
Topic: What Vita Games Do You Currently Have Left to Get?

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What games do you guys still need to get as far as current releases you want go? I got about 6 or so games left to grab and play, personally:

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (Had it as a Playstation Plus game, now I want the cart)
Wipeout 2048 (Same as Zero Escape)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f
Sine Mora (I thought I owned this!!!)

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I'll get DoA 5 Plus at some point. Missed it during its last sale on PSN but I'm thinking it'll get another one eventually.




"They played us like a damn fiddle!" - MGS5
"Finish your mission, prove your loyalty." - MGS3
"We could take a s*** on you from such a height, you'd think God himself has crapped on you!" - GTA: SA
Currently Playing: The Phantom Pain.

PSN: lengendaryboss


Good Question. I still want Persona 4 Golden, Tearaway, and Dangonronpa. Sounds like a nice potential birthday.

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -Albert Einstein



Is that a JRPG import?

Thats cute, no games to purchase. Currently or otherwise.

"They played us like a damn fiddle!" - MGS5
"Finish your mission, prove your loyalty." - MGS3
"We could take a s*** on you from such a height, you'd think God himself has crapped on you!" - GTA: SA
Currently Playing: The Phantom Pain.

PSN: lengendaryboss


Might get that Curry Saga rpg, but im really looking forward to FFXHD next week!

PSN: Super-Silverback

PSN: Super-Silverback


Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (Had it as a Playstation Plus game, now I want the cart)
Wipeout 2048 (Same as Zero Escape)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f

Turns out I did have Sine Mora...on the PS3. It's not cross-buy like I thought.

Also added Luftrausers (because unless it's really cheap, I probably can't get it right now) and Gunslugs (not sure about this, but it looks neat).

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Too many

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Muramasa Rebirth
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Collection
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Deception IV: Blood Ties
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate
Mortal Kombat
Toukiden: The Age of Demons
Ys: Memories of Celcete
Virtue's Last Reward (My 3DS copy was lost after I loaned it out, so I'd like another copy for my Vita)
Dragon's Crown
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Dead or Alive 5
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Atelier Totori Plus
Atelier Mereru Plus
Sound Shapes
Super Stardust Delta
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack

[Edited by Ralizah]

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


I have too many I need to get though New Little King Story and Sorcery Saga have been ticked off the list this week.

Games Editor - Push Square

PSN: Ukfujoshi | X:


Ys, FFX/X-2HD, Toukiden aaand Muramasa Rebirth! Probably quite a few more, but I'm trying to restrain myself these days ;D


PSN: superconsole | X:


Sly Cooper Collection
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Dragon's Crown
Mortal Kombat

However, Borderlands 2 will keep me busy for a long while.

"Flame, dear, flame."

PSN: GrzzlyWzrd

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