
Topic: Product placement in games...the future?

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We very often hear about budgets for so called AAA games with some very questionable business decisions on DLC practices and platform exclusive content. The reason for this is the publishers are trying to earn back as much as it can to justify it's bloated budgets. But is there another way for publishers to earn significant financial backing without strong arming consumers? That's where product placement comes in. Now it may sound gross but let's think about it, imagine the beginning of Uncharted 2 (not the train, the scene after) Drake is sat at a table, drinking a beer while discussing the plans for an upcoming mission. What if that beer bottle had a Budweiser logo on it? As long as it's not intrusive or Drake makes reference to it then it's not bad, after all we don't think twice about it when it comes to sports games. Of course product placements can get out of hand because publishers are by definition greedy but if certain games had product placements that made sense and weren't intrusive then it could be a way for publishers to get some additional financial backing in making games without (hopefully) peddling to consumers over buying season passes before the game isn't even out or at the very least not having microtransactions for paid products. What are your thoughts?

[Edited by AdamNovice]




Could work:



Product placement isn't bad at all as long as it's not overtly focused on. I may love Pepsi, but I don't want to see it everytime I look somewhere in a game. Just have it in the background, like bill boards and whatnot. It's fine as long as it's subtle.

I also think the setting has to make sense. I remember everyone going nuts when FFXV had an actual outdoors company's logo on the gang's traveling gear. I personally excuse that one, but it would be kinda weird if you saw modern companies in a fantasy setting.

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PSN: HeartBreakJake95


It's an interesting idea. Advertising in games did become a thing at one point - I remember Obama paid to put virtual billboards in Burnout Paradise to expand the reach of his 'Yes we can' campaign to a totally different audience.

I'm not overtly against it, but it must be very difficult to get right. The scenario you outline with Budweiser would probably be fine, but how much would one shot in a cut-scene really make? Would it be worth the negotiating efforts? I'm not so sure.

Obviously product placement in sports games is essential because it adds to the authenticity... I'm not so sure how well it would work in fictional games, personally. There are some outstanding examples, though - Crazy Taxi is a worse game when you're not dropping people off at Tower Records (RIP) and Pizza Hut, for example!


If it's done reasonably like you said, it's a good thing. It helps funds these big budgets. It could possibly even add to some games by adding real things that make sense in the game world.



I'll support product placement... even sponsored games

PSN: Fertheseeker


I don't care about 'product placement' if its handled well. Like people said it has to be 'fitting' and not excessive. On the other hand though I do like the creative ways developers parody real world brands - like Fallouts Nuka-Cola...

I can't see how product placement would work in a lot of games though with their setting. What products would work in games like the Witcher, Hellblade or For Honour? What about games like Horizon: Zero Dawn - set 1000 years after an apocalyptic event and corporations look to have been destroyed. I guess you may see he remnants of these but with all the weathering and way nature has reclaimed much of what was left, I doubt much would have survived

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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Unless the advertising is blatantly over the top.. as in...

"Lets kill the giant, ooh you smell nice, what is that?
"Its Brute.... for men.. "

And then you get a perk for using it... then i don't see a major issue tbh. Some things work well, the whole "Burger King" in Fight Night was blatant but didn't negate from play-time or the game. so yeah, if done correctly, no problem..

Although i do miss Cool Spot and Fido Dido....

I stood there chattering in excitement, like a necrophile at a bus crash....


Super Monkey Ball has the best product placement ever.

Dole Bananas

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


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