On gamingeverything, Sony Xdev has announced that The Hungry Horde is in the works for the PS Vita.
Work as a zombie zombifying humans to grow your horde of zombies. Minigames for zombie cha cha cha and a zombie playing an arcade game of a human defeating the zombies.
I hope this game will be well received by the looks of it.
PSN ID - EnobmahChoas
3DS Friend code - 4468-1036-4376
NNID - EnobmahShards
Check out my YouTube channel www.YouTube.com/user/EnobmahShards
"They played us like a damn fiddle!" - MGS5
"Finish your mission, prove your loyalty." - MGS3
"We could take a s*** on you from such a height, you'd think God himself has crapped on you!" - GTA: SA
Currently Playing: The Phantom Pain.
Topic: The Hungry Horde for PS Vita!
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