
Topic: Push Square Premier League Fantasy Football (soccer) ongoing seasons

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@nessisonett Long way to go yet 😄. Certainly beginning to look like finding the budget for Haaland is a necessity though.


PSN: leejon5


Holy Moly I just had a look and was top of the league!!!
Though I'm fully aware the gameweek is not over and I won't be by tomorrow night.
Still... Holy Moly.

And yeah that Erling bloke is a bit good isn't he? I think they mentioned during commentary that he now has more goals than games played in the Premier League.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Well hey, at least Palmer got an assist. Still though, another dreadful week. Thankfully a good result from the Old Firm, with Big Joe Hart and Christoph Waltz watching on 😂

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Just wondering, does anybody know how the player price increase/decrease works. Is it based on a certain number of transfers of a percentage of active players buying/dropping someone. I know when lots of people rush to drop an injured player their value goes down by 0.1 or 0.2m but unsure if it needs to be a specific number of managers e.g. 0.1m for every 100,000 who sell or something.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Yeah I've never known the exact math to it either. For a long time I thought price changes were due to the player's performance. It was only a couple of seasons ago I discovered it was down to how much players are transferred in/out making like it share prices. It had an affect on how I did my transfers.
For a long time I would leave making changes to my team until a Friday evening in case a player got injured in training or a mid-week game but I learned that was playing a part in why my team value was so slow to increase. If I took out a player that a lot of other players had done sooner the value had dropped by the time I did it. Since I've started making changes early (sometimes while a gameweek is still in progress) I've certainly seen improvement in the value of my squad.
Anyway I don't think the exact calculation is public but it's probably something like your example.


PSN: leejon5

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