I’ll echo those sentiments, merry Christmas/festivus and a wonderful and prosperous 2024 to you and the team @antdickens more excellence this year as per! 👍
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ive been hanging out at my sister's place spending christmas with her and my nieces. they just got one of those Oculus game goggles thingy which is pretty neat.
that and watched the Dune 2020 movie on their netflix and Rise of the Guardians again which my sister likes
Merry Christmas. i got that new Atari Classic from my sister and my nieces this morning.
it has old Atari, Atari 5200, and Atatri 7000soething and Atari Arcade games. and a couple of tshirts which are a Friday the 13th Camp Crystal Lake and a Nintendo tshirt and my stocking had stuff in it from beef jerky, a bottle of barq's root beer and the usual chocolates
Topic: Merry Christmas...
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