
Topic: Help me get a better Internet connection

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Over the last few weeks my Internet connection has got gradually worse to the point where I'm getting kicked out of online games very often. There hasn't been major changes to my living arrangements that would contribute to this (though I do live in a flat/apartment so there could be WiFi interference from that) so is there anything I can do?
To give you a better idea of my set up, my ISP is Virgin Media
My WiFi router is Virgin Media Super Hub 2
I used an speed test app and the latest numbers were my Ping was 14ms Download 1.20mps Upload 1.89 which seems accurate for what I've been experiencing.
A wired connection is out of the question because it would mean moving my PS4 from my bedroom to the living room (which is about over 20 feet away) it also means the WiFi signal has to go through a few walls.
I share the flat with one other person who has a smartphone for Internet use as well as an old laptop for occasional use.
While I have a tablet with WiFi always turned on, same as the smartphone. Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated.




My 'virgin' internet up until last week was a joke and the super hub 2 is one of the worst routers ever.

I have had the engineers out 5-6 times and the router changed on multiple occasions.

Here's something that really ruins speed on Virgin

1) if your neighbour or someone in close proximity also gets virgin your speed will plummet as the routers are all set to the same level. This happened to me.

2) The router Is terrible - if both the 2ghz and 5ghz lights are flashing that means the signal is intermittent. With my new router this hasn't happened for 2 weeks and the connection is great. The only thing flashing is the middle updown arrow which represents information moving.

3) You need 5mps upload speed minimum, anything less will result in terrible online gaming performance and your ping rating will be crazy high.

4) Whilst engineers ard there ask them to check the fibre connection. Early this year we have had a new section rebuilt from the road into my front garden as something had broken it.

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PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy: I'm going to look, at the possibility of changing the DNS Server that the router connect too. I've heard that can improve things and I would rather do that then call out an engineer or buy a better router.




@adf86: but at the same time, that can seriously wreck the speeds you get as well, it's happened to me previously when messing about. Fortunately, with our new flat the TV and router are right next to each other, so I'm generally getting near to the 40Mbps advertised by Sky.

I was looking at switching to Virgin, as I can get a much higher speed for the same price we currently pay, and their router can be no worse than the Sky one, which is honestly the worst I've ever seen. But now your comments have put me off a bit, as I've been with Sky for a couple years and never had to call an engineer once!

From 16/08/15 I’m going for sober for six months to raise money for the Princess Alice Hospice. Donations can be made here and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:

Wish me luck!


PSN: SteveButler2210


Never had a problem with sky or their router, l've been with them for year's and constantly get 40 meg, don't go wireless, wireless suck's. Fibre ofc.

[Edited by xMEADx]




@xMEADx: A wired connection, fibre or otherwise isn't possible, wifi is all I've got.

[Edited by AdamNovice]




I did a server benchmark test but apparently the one Virgin picks up is the best, so it looks like I may have to get a new router and hope it improves performance because at the moment games like Destiny are becoming unplayable.




@adf86: yeah if you're restricted to wireless then I think a new router is your only option. Do your research though and you should be able to get a good one for a decent price, which I reckon could do wonders for you.

@xMEADx: True I've had absolutely no problems with anything since going wired, but for wireless their router is abysmal, especially back when I lived in a much larger place with more walls in the way of things. Either way I'm still considering investing in a new router anyway, as theirs is pretty poor for Remote Play. From what I can tell, a newer router which offers 5GHz should hopefully eliminate this issue.

Edit: if anybody has recommendations of a good cheap router for remote play, I'm all ears. I have a 40Mbps fibre connection, but even sitting in the same room as my Sky router I experience visual pixellation and lag fairly frequently on my Z3 (vita is marginally better, but not by much). I'm given to understand that while I'm at home my internet speed shouldn't affect things, as it's all done on the home network, so as my PS4 is hard-wired to the router all I can think of is that the router is where my problem lies. So yeah, looking for any suggestions of a router which is likely to give me no lag and a perfect stream with quality and framerate on the high settings!

[Edited by SteveButler2210]

From 16/08/15 I’m going for sober for six months to raise money for the Princess Alice Hospice. Donations can be made here and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:

Wish me luck!


PSN: SteveButler2210


1. Routers including my own needs to be upgraded for the faster services. Modems also could be upgraded. Like I have an 60MB per second modem but the service is 2MB per seconds. For HD content I need an 10MB per second modem.

3. What matters most is privacy. Take the early wireless connections that allows random bouncing, which creates a sort of privacy, or an cable connection where everybody shares the same connection. Because more and more people uses Wireless internet they destroy that haystack. Leaving the normal net open to predators, like your government.

4. You want to pay $50 for wireless, service so you can stream youtube from around the globe. There are tons of Portable Hotspot devices for that. However these routers only have 2MB service mostly, while an upscale service is plug in wall. Because to achieve an faster signal you need more electricity.

5. Your game console is not designed to be wireless. It is an kids toy. Having it wired is better for everybody in the household. Only reason I have anything wireless is because of the uneducated people in the household demands it. I want I want. I would just do the phone wire thing all over the house like it should be.

Checkout GaMEr TrEcK dot com


OK SitRep: Last week I bought a NetGear WiFi signal extender which I plugged in my room right behind the TV, and while my PS4 is consistently telling me that I'm getting an average of 7.00MB download and 2.5 MB Upload there are still issues, playing Rocket League online was always lagging and Destiny too while occasionally getting kicked out of matches. Meanwhile the web browser after a few pages just refuses to load despite me still having a connection. the friends list just doesn't show at times and I can forget about trying to get on the store after 5 minutes of the system been on, I've tried moving the extender else where but doesn't seem to do much difference. Anything else I can do? I've also heard of something called Powerline adapters which might help, can anyone tell me if this is true?




I have Virgin, and I have 60mbps download speed. You should just get a wire. I have one going to my attic bedroom, and the connection is great for online play. You can get one on Amazon for like £3. If your using wireless it's always going to be inconsistent.


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