
Topic: Heaven or Hell! Fighter Central

Posts 61 to 80 of 80


Yea, there was a lot of lag that last match and It's taking a while to join with you right now.

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


Got Skullgirls. Not bad from what I played. Except that crazy enemy AI. Easy mode is not very easy...

[Edited by turtlelink]

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


In b4flame...

My gf and I were playing a few fighting games this weekend and finally tried VF5SD. Gotta say... I don't see what others find in it? It felt mega slow motion, hit detection seemed bizarre and controls felt odd. I talked to my friend up in Canada who does tournaments and what not and he told me that VF is supposed to be a "fight simulator" and that's what appeals to some people.

To be fair, I only played it for maybe 30 minutes with her and we moved on. It was the only game she beat me button mashing though... I'll probably give it a whirl some other time.. but I think I'm still more of a SFxT guy.

It took me about 30 hours to really 'get' VF so I'm not surprised 30 minutes doesn't do it for you. Take time to learn its less immediate depths and battle strategies and it'll get you, for sure.



Blazblue: Chrono Phantasm announced. Unlike the Continuum Shifts, it appears to be a major overhaul for the series, with new systems, characters, and a continued story. Not to mention some new backrounds and BGMs. The only problem seen so far: they've been hinting at 4 or 5 possible characters to become playable...and the 3 that were announced came completely out of left field. Kind of a bait and switch...


[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I still need to try out that series one day.

Persona 4 Arena came out today. Anyone getting it?

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


So yea, I got Dead or Alive Dimensions last month and it wasn't as good as I expected. Virtual fighter was more enjoyable imo.

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


I will! I'm not supposed to, but I'll take the heat, just this once. Just to play Darkstalkers.

Hell, if you're getting it, I might as well. It's always nice to have someone to play with.

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


Well, I'm currently downloading KoFXIII and it only cost me $5. Thanks for the other $10, Sony~
Can't wait to play this.

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


Guilty Gear Xrd coming to west this fall!
(Modes Detailed)

Arcana Hearts 3 Love MAX!!! also coming this fall!

Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma hits Vita next week!

Yatagarasu is also said to be coming soon, but we'll see.

I also still gotta pick up Ultra Street Fighter 4. It's a good year to be a fighting fan.

Also, did anyone else pick up Aquapazza and/or Skullgirls Encore?

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt

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