
Topic: Lens Flare In Gaming

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Odd subject but something I was thinking about earlier, what are everybody's thoughts on the inception of lens flaring/ lens flare effects in gaming. I appreciate the added cinematic quality it can give a product but considering this is/was an unwanted light image, is it valuable to have in games? I recently noticed it in Danganronpa 2 and heavily in Metal Gear Solid V. In Metal Gear it tends to be used as a technique to draw the eye to a particular location/object, while in Danganronpa it is purely style/cosmetic. Any thoughts/opinions?

PSN: ClayDavis83



Clay_Davis83 wrote:

Odd subject but something I was thinking about earlier, what are everybody's thoughts on the inception of lens flaring/ lens flare effects in gaming. I appreciate the added cinematic quality it can give a product but considering this is/was an unwanted light image, is it valuable to have in games? I recently noticed it in Danganronpa 2 and heavily in Metal Gear Solid V. In Metal Gear it tends to be used as a technique to draw the eye to a particular location/object, while in Danganronpa it is purely style/cosmetic. Any thoughts/opinions?

I, simply, like it Having said that I dont like rain drops on the screen/water running down the screen, frost building up around the edges, screen cracking, etc.

Go figure!

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Yea rain drops can be annoying when over used. You play metro? I throught the mask cracking effect was at least thought out.

PSN: ClayDavis83



I'd like to see raindrop effects, it'd really help make the mood, especially if there was a remake/sequel for a game like Heavy Rain where you can feel tense moments, the environments would help immerse us. Even better if it were first person (or Morpheus).

PSN: Ultranomnom

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PSN: Ultranomnom


Clay_Davis83 wrote:

Yea rain drops can be annoying when over used. You play metro? I throught the mask cracking effect was at least thought out.

Oh yeah that was great, but I guess that was the mask not the lense. Looked very nice tbh.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Lens flare I like, but raindrops on the screen really annoy me though. When was the last time it was raining and suddenly you were actually able to see the raindrops landing on your eyes and running down? Never, that's when, and it should be the same in games. I don't think I have ever found it to increase the immersion, just obscure what you're actually supposed to be doing. The only time I guess it's more acceptable is in something like Driveclub if you're in the cockpit cam view.

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PSN: SteveButler2210


Red jam call of duty.

In metroid I remember the frosting of the mask which was class, in elite dangerous the screen starts heating up and its really fun. In racing games its horrible, just like the real thing.

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PSN: mc_noisy


themcnoisy wrote:

Red jam call of duty.

In metroid I remember the frosting of the mask which was class, in elite dangerous the screen starts heating up and its really fun. In racing games its horrible, just like the real thing.

Could not agree more about it in racing games. I understand the desire for simulation but c'mon.

PSN: ClayDavis83



I quite like lens flare myself. I agree that sometimes it can be a little too prominent and distorts the image, though. My biggest post-processing peeve in games has always been the 'noise' filter. I hate the way games like Mass Effect just look horrible and grainy. I believe you can turn it off, and I always tend to.

Having said that, I thought it was handled nicely in The Order: 1886.


@get2sammyb glad to hear that it is handled well in The Order. I have been waiting for a price drop to check it out.

PSN: ClayDavis83



I have no problem with Lens Flare in gaming in general. The odd one or two can be out of place but overall it adds to the cinematic presentation. Its not always unwanted...

I do find that screen effects, like water running down or the frost creeping in from the edges annoy me too - particularly the water one. As some have already said, it's unrealistic in most situations - obviously not in a cockpit of a car view. I guess the freeze and blood etc is often used instead of an unrealistic health bar. I would rather have these on screen effects though than 'water'

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

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I do like lens flare in games but there are sometimes where it goes to far as much as I love MGS V Ground Zeroes it did have over the top lens flare


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