
Topic: My thoughts towards the Playstation Vita and our innevitable death....

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First, as of a couple weeks ago i wasn't really sure if i was even going to get a Vita.. A couple months ago, wasn't even in my mind. I had recently got a 3DS and loved it entirely.

Tuesday, i was walking by a Gamestop and asked how much i could get for my 360 and MW3.. He said $135 towards a Vita pre order. I said I'll be right back.

I honestly have to say that this thing is the most impressive piece of hardware i've ever seen. It's just an unbelievable little machine. I started Uncharted Wednesday and haven't really stopped thinking about it since. The graphics, the screen, the gameplay, and even the damn touch controls(which when i heard how they were implemented, was pretty pissed) are all fantastic, beyond so. I just can't believe we've made this much progress in our 'little' gaming world. What once was a weird, misunderstood, niche waste of time... has led to the creation of something i never would've thought was really possible, except in my childhood fantasies, but even then i wasn't aware how amazing it could really be.

The world today moves so fast, especially in gaming. People need to stop complaining about prices, cross your imaginary lines of tape and just look at what we've accomplished. It's really something special. We're all in this together, whether you consider yourself a 'gamer' or not... we're just stuck here on this rock, trying to pass the time... and this thing makes it a little bit better. How could that ever a bad thing?

----Just thoughts after reading all of the Nintendo Fanboyism/Douche Bag hate on random sites.....

[Edited by Dak_n_Jaxter]



The Vita is a wonderful little beast of a portable. I still remember playing it for the first time last year at E3. I knew right that sec on that I'd have that baby day one, even if I had to import it. I was lucky enough to get mine before Christmas so I got to enjoy it through the holidays, but in truth, I'm loving it now every bit as much as I did two months ago.

Plain old gamer :)


I don't do much with mine, and that's because I have ONE game.  My opinions will be here when LBPV comes out.

This signature is an awful waste of time


I was in the same boat; I purchased a 3DS on launch day last year, wasn't at all interested in the Vita. I too, was shocked at my sudden change of heart. I preordered a Vita last month, eagerly anticipating the system's release.

I wasn't as happy as I am for the Vita compared to the PSP; the timing seems perfect for Vita to prove dedicated handhelds are here to stay, instead of smartphones reigning as kings. The Vita has some great features, feels great in your hands and just makes sense. I enjoy the 3DS however, it seems like a small evolution in the DS lineup.

I really was not going to get a Vita, and here I am, awaiting its arrival in the mail... I bought 2 games a few weeks ago, along with screen protecters and a case. I cannot wait.

WII U ID: cyphid
3DS FC: 0130-2508-4092
PSN: cyphid

Games I'm Playing:
Professor Layton and The Unwound Future
Sakura Samurai Art of the Sword

PSN: cyphid | X:


The Vita is a wonderful little beast of a portable. I still remember playing it for the first time last year at E3. I knew right that sec on that I'd have that baby day one, even if I had to import it. I was lucky enough to get mine before Christmas so I got to enjoy it through the holidays, but in truth, I'm loving it now every bit as much as I did two months ago.

It's great to hear how much people are still enjoying it after having it for a while.... This hasn't always been the case for new handhelds...



I had 3DS since launch day, after playing a bit with it the ammount of "buts" was increasing and increasing. The very only good point about it for me is that is somewhat able to run Nintendo games. Vita is a totally different beast, they are playing in different leagues, it is like if you want to compare a GBA with a PSP.

Before its release some sources were pointing out that it was going to be as a portable PS3, something that I was always reluctant to believe. But after playing Uncharted GA I must admint that WOW if it is not like a PS3 it is really really close.


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