
Topic: What Is Your Favourite Game of All Time?

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Still Dance Dance Revolution.



@RogerRoger It depends. I don't replay many games, but part of it is because I have so many other games to play that it's hard to commit to playing a game over again rather than playing something for the first time. I guess I have done it more over the last few years with replaying a few games on PlayStation that I had originally played on Xbox (and Horizon Zero Dawn before Forbidden West came out), but there are a lot of games I'll probably never replay.

As for the length of MGS4, I did not realize it was so short in comparison to 5. I just assumed since 5 is a very long game, but now I know. I am curious to see what my opinion of the game is now, but knowing it is a lot shorter than I thought should help make replaying it much more likely. I'll post about it when it happens at some point this year.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@RogerRoger You could be right. I would think it's possible that the length of 5 could be a part of that combination as well. It's impact and then the length of it's sequel could make you think it's similar when it reality it is surprisingly not. If I do replay it, it will not just be a quick run. I will want to experience plenty of it all over again since the game holds a very special place.

Prioritize sir, yes sir!

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@RogerRoger I know it was just a suggestion or whatever. It's fine. I know I would want to do more than just rushing through it though for a game that I hold in that high regard. It definitely wouldn't feel right.

That's what you're calling Quiet's boobs? "Easter eggs"? That's weird...

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@RogerRoger I mean, I guess. I made the joke and all. Dirty old man...

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386



Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@CJD87 I dont know if you saw it but during lockdown Jason Manford (A British comedian for anyone overseas) did a Broken Sword let’s play on YT and had Charles Cecil and Rolf Saxon on for an interview too. Really enjoyed that. I’d imagine it’s still on there



@Mikey856 Haha! I'm actually British, and a huge JM fan... have no idea why he did this?? Is he a point-and-click fan?
I'm all in for anything JM, and him playing through Broken Sword sounds amazing, will be sure to check it out.
So random, but I'm totally there for it



@Mikey856 Not keen on Manford, kinda like a poundland Peter Kay.

Favourite game ever - Tetris.

Edited on by Smiffy01



@CJD87 I’m pretty sure he goes on about how he hasn’t played it in such a long time so I’m guessing he’s a fan from his youth like all us saps. I did a search earlier but couldn’t find anything oddly, I’ll try again when I get more time.



1. Street Fighter Alpha
2. GTA: Vice City
3. Punch-Out
4. Outrunners
5. Crusi'n the World



Killzone 2 on PS3. The mighty wutz sniper clan on Pyrrhus Rise.



I am not sure if it would count since it isn’t playable on any PlayStation console, but for me right now, it would be Conker’s Bad Fur Day (N64, Xbox One). It’s pretty niche and not that well-known from how poorly it did commercially, and I only played it a few months ago.

I’ve absolutely gushed about this game a TON on Push Square’s sister sites, but I really am a fan of this game. It is pretty dated with the controls and camera system, not to mention the gameplay is repetitive at times, but I absolutely love it for its charm, how intentionally stupid it was, the large cast of strange characters, and how many twists and turns it takes with the story, gameplay, and objectives to surprise and shock new players. The humor might not be everyone’s cup of tea of course, since it focuses a lot on dark comedy, toilet humor (though it’s done intentionally to be juvenile) and makes a ton of suggestive references as well, but I didn’t mind it.

I also think it’s my favorite game of all time because of the time I played it. I won’t get into it here since it would make things too personal (not to mention I went over this on a Nintendo Life forum) but it really helped me get through a time where I was busy and had little time for fun. Despite being pretty lighthearted and raunchy, it had an important message at the end that really resonated with me because of some personal issues I had related to materialism and not appreciating what I already had. I just can’t stop thinking about this game despite completing it already

Edited on by Pastellioli

Viva happy!

Currently playing: Rare Replay and Perfect Dark

Playing soon: Perfect Dark Zero and Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

Current hyperfixation: Conker’s Bad Fur Day


GTA 4. Was arguably the best GTA so far in terms of story. The expansion packs were decent too. Played it through twice.

Edited on by ThinkDonald

Reach out to me if your into cool stuff.
Play,,, every day


@ThinkDonald I played GTA 4 so many times 😅 and apart from maybe that "chase the train" quest loved every moment each time.

It really is the exact way GTA should always be, and the fact that some people didn't like an eastern European protagonist was such a huge shame, as they missed out out on something special

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


The Mass Effect trilogy.

They are all brilliant in their own way, and I cannot decide between the three of them.

Frontier - Elite II.

Sank so much time into that game finding good trading routes, and just exploring. In its own way, Starfield is just as good.

Uncharted 2

All of the uncharted games are great. But number 2 just perfected the gameplay loop, and had such an engrossing story. And a great villain. After that, it became more of the same. No bad thing. Or, perhaps ‘too much of the same’. Sure, they are all good, but number 2 is just faultless.


PSN: matthewholland


GTA IV is my all time favorite game. It deserves a remaster.

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

RetroAchievements username: Yousef777



This is both hard and easy to answer. My immediate, twitch answer would be Final Fantasy VII. Yet, of the literally thousands of games I've played, dozens would stand shoulder to shoulder on the absolute top shelf.

This is by no means exhaustive as there'll be many that aren't even in my mind, but on that top shelf would also be Transport Tycoon, Championship Manager 2 97/98, Resident Evil 3 (original), Mass Effect 2, Skyrim, Super Mario World, Goldeneye, Wind Waker, Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid, Assassins Creed IV, NHL 2002, Dragon Quest VIII, Persona 4, it goes on and on and on.



The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


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