
Topic: Most Wanted

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What are some of the most wanted games you'd like to see brought over to the PS Vita and why Vita? Here is my top 5 in no particular order:

1. Monster Hunter 3rdP (not Tri, kthx): Does this really need explanation? Easily my favorite game series of all time. It single handedly made the PSP what it is today basically. An HD version of 3rdP would be stellar (there is even a PS3 edition of it in Japan but not the USA due to online play issues and lack of trophies).
2. Payday: The Heist: lately I cannot get enough of this game. Me and my 'brother' have been playing this a lot and it never gets old. I even had to buy the Steam 4 pack for my girlfriend, brother in law, and coworker so we can play on PC. It would make a great game to play on the go because most Heists can be finished in about 5-15 minutes.
3. Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2: I've heard rumors of XIII-2, but can't find any solid details. I think the Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 battle system would translate VERY well to touch screen honestly.
4. Sonic Adventure 2: I beg for this game on any system that comes out. Vita won't be an exception. I consider this the best 3D Sonic game to date.
5. Untold Legends: These hack and slack games translate SO well on portable devices as the past couple PSP titles in the series have demonstrated. I know we get Dungeon Hunter Alliance, but it lacks a lot of the features and level of polish compared to the UL series (and $40 is way too much for a PS3/iOS 'port')

[Edited by NathanUC]

To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!


Maybe a new Monster Hunter game would be nice, but I'll take whatever

If we're talking ports though I'd really love a HD collection of MHG/MH2 (well that's more of a remaster than a port...), so even if it doesn't release here I could import it. I can't do that with the PS2 games since the PS2 is region locked D:

I really can't think of any other ports I'd like... As long as all the HD Collections on PSN are compatible with Vita (or have some kinda Vita version) I'll be fine.

[Edited by zezhyrule]

[15:36] Corbs: Vita rules - 3DS drools!

zezloggery | i haz youtube | PSN ID: zezhyrule

[23:11] Phoen...


I'd love to see Final Fantasy XI on the Vita, with upgraded resolutions and 3G so you can be online all the time, as well as maybe a Singleplayer mode for those with the Wifi model on the go. S-E has already suggested it, so here's to hoping.

Then there's Phantasy Star Online 2, or at least a Portable 3 with the same gameplay.

And of course I'd like to see Monster Hunter on the Vita at some point, Specifically a Portable 4/Freedom 4, which would be Monster Hunter 4 with more content. Hopefully the Gunlance will be back in full glory by that game.

Ratchet & Clank is an obvious one.

Lastly, this is odd, but I'd like to see a sequel to Invisimals. I think with all the kinks worked out, it could be a really fun game.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I get worried about Monster Hunter 4 to be honest. MH3rdP was built off MHFU for the most part, so it's nearly the same game mechanics, but MH3 (or Tri) was hardly a MH game at all. It was way too easy with far too little content (even MH1 on PSP had more content). A MH4 that builds upon and adds more to MH3rdP (Like MHFU was to MH2nd) would be nice, but I don't think it's probable.

Phantasy Star Online Ep 1&21 lost it's position on my list to Payday but it would be a solid 6th lol

To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!


MHP3 is the easiest game I've played, they fixed the horrible hitboxes from MHFU, and even improved them from Tri slightly. Also, MHP3 is built on a different engine from MHFU, and a lot of the weapons control completely different (including the GunLance which they ruined imo) and adopt some mechanics from MHT. MHT was lacking in content yes, but they wanted to start from a clean slate from that game which is why they only included 3 big monsters from any previous games.

I actually think a MH game with every single Monster from every game would be fun I know MHFU has like 80+ counting the minions, something like that would be nice.. Also it should be on the PS3 o_o (it would be the first game that's true HD, all the MH games currently out look the same pretty much)

Oh yeah um... on-topic... A R&C HD Collection would be awesome, we need one of those D:

[15:36] Corbs: Vita rules - 3DS drools!

zezloggery | i haz youtube | PSN ID: zezhyrule

[23:11] Phoen...


kingdom hearts collection with 1 re:chain of memories and 2

PSN Name


MHP3 is the easiest game I've played, they fixed the horrible hitboxes from MHFU, and even improved them from Tri slightly. Also, MHP3 is built on a different engine from MHFU, and a lot of the weapons control completely different (including the GunLance which they ruined imo) and adopt some mechanics from MHT. MHT was lacking in content yes, but they wanted to start from a clean slate from that game which is why they only included 3 big monsters from any previous games.

I actually think a MH game with every single Monster from every game would be fun I know MHFU has like 80+ counting the minions, something like that would be nice.. Also it should be on the PS3 o_o (it would be the first game that's true HD, all the MH games currently out look the same pretty much)

Oh yeah um... on-topic... A R&C HD Collection would be awesome, we need one of those D:

Off topic: I'm fairly certain MH3rdP uses a tweaked engine from MHFU. A lot of it was adjusted, but it's flow similar to MHFU. I've only played a couple missions so I don't know the difficulty (I couldn't read anything).

There is a HD edition of MH3rd for PS3 in Japan but not the US. US edition is held up by lack of trophies and because it uses Ad Hoc party to play online (US Ad Hoc Party doesn't have the update to support PS3 games atm).

One Topic:Other games I'd like to see on Vita:
Splinter Cell
Geometry Wars
Dead Island
Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing

To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!


Yes, the HD version is the only one I have. Again, it doesn't look any better than the other MH games because it wasn't built ground up for the PS3 hence why I said "true HD" instead of just a HD coat of paint on a PSP game.

And c'mon, 70% of the menus are pictures, another 20% is fairly easy to figure out without translating and the last 10% (mostly armor skills) can be figured out with an awesome translation site like Don't give up on such an awesome game, it's my favorite MH :3

[15:36] Corbs: Vita rules - 3DS drools!

zezloggery | i haz youtube | PSN ID: zezhyrule

[23:11] Phoen...

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