
Topic: What being a fanboy means.

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Who'd be a developer eh? Especially if you make a AAA exclusive for a console because it opens you up to two different sides of the spectrum, on one you have the staunch supporters of the console your making the game for. They will send endless tweets and forum posts praising the recent gameplay demo and how they buy into the dev's philosophy behind the project. And on the other? The equally staunch supporters of the competing platform who will relentlessly pick holes into any footage of said game that will give their favourite platform a "perceived" advantage with accusations of "downgrades, unoriginal gameplay, too short, too long" you know the drill. Now I refuse to deem these people "fanboys" because I've always felt it's ok to have a preference so long as you don't chastise others just because they don't share the same opinion or hound developers because they aren't or can't make content for our favourite platform. The media in some circles don't help matters of course with constant clickbait articles and videos which do nowt but inflame the comments section, I'll admit I've fallen for it myself. Now of course I'm PlayStation through and through and as much as I've praised many of the games that Sony have produced over the years but I also can't let them off the hook when they've got it wrong (Vita Memory cards, Driveclub launch etc) the only thing we can do is give praise where it's due, be critical of pubs and devs when the time calls for it, as long as it's not mean spirited. For me being a proper fanboy is appreciating the content that's on your favourite platform but to also not let it cloud your judgement and opinions.

[Edited by AdamNovice]




Being a fanboy means one thing, you're an idiot. Why bother obsessing over one company more than another. You are the one who misses out, nobody else.

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


I've always viewed a fanboy as someone who just really loves a work more than an average fan. A step above fans in terms of dedication to the work. It doesn't always mean that someone's a blind idiot.

For example, I like to think that I'm a Ratchet & Clank fanboy, as I've played almost all of the games, I own a shirt with Qwark's logo on it, and I really want those action figures and that statue on Gaming Heads. However, I don't just blindly love every single game in the franchise. All 4 One is fun with friends, but it isn't very exciting in single player. I liked the concept in Full Frontal Assault (or Q-Force in PAL regions), but it was short and had very little replayability. The original game may not hold up as well as the later games do. It may be my favorite series, but that doesn't mean I won't have any criticism from time to time.

Really, the whole "blind supporter that trashes everything that's not what they like" may be the popular definition, but I don't think it's the only one.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


DerMeister wrote:

I've always viewed a fanboy as someone who just really loves a work more than an average fan. A step above fans in terms of dedication to the work. It doesn't always mean that someone's a blind idiot.

For example, I like to think that I'm a Ratchet & Clank fanboy, as I've played almost all of the games, I own a shirt with Qwark's logo on it, and I really want those action figures and that statue on Gaming Heads. However, I don't just blindly love every single game in the franchise. All 4 One is fun with friends, but it isn't very exciting in single player. I liked the concept in Full Frontal Assault (or Q-Force in PAL regions), but it was short and had very little replayability. The original game may not hold up as well as the later games do. It may be my favorite series, but that doesn't mean I won't have any criticism from time to time.

Really, the whole "blind supporter that trashes everything that's not what they like" may be the popular definition, but I don't think it's the only one.

Personally I'd say you're a fan of Ratchet and Clank (why I don't know, personally, but different horses and all that). Like how if you're a fan of Liverpool (or whoever) you watch their games, get the kit each year or whatever but don't always agree with every signing or decision made about your club. I'm a fan of Treasure and try to buy all their games but there are some stinkers in their catalogue.

A fanboy is what your popular definition says it is. And it's stupid.

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


rastamadeus wrote:

Being a fanboy means one thing, you're an idiot. Why bother obsessing over one company more than another. You are the one who misses out, nobody else.

Firstly thank you for suggesting that I'm an idiot and second, from the PS1 days I've never once owned an N64, Gamecube, wii, wii u or xbox and xbox 360 and never once have I felt I've missed out. All the amazing experiences I've had on PlayStation over the years make up for that, besides owning more then one console tends to leave you short of buying enough games for both systems.




rastamadeus wrote:

Being a fanboy means one thing, you're an idiot. Why bother obsessing over one company more than another. You are the one who misses out, nobody else.

I totally agree with this. I am not a Sony fanboy or Nintendo or MS. I am a video game fanboy which is why I have as many systems as I do.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


@rastamadeus I've heard it both ways really, and I've just kinda defined it from that. Maybe it's just me trying to make a positive from a negative, I dunno.

To me, the people who act like idiots I've never viewed as fans to begin with. I dunno what you'd call them, but acting like an immature ninny somewhat goes beyond the two terms.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


Tasuki wrote:

I am not a Sony fanboy or Nintendo or MS. I am a video game fanboy which is why I have as many systems as I do.

This is my thoughts on it too. Owning at least 2 of the main consoles allows me as a gamer to get any exclusive and the best of any deals too. If a game is releasing on one system with extra content (timed or otherwise) it means I can still play it. I have no allegiance to any brand - a console is just the device to play the games on.

After the initial outlay of purchasing a console though, there is very little additional costs involved. Obviously you have your extra subscription charge (PS+ and XBL Gold) but these can be bought relatively cheaply if you shop around and both combined if bought over a year actually work out cheaper than the monthly cost of each individually. Its unlikely that you buy the same games on both systems so it doesn't alter the number of games you can buy. It can help increase your library of games too as each console has it own sales.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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adf86 wrote:

rastamadeus wrote:

Being a fanboy means one thing, you're an idiot. Why bother obsessing over one company more than another. You are the one who misses out, nobody else.

Firstly thank you for suggesting that I'm an idiot and second, from the PS1 days I've never once owned an N64, Gamecube, wii, wii u or xbox and xbox 360 and never once have I felt I've missed out. All the amazing experiences I've had on PlayStation over the years make up for that, besides owning more then one console tends to leave you short of buying enough games for both systems.

As I've said above your comment though that doesn't make you a fanboy, just a fan of Sony so there was no suggestion of calling you an idiot. A fanboy is the extreme version where your Sony love (or whatever love) clouds your judgement on others. All these morons who say, for example, "Nintendo is crap because I have a Sony console!" are fanboys. You are not, you're a fan.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


Yes, for me blind allegiance is fanboyism. I love Nintendo games, but that won't make me avoid MS or Sony games if I am interested in them and can afford them.

I have a friend who loves Sony games but he says he would not play a MS game because "they are the enemy". THAT is fanboyism. He also says he likes Nintendo games but does not have a single Nintendo game or console. But of course he has both a PS4 and a Vita.

Last gen I had a Wii and PS3, this gen I have a Wii U, 3DS and I plan to get one of the other consoles. Choice will be made according to games available, not developers or companies. I am leaning towards the One because I have never owned a MS console, so I have missed on a lot of games and IPs. I will wait at least until 2016 before making that decision. I feel you need more than one console to have variety.

I will comment in this thread, never being able to find it again.


rastamadeus wrote:

adf86 wrote:

rastamadeus wrote:

Being a fanboy means one thing, you're an idiot. Why bother obsessing over one company more than another. You are the one who misses out, nobody else.

Firstly thank you for suggesting that I'm an idiot and second, from the PS1 days I've never once owned an N64, Gamecube, wii, wii u or xbox and xbox 360 and never once have I felt I've missed out. All the amazing experiences I've had on PlayStation over the years make up for that, besides owning more then one console tends to leave you short of buying enough games for both systems.

As I've said above your comment though that doesn't make you a fanboy, just a fan of Sony so there was no suggestion of calling you an idiot. A fanboy is the extreme version where your Sony love (or whatever love) clouds your judgement on others. All these morons who say, for example, "Nintendo is crap because I have a Sony console!" are fanboys. You are not, you're a fan.

My apologies I misunderstood your comment. Your right people can be idiots where they have this hatred for other platforms and it's wrong. The reason I don't buy another console is value for money. When I bought a PS4 I knew what I was getting, Plus backlog to play immediately, returning exclusive franchises I love. Pretty much a guarantee of a load of original new IP's and the majority of the best indie games on the console first. If I bought an X1 I'd think to myself "what would I play on it"? Halo? Sunset Overdrive, for their Isn't enough for to justify spending between £200 & £300 on a console when I feel it could be better spent on more games for the system I've already got.




I don't think there's anything wrong with focusing on one brand. I play 99 per cent of my games on PlayStation platforms, and while, yes, that means that I miss out on a lot of games on other systems — I also don't have the time to play everything that I want to on PS4, PS3, and Vita. For me personally, I value digging into the minutae on the PlayStation systems, rather than thinly spreading my interest across all machines.

Of course, there are idiots out there that treat video games like some kind of patriotic alliegiance. Those people are silly.


rastamadeus wrote:

Being a fanboy means one thing, you're an idiot.

Yup, nothing else needs to be said.



The funniest is when Microsoft and Sony fanboys go at it, because at the end of the day, both products are largely appealing to the same demographic! You can argue about policies or hardware, etc. But what PS owner would not love to play Halo or Forza Horizon? What Xbox fan would not love to play Infamous or Uncharted?



Focusing on one platform makes you a fan...

Considering everything else = bad makes you a fanboy => idiot...

It is funny for me to watch xbots and playdudes arguing on each other about "quality of games"... when they are almost 90% similar.... they are sooo childish....

More funny (and mind boggling for me) are certain Nintendo fanboys.... considering whatever new Mario bros Nintendo release a "marvellous innovation in the brand" and Nintendo "the only one who can instill true gameplay into its games", crying for lack of 3rd parties and then not buying a true gem like Bayonetta 2 and went crazy for a Dynasty Warrior transvestite like Hyrule Warrios....

[Edited by Tasuki]

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