@Tasuki Jeez, I can understand you having bigger things to worry about than this place! Just to echo what others have said and hope the insurance company don’t throw up too much resistance.
"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig
@JohnnyShoulder Yeah, @Ralizah noticed it while updating the Review thread index that Arugula’s previous reviews had disappeared. I think I recall Arugula recently mentioning he was having some real life stuff and wasn’t gaming as much, but I’m not sure I’m remembering that correctly.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Arugula seemed a really genuine, understated and insightful guy, hopefully he’ll sort out any potential issues he may be having and return one day. I’m eventually gonna play Kingdom Come: Deliverance and hopefully I’ll not only like it at least half as much as he did… but get the chance to chat to him about it and thank him for the suggestion.
Don’t know how I managed to miss Arugula leaving, it’s a real shame. Glad to see they’re alright but sad to lose one of the regulars. Especially the man, the myth, the ‘-50 points due to transfers in our fantasy league’ legend.
@JohnnyShoulder@colonelkilgore@Th3solution@nessisonett Taking an extended break from gaming and thus from this forum for the time being, hopefully we can all have a chat again when Elden Ring comes out, if not, all the best and it's been nice chatting.
"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage
@TheBrandedSwordsman also, just so the opportunity doesn’t escape me, I’d like to thank you for your part in recently helping me deal with a very dark, but ultimately transformative, point in my life. It may seem insignificant but it’s not, you played a part. Cheers!
“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis
Topic: Goodbye/Vacation Thread
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