
Topic: R.I.P. Ralph Baer

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Sadly the videogame industry lost a true legend today with the loss of Ralph Baer at the age of 92. For those that don't know, he created the Magnavox Odyssey the world's first home videogame console.  He worked for many years before that as an engineer looking at ways to play games on a TV. Baer was also responsible for the gameplay concept that would eventually become the first superstar of videogames...Pong. Thanks the to the reasonable success of the Magnavox on it's release in 1972, it paved the way for others to make games consoles of their own, the most successful of course was to be Atari with the 2600. Ralph Baer became known over the coming years to many (myself included) as the "Father of videogames". My condolences go out to his entire family at this tough time. R.I.P. Ralph Baer.




R.I.P. He did good work back then. A true gaming legend.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


Yeah, I heard about this a little while ago.

A true loss; Ralph was always such a likeable guy, and he never showed any arrogance or obnoxiousness that is normally associated with gaming pioneers.

A legend forever! RIP.

Nintendo Network ID: KrissB

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