always play one of them when I have friends over and I like playing them alone so they are the best.

Adventure: 999: 9 Persons, 9 Hours, 9 Doors (DS). Murder, mystery, great characters and mind blowing true ending. This game didn't left of its hook until I got to see the true ending and was completely blown away. One of the best stories ever.

Action Adventure: Metroid Other M (Wii): The return of Samus on the Wii was a really great game. The story is good, even if it's a bit controversial, but the gameplay is so much fun!

Stealth: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3). It finished the story told since the first MGS beautifully and it's a lot of fun to play. Even when I play it to this day, I still watch all the cutscenes and have a great time.

Hack & Slash: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3). Even though I loved Bayonetta, this made me a fan of Platinum Games and I love playing it. It's probably the only game on my PS3 that I played 3 time in a row because I loved the gameplay.

2D Platformer: Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) - The game is one of the best 2D platformers, but I think the 3DS version is a little bit better.

3D Platformer: Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) - The perfect 3D platfomer. So much fun!

Open World: Infamous 2 (PS3) - Usually I give up on open worlds in the middle, because there are so much to do that I get kinda lost, but I loved Cole's second adventure as it gave more powers, a better story and good city.

Third Person Shooter: Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception (PS3) - Because it was the only Uncharted that I liked a lot.

First Person Shooter: Bioshock Infinite (PS3) - Probably the only FPS that I couldn't put down until I finished it. I usually don't like FPS but I loved Infinite and the ending was mind blowing.

Strategy - Valkyria Chronicles II (PSP) - I didn't play a lot of strategy games, but I liked Valkyria Chronicles.

Racing: Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - Because racing games are just not for me if I can't screw people over with a blue shell.

Rhythm Game: Guitar Hero World Tour (Wii). Even if it was running out of steam the game is great to play alone or with friends.

Minigame Collection: Wario Ware Twisted (DS) -  The best minigames collections for me are always from wario.


PSN: Jairo_MC | X:


Going to try to make it short:

RPG: Xenoblade Chronicles, From the story to the gameplay everything in this game for me was just excellent, finaly and RPG without a predictable story.

FPS: Borderlands 2, From memorable characters to addictive loot everything can be found in Pandora.

3PS: Vanquish, Dat' intensity and story.

Open World: Sleeping Dogs, it just has everything I've ever wanted from a Open World game.

Fighting: Super Smash Bros Brawl, enough said.

Rhythm Game: Rhythm Heaven FEVER, the nonsense and sountrack of this game makes it perfect for me.

3D Plataformer: Super Mario Galaxy, I just couldn't stop smiling while playing the game.

Action Adventure: Infamous 2, I know some may say that this is an Open World game but for me it was just an AMAZING Action/Adventure game with a medium sized map.

PSN: Epic-ZX

PSN: Epic-ZX


Nice answers, guys. I think I have one more to include:

Stealth-Action - Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow - I'm definitely not a fan of Stealth games, and this probably doesn't even count, but I need to include it somewhere. XP It was an all-around fantastic game that actually felt like it could be a big blockbuster console game in the palm of my hand. The story was surprisingly good, the gameplay mixed stealth and third-person shooting really well, there was an incredibly diverse amount of missions, and there was stuff to collect that unlocked things (that's always a plus...and unfortunately pretty rare these days).

EDIT: Editted my first post to include the correct racing game I should've mentioned.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Nice answers, guys. I think I have one more to include:

Stealth-Action - Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow - I'm definitely not a fan of Stealth games, and this probably doesn't even count, but I need to include it somewhere. XP It was an all-around fantastic game that actually felt like it could be a big blockbuster console game in the palm of my hand. The story was surprisingly good, the gameplay mixed stealth and third-person shooting really well, there was an incredibly diverse amount of missions, and there was stuff to collect that unlocked things (that's always a plus...and unfortunately pretty rare these days).

EDIT: Editted my first post to include the correct racing game I should've mentioned.

Strange that you liked Loganz Shadow and don't want to try out Dead to Rights. Whatever...



Nice answers, guys. I think I have one more to include:

Stealth-Action - Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow - I'm definitely not a fan of Stealth games, and this probably doesn't even count, but I need to include it somewhere. XP It was an all-around fantastic game that actually felt like it could be a big blockbuster console game in the palm of my hand. The story was surprisingly good, the gameplay mixed stealth and third-person shooting really well, there was an incredibly diverse amount of missions, and there was stuff to collect that unlocked things (that's always a plus...and unfortunately pretty rare these days).

EDIT: Editted my first post to include the correct racing game I should've mentioned.

Strange that you liked Loganz Shadow and don't want to try out Dead to Rights. Whatever...

Why's that strange? They're two completely different games, and as I said, I no longer care about Shooters or action games. Logan's Shadow, however is 6 years old. And I played it when it came out.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt

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