
Topic: Push Square Game Club Spooktacular: Resident Evil 4

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@RogerRoger ahh sweet. Glad that it sounds a bit addictive, I was worried it was going to be one of them that kind of gets left for a few days to take a breather due to difficulty or something

Are you doing classic mode then or just a normal difficulty?

See ya!


@RogerRoger glad your enjoying it. Yeah, something about that race was just so well done. Great period setting.

#deraufrichtigstejรคger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


@RogerRoger ahh fair enough. If you had said classic then it would have convinced me to play it on classic. As it stands, I didn't actually any need more convincing and started playing it on classic today anyway ๐Ÿ˜…. Ive only done the first two chapters so far though. I was surprised at how short they were!

As soon as the opening cutscenes started, I got an immediate hankering to watch the Godfather trilogy! I last watched it like 2 years ago so not even that long but I normally end up watching them every 5 years or so. I love those films

I should add that the speed limiter is a god send for staying at the speed limit without having to hover your trigger finger!!

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


So it's a hard nope for me on the classical difficulty because of the checkpointing. Being sent back to the start to drive to the mission and maybe do multiple phases of some mission to die at the end and do it again just doesn't fit with really narrative heavy games for me. Speaking of which, I'm nearly halfway through already! I can see why you you finished it already @RogerRoger, the pacing is great, the story/writing has been pretty good so far and it's so easy to say just one more chapter.

[Edited by R1spam]

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


@R1spam @RogerRoger the big thing I recall regarding the classic difficulty was ammo preservation. Enemies were real spongy unless you got a head-shot... and if you reload with bullets still in the clip you lose them.

That and the race during Chapter 5 was real tricky on classic.

#deraufrichtigstejรคger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


@RogerRoger yeah, having to be extremely measured and careful definitely added a good few hours on to the play-time I'd imagine. Still really enjoyed it though... and yeah the race was very exhilarating on classic. After the first few attempts I was sure that there was just absolutely no way I'd be able to finish first but I got there in the end.

[Edited by graymamba]

#deraufrichtigstejรคger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


@colonelkilgore @Roger@Roger when I read the difficulty description it referred as being back to the original difficulty and assumed they didn't have multiple checkpoints but have just looked it up and it seems they have added these in ๐Ÿ™ˆ maybe it's just health, damage and police aggression/triggering.

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


I swear Iโ€™ll be starting this soon, I just have 110GB of Assassinโ€™s Creed Odyssey that I really need to get rid of and I only have the two DLC episodes left!

Plumbingโ€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@RogerRoger it's funny, I've barely noticed any red lights. There's been a couple though. I have been driving very conservatively because I am aware of the Draconian rules but I think I am being more conservative than I need to be and I'm not really familar with the 1930s New York Highway Code lol.

I've been driving over tram lines because we can do that here (at least in the towns I've been to that have trams). I can barely see any give way road markings and it seems a bit random whether the AI cars give way at all anyway to be honest! Driving on the right hand side of the road is throwing me off a bit.

I'm on the bit where you have to sabotage the race car and it's really tough to get it back to the race track in time. I think the race will be the next thing to do or at least very soon.

@R1spam I was going to say that about checkpoints as I discovered it today but seems like you've found it out already! I've just been transported back to the beginning of the segment on failure rather than the beginning of the whole chapter.

See ya!


I've finally made a start on Mafia, and picked Classic difficulty. I also picked Manual gear transmission just for the fun of it.

So far, it's pretty good. I did the first 3 chapters as they were fairly short. I'm enjoying the 1930s gangster setting, and look forward to seeing how the story unfolds.

It didn't take long to suffer from a glitch though. Hopefully it's just a fluke, and not a sign of things to come.


@crimsontadpoles Almost looked like you were playing Bioshock Infinite for a moment there!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@ralphdibny I think I'm just still scarred from a recent playthrough of gta4 with no checkpoints! How did you get on with the race? I played on normal and was OK but it seems like it might be brutal on classic.
@RogerRoger I'm really enjoying the game but very rarely replay anything. I'm not a trophy hunter at all. I really like when a set of trophies encourages you to play the game differently or use game systems you might not have otherwise used.

[Edited by R1spam]

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


@R1spam ahh haven't done the race yet ๐Ÿ™ˆ. Probably won't get time to crack on with it until the weekend/early next week now.

GTA 4 with no checkpoints! That sounds really hard. I don't think I ever finished that game in the end. Same with V actually. Despite owning both games twice on different consoles ๐Ÿ˜…. My favourite is GTA 2 and I generally prefer the top down ones, the change to 3D was too much of a shock to my system lol. I have finished Red Dead Redemption (PS3) though

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


I did the race. It was very tricky on Classic with Manual transmission, but I was determined to do this notorious challenge. Probably took me about a couple of hours worth of attempts, but I having so much fun that I lost track of time. It was quite additive, as I kept wanting to do one more attempt.

@R1spam I haven't noticed checkpointing being that bad on Classical. Checkpoints seem to be fairly frequent. I've failed a lot, and it always just puts put me back to the start of the current objective. It hasn't made me repeat any long drives or anything.

@RogerRoger Thanks for the audio glitch warning, I'll bear that in mind once I get to Great Deal chapter. As I tend to use headphones when playing late in the evening, I'll turn down the volume there to avoid my eardrums getting blown out.


@crimsontadpoles @RogerRoger I actually had a glitch in an early cutscene of the game. I feel like I've seen it before though so it must have either happened in the original (unlikely?) Or a similar glitch has happened in another game (more likely)

But one of the two mafiosos that you drive around at the beginning that show you into the compound. One of them had black marks all over their face and I kind of just thought that he had a lot of birthmarks or something. But then I actually saw through one of these marks to the other side of his face. I guess two marks on either side of his face lined up exactly and allowed me to see through it. But yeah, it was just bits of his face missing!!

Manual transmission though! I think that might just be too realistic for me ๐Ÿ˜…

See ya!


Well I've just seen the credits role, I really enjoyed the writing! Won't post spoilers, even with tags just now but combined with good voice acting it hit me in the feels in the end. I came across a few bugs, one in particular when I was meant to "whack" someone in another crew and instead of running away they got stuck in the back of a cafe. I emptied a whole tommy gun clip into their head, blood flying everywhere, the guy just kept on standing. When I reloaded the check point there was like 15 mins of elaborate chase sequence after where I caught up with the guy the first time!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


Woohoo! Just about managed to photo finish the race on classic mode. Took a couple hours to get it down. I made heavy use of the ramming manoeuvre to take corners tightly and also I took a lot of shortcuts across grass and through hay bales. I had the car in second place hooked on my back wheel as I crossed the finish line!

When I was looking up tips for beating the race, it actually sounds like this definitive edition is a bit different than the original in more ways than I thought. A Wikia page was saying that the driver switch happens over the phone while you are at the compound in the original but in this one it takes place whole your gassing with the boys at the track and the consigliere informs you in person

@R1spam well done on beating the game! Sounds like you enjoyed it for the most part. Much gratitude for not posting spoilers. I'm hoping to take my first few steps past and finally progress further than the point I've been stuck on for the last 19 years ๐Ÿ˜….

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


I've been playing some more, and completed the chapter The Saint and The Sinner. That was a very tough one on Classic difficulty, and took me a lot of retrying from checkpoints. Enemies deal a lot of damage, and are very accurate with their shots. Plus I don't play a lot of shooters, so I'm probably not as good at gunfights as other players. But overall it was satisfying to complete it.


Finally started playing since Iโ€™ve polished off AC Odyssey. Playing in Noir Mode which looks incredible! I watched my mum play in colour so thought Iโ€™d see what it was like in black and white.

Plumbingโ€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.

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