
Topic: The Best Things About Christmas.

Posts 1 to 20 of 41


A couple of things for me, apart from family gatherings.... Lemon and Orange slices with that pretend little cherry in the middle and navel oranges - I love them. No pips and they're sweet/sour and juicy.

You ?



Pretty much everything… just the best time of every year.

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


Best thing for me is a couple of weeks off from work so I can turn off alarm clock and sleep in - as God intended!

Where do you live?, if you don't mind me asking (Country/region is fine, I don't need home address)

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


1. Stay at home.
2. Play video games.
3. Continue my drawing project from my laptop.



I'll be spending Xmas with the in-laws this Xmas day but it'll be a sad Xmas for us this year as we just buried my mum's best friend of the last 42 years yesterday due to an aggressive cancer. She was like a 2nd mum to my sister's and I, although seeing the smiles and hearing the laughter of my niece's and nephews will surely cheer me up and gaming but most importantly quiet time with my Mrs.

Sorry for bringing the tone down of the topic. Hope everyone who celebrates has a great time and those who don't still have a lovely day!



As a severe case of an introvert, big family gatherings are actually kinda exhausting to me. Luckily, we don't really do big ones anymore, and my closest family lives very close (except my little brother, who moved to the UK and lives in Bristol), so I'll be fine
On the bright side - I usually don't have to work much between xmas and new year's and it's a good time for me to focus on my creative projects.



@Voltan I'm like that, grew up in a big family 3 younger sisters were a lot to deal with then added on top of that relatives at Xmas and other occasions. so I spent majority of my spare time hiding in my room with books, movies and games. I can only spend a few hours max with everyone these days as it's too loud and the kids all running around it gets exhausting.



@lolwhatno Thanks man. Yes she was always there for everyone, she'll be missed.



@Keith_Zissou Thanks we certainly will she liked to laugh after all she wouldn't want us all mopping about.

Been so long since I've read/watched LOTR I may need to revisit that soon, I also love mince pies but never really acquired a taste for Guinness, maybe need to drink more of it 😂

[Edited by MightyDemon82]



@MightyDemon82 My condolences. Hope you manage to enjoy Christmas / New Year in some capacity.

Christmas in our household is all about the kids these days. To be honest before we had the kids I was totally bah humbug about the whole thing but they've given it a new lease of life me. We don't go nuts on presents for them as I do want them to appreciate that some people aren't as lucky as we are. They are already getting excited though and I can only imagine what they will be like on Christmas Eve.

Apart from that it's going to be great to catch up with some friends and family if even just virtually. And of course it's a great time for gaming 😁



I will try but Boris is no longer returning my calls.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@render Thank you, I'll be surrounded by others and I'm sure my niece's and nephews will make it a good one. It's all about them anyway. 13 days off to enjoy gaming, reading and movies/t.v. from next Thursday so it'll be a good break!



ApostateMage wrote:

Pigs in blankets!

But if the sausage is a pig as it's made from a pig then why isn't the blanket, bacon also made from a pig, also called a pig? In which case it would be pigs in pigs.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@Sorteddan Pigs in Pigs actually just begets piglets. So it would be Pigs + Pigs = Pigs.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


No-one has mentioned mince pies yet, so I thought I'd drop that one in

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


A friend told me last week told me that people in some other countries were not aware that mincemeat and mince meat are not the same thing and therefore thought that we were putting cream on a meat pie as a weird British quick or something!

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

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