
Topic: Gamescom 2014 Predictions

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Apologies if a similar topic exists. I'm a sucker for predictions over gaming conferences (I have the same problem with those rubbish top 100 shows on C4 if you live in the UK lol) so I thought we could do a predictions thread ahead of Sony's conference next tuesday.
Here's my 5 predictions: 1. Media Molecule's new game is shown off and it will look similar to the clay makng demo at the PS4 reveal. 2. Until Dawn to be released on PS4 in October. 3. GTA City stories announced for Vita, it'll be a remaster of the PSP games. 4. A legacy PlayStation IP from the PS1 days will make a comeback and 5. Guerrilla Games open world RPG to shown at the end of the conference.
What are your thoughts people?




I expect no first party/Third party AAA games for PS Vita. Only JRPG localisations and indies. End of story... -_-

I've been let down too many times for vita even though Sony said they will support Vita via PS Mobile indie games in unity engine that will not even sell a lot of Vitas...

I'm afraid the Vita is already over and I can't wait for Sony to pull the plug on cutting production costs on vita. Maybe people have been right all along: The vita has been officially dead since December 2013. I'm sorry if I am bitter, but there is no proof that says the vita has a future. I bet you the only support we will see on PS Mobile on Vita are dumb indies powered by unity, I swear it will be. No more AAA games anymore for this handheld. /endrant

[Edited by Enobmah_Shards]

PSN ID - EnobmahChoas
3DS Friend code - 4468-1036-4376
NNID - EnobmahShards
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Until Dawn certainly seems to be a big part of Sony's plan at Gamescom. I hope they announce that they've put a ton of time into it to make it a major release. I'm not sure what else to expect, but I'm hoping the Vita fans get some good news. They deserve it!




@Enobmah_Shards More of a sob story than a rant. Games like Fez and Rogue Legacy will keep the Vita going. The controls are not robust enough to support AAA action games. I never want to have to use touch for anything that requires responsiveness and timing, especially not on the rear of the console, where a I can't even see what's going on. The Vita has too many issues. Vita is also a dumb name. If they had named it PSP 2, it would have sold much more.

[Edited by Weskerb]



@Enobmah_Shards More of a sob story than a rant. Games like Fez and Rogue Legacy will keep the Vita going. The controls are not robust enough to support AAA action games. I never want to have to use touch for anything that requires responsiveness and timing, especially not on the rear of the console, where a I can't even see what's going on. The Vita has too many issues. Vita is also a dumb name. If they had named it PSP 2, it would have sold much more.

I'm  terribly sorry about that. It's just that we've seen indications from Sony that Vita will not get the games it deserves and they even betrayed us by saying no more AAA game, instead PS Now and Remote play are the only thing that can save the Vita? Pretty soon just like PS Mobile on android and what @Punished_Boss said in comment it is getting closer for Sony to pull the plug. Also just because Shahid hypes up a game that we like on his twitter account doesn't mean we will get a big game, we will likely get an indie made to be a game that appeals to people hypothetically .

So many people including Vita owners are sorely disappointed in the lack of support it is getting...

PSN ID - EnobmahChoas
3DS Friend code - 4468-1036-4376
NNID - EnobmahShards
Check out my YouTube channel

PSN: EnobmahChoas | Twitter:


More of a hope than an actual prediction... Bend Studio showing off Syphon Filter for PS4. The PSP games were really, really good. A much more powerful machine and a higher budget and I believe the series could make a big splash this generation if the quality of the game is as good as Dark Mirror and Logan's Shadow. I'd like the story to pick up where the latter left off.

[Edited by Gamer83]



I've been happy with the output the Vita has had for awhile cos there is always something worth playing, of course a lot of people dismiss them as just "indies and JRPGs" tbh honest I've never understood that attitude cos it helps no one. To be fair to Sony they have supported Vita with so called AAA games: Uncharted, Gravity Rush, Wipeout, PS Allstars, Resistance, Killzone, Tearaway, LBP Vita, Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice, Modnation Racers and Everybodys Golf. Alot of those games didn't sell well, so Sony would have made losses on those, they've tried but when people keep demanding AAA but won't buy most of them you can't blame them for thinking that "we have bigger fish to fry" I.E. PS4. There not helped by 3rd party publishers who just refuse to put anything on the system, Sony had to pay 2K to get Boarderlands 2 on there but they can't keep doing that forever.




More of a hope than an actual prediction... Bend Studio showing off Syphon Filter for PS4. The PSP games were really, really good. A much more powerful machine and a higher budget and I believe the series could make a big splash this generation if the quality of the game is as good as Dark Mirror and Logan's Shadow. I'd like the story to pick up where the latter left off.

Good morning sir, Syphon Filter would be cool (and make one of my predictions right lol) but rumours I'm hearing is that there making a horror game that's open world but WITHOUT zombies...obviously take this with a huge pinch of salt. Either way it'll be great seeing Bend comeback to consoles cos there a fine studio.





A horror game without zombies could be interesting too but Syphon Filter would be my first choice. I agree though, main thing is it's nice to see Bend coming back to home consoles. I enjoyed the fantastic work it did on PSP and Vita and wouldn't mind some more Vita stuff from those guys and gals in future but they're much too talented to stay on just handhelds.



@Enobmah_Shards More of a sob story than a rant. Games like Fez and Rogue Legacy will keep the Vita going. The controls are not robust enough to support AAA action games. I never want to have to use touch for anything that requires responsiveness and timing, especially not on the rear of the console, where a I can't even see what's going on. The Vita has too many issues. Vita is also a dumb name. If they had named it PSP 2, it would have sold much more.

I'm  terribly sorry about that. It's just that we've seen indications from Sony that Vita will not get the games it deserves and they even betrayed us by saying no more AAA game, instead PS Now and Remote play are the only thing that can save the Vita? Pretty soon just like PS Mobile on android and what @Punished_Boss said in comment it is getting closer for Sony to pull the plug. Also just because Shahid hypes up a game that we like on his twitter account doesn't mean we will get a big game, we will likely get an indie made to be a game that appeals to people hypothetically .

So many people including Vita owners are sorely disappointed in the lack of support it is getting...

Oh dear god I haven't turned you to the dark side have I?

Topic: I mentioned this in another article but here goes...
PS4 will be the star of show, hosting new announcements and playable titles of highly anticipated titles. There could be a Powers/Wonderbooks successor, in which case that's a break for us all. They might show off the remake of the original Ratchet & Clank for their movie tie in. For PS3 it will be mentioned indirectly, but Sony don't have a lineup for it. There's something I should mention I can't remember what it is... Better pacing and more organised.

Vita! Right that... Um bundles likely Minecraft, unlikely Freedom Wars, reannouncements (did you know PS Vita has this many games coming to it?) and a port of an old title no one asked for, based on GC13. It could be worse, each year gets worse, GC12 was best for Vita.

[Edited by Punished_Boss_84]

"They played us like a damn fiddle!" - MGS5
"Finish your mission, prove your loyalty." - MGS3
"We could take a s*** on you from such a height, you'd think God himself has crapped on you!" - GTA: SA
Currently Playing: The Phantom Pain.

PSN: lengendaryboss


Hmm less of a prediction and more of a hope that a new Patapon is announced for the Vita as well as Gravity Rush 2 being shown.

PSN: mangaJman
SSBB FC: 1204-1132-2888
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PSN: mangaJman


Hmm less of a prediction and more of a hope that a new Patapon is announced for the Vita as well as Gravity Rush 2 being shown.

I second that


PSN: Jairo_MC | Twitter:


@Enobmah_Shards More of a sob story than a rant. Games like Fez and Rogue Legacy will keep the Vita going. The controls are not robust enough to support AAA action games. I never want to have to use touch for anything that requires responsiveness and timing, especially not on the rear of the console, where a I can't even see what's going on. The Vita has too many issues. Vita is also a dumb name. If they had named it PSP 2, it would have sold much more.

I'm  terribly sorry about that. It's just that we've seen indications from Sony that Vita will not get the games it deserves and they even betrayed us by saying no more AAA game, instead PS Now and Remote play are the only thing that can save the Vita? Pretty soon just like PS Mobile on android and what @Punished_Boss said in comment it is getting closer for Sony to pull the plug. Also just because Shahid hypes up a game that we like on his twitter account doesn't mean we will get a big game, we will likely get an indie made to be a game that appeals to people hypothetically .

So many people including Vita owners are sorely disappointed in the lack of support it is getting...

Oh dear god I haven't turned you to the dark side have I?

Topic: I mentioned this in another article but here goes...
PS4 will be the star of show, hosting new announcements and playable titles of highly anticipated titles. There could be a Powers/Wonderbooks successor, in which case that's a break for us all. They might show off the remake of the original Ratchet & Clank for their movie tie in. For PS3 it will be mentioned indirectly, but Sony don't have a lineup for it. There's something I should mention I can't remember what it is... Better pacing and more organised.

Vita! Right that... Um bundles likely Minecraft, unlikely Freedom Wars, reannouncements (did you know PS Vita has this many games coming to it?) and a port of an old title no one asked for, based on GC13. It could be worse, each year gets worse, GC12 was best for Vita.

Reannouncements of more Indies I suppose? I'm inclined to believe that Minecraft won't be a system seller for vita. I don't think we are getting anything first party exclusive of course, that I know for sure...

Edit:No western AAA games either!

[Edited by Enobmah_Shards]

PSN ID - EnobmahChoas
3DS Friend code - 4468-1036-4376
NNID - EnobmahShards
Check out my YouTube channel

PSN: EnobmahChoas | Twitter:

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