@hypnotoad ohhh tough question. I love ALL sweets. So here are two obscure treats I love;
Friars Fabulous Fruity
Monty Bojangles Dusty Choccies
Go out and grab some you won't look back!
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Quality street for me. Memories of my Dad obtaining a massive metal tin of them from some knock off nigel at work back in the day when they were about £15 a tin and huge and us all enjoying a couple of sweets a night. The small mass produced £4 plastic tubs nowadays are no comparison.
Always been a jellies/gummy kinda guy above chocolates… so anything Haribo for me, this year we’ve gone nuts for Haribo Sour Sparks, their awesome!
#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore
Topic: Your Favourite Tub Of Xmas Sweets.
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