
Topic: 🎃 PUSH SQUARE GAME CLUB 🎃 | 💀 Halloween Double Feature 💀

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@Hogs-of-War-General @Khwarezm89 @Tjuz @sorteddan @LtSarge and anyone else who’s played / is playing Little Hope —

My final thoughts are posted above, but I do wonder does anyone know what downloading the “curator cut” means? I downloaded it, and I assume the version I played had whatever special cut scenes baked in, or is it something else separate? I don’t see any option in the menu to play a separate “curator cut”. Perhaps it’s only for multiplayer?

Also, even though the credits rolled, my PS5 still shows my completion for the game at 90%. I guess that’s because of all the parts of the game I didn’t see because of my choices? Is that what you’re seeing.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Congrats for surviving the night and making it to the end. Curators cut is unlocked once you finish it once, from what I read just just changed which character you get to control at certain parts. Yeah my home screen still read 90% after I had completed it as well.

I just finished a Movie Night playthrough where I killed off all the characters because... Because it's just what I do. Much quicker as you don't have to explore and have fewer characters to control as the game goes on.

As for your question... My interpretation was that Mary was not significant as Anthony only imagined her as the double of his dead (foster?) sister, Megan, due to schizophrenic trauma induced by returning to his home town. Similarly everything that we saw happened in the olden days witch trial part was purely delusion fed by old stories and the town history. All that really happened in the game was bus driver Anthony wandered round town in his fantasy and occasionally bumped into Vince.
At least the reveal answered my problem of how their phone batteries lasted so long!

Just exited to home screen and it now says 95% so dunno what the other 5% is!

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@Th3solution As far as I remember, I believe the curator cut is simply the game but from the "other perspective". Since co-op means that you and your co-op partner are both playing different characters and experiencing different scenes at certain points in the game, it means there's basically two different viewpoints from which you can play the story. In singleplayer, you're obviously just playing one of them (and I'm not sure which is the default? Do you still get to choose which character you want to start the game as?). With the curator cut enabled, you're simply playing the game from the perspective your co-op partner would if you had played in that mode. It does mean there's entirely different scenes, you'll be on the opposite side of certain conversations and there'll be different choices to make entirely as far as I know. I imagine it feels quite different, so if you enjoyed the narrative enough to be intrigued to see a different side of it I'd recommend giving it a shot.

I'm sorry to hear your characters all dropped like flies towards the end! If I remember correctly, we only got Taylor killed (which was my fault). I tried to shoot the tongue when she was attacked by one of the monsters, but the game wanted me to shoot the head and I did not have enough time course-correct when I realised. Upsetting to hear that you got Angela killed... but it must not have been a big deal to you as I remember you not enjoying her so much. I don't think any ending really follows up on Mary's significance, which is another problem I have with it. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it for what it is, but it simply felt so anticlimactic to me for it to be just a "it was all in his head" type of ending. Kind of made all the choices I made feel ultimately pointless, since it all just comes down to two different variations of what happens to the real Andrew which are hard to consciously try to affect when you don't even realise that's what the game is doing.

I think your shared criticism in the dialogue system and the characters' inconsistency is a hard one to avoid with gameplay like this. If anything, I feel like playing it in co-op exacerbates the whole issue since you're both in control of character reactions throughout. At least in single-player, theoretically speaking, they should mostly adhere to the traits you've given them and the relationships you've built with each character through the course of the game. House of Ashes I would say in particular is the worst, and funniest, with this since there's a couple of characters who have a... complicated romantic relationship who you can just have absolutely nonsensical conversations with. One will start out trying to forgive the other, the other could then follow that up with pushing them away to which you could respond angry followed up the other suddenly being nice and starting to reminisce about the nice times you've had. It's probably the easiest example I can think of where this dialogue system just completely drops the ball in how it allows you to have conversations that go all over the place emotionally in an off-putting way. Though I gotta say, my co-op partner and I had a blast and laughed our butts off playing their relationship exactly that way just because we could. It was entertaining if not particularly well thought-out.

And yes, I believe your shortage of full achievements must be thanks to you only playing one side of the story. I've only played these games on PC, but there's definitely achievements that are locked to playing the game in a certain way which I would imagine are impossible to achieve on your one playthrough. I personally never had a 100% rating in any of these games either. I'm not sure if the achievements are the same across platforms though, since looking at my achievements for Little Hope I only ended up finishing the game at a measly 33%. Not sure if that's co-op affecting the statistics or us just not maxing out enough traits or whatever.

@sorteddan An "everyone dies" playthrough is kind of funny to play. I accidentally did this with one of my friends when I first played Man of Medan. There, the game just kind of ended when we just had one character left. There was like at least a quarter of the game to go if we hadn't gotten everyone killed, but instead when the game realised there's only one character for us to control still, it just created a quick exit for that character to get out alive. Presumably because with one character they didn't want to continue a co-op game where one person would just have no character. I would've assumed maybe they'd do it the local co-op way where they then just simply have you switch controllers, but they just went for the easy out instead. Understandable, but kind of hilarious when twenty minutes earlier the characters have absolutely zero clue about how they should be getting out of this predicament only for a convenient exit to show up just as everyone but one is dead.



@sorteddan Oh, that description makes some sense about the ending. I must have missed that one detail about Mary.

@Tjuz Thanks for your input. I understand the idea of the curator’s cut now and how it relates to the multiplayer. It’s kind of like playing Route B after finishing Route A, like in the Resident Evil games playing as Leon and then as Claire through the same game.

But at the beginning of solo play, no, you don’t get a choice of who to play as at the start. The game dictates who you control and it jumps around often to include all five characters, roughly equal time with each although it’s clear from the start that Andrew is the main focus. His face is on the game cover art after all.

I don’t know if I’ll return to the game and see the different choices and different points-of-view just yet. Maybe later. I’d rather spend my time now playing the other entries. Might do Man of Medan next, but I don’t know.

Oh, and the 90% I ended with isn’t my trophy percentage, it’s the game completion percentage that shows on the PS5 Home Screen when you select the game, you know how the PS5 now can track your progress toward the game’s completion, as well as the progress within even certain missions in the game. Even sometimes telling you how much time is left in a certain mission.

I ended the game with a measley 26% trophy completion. 2 golds, 1 silver, and 4 bronze.

And that’s interesting that you had the option to shoot the tongue to help Taylor. At that point in the game, since my Andrew accidentally shot Angela, John grabbed the gun from me and threw it into the woods. So I didn’t have any option to save Taylor. It was like a snowball effect where losing one character made me lose the other. But yeah, I didn’t mourn over any of these characters. They were all dispensable to me. 😂

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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