
Topic: Your next Vita game

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What's the next game you're going to buy for Vita? Something that's already out, or are you waiting for a new release like Mortal Kombat or Resistance: Burning Skies?



Little King's Story 2, as soon as released in the West as well as Resistance.

While my immediate next games for Vita are, in fact, PSP ones through PSN. Had a PSP for two years and it is now that I'm discovering how many jewels this console has and how few of them are available today in physical media. Having almost 300 titles via PSN is really wonderful.



Mortal Kombat and hopefully that same month I'll be able to get either Little Big Planet or Resistance: Burning Skies as well.



Mortal Kombat depending on reviews, otherwise It'll be Resistance Burning Skies. I already have eight Vita games though, so yeah, for the time being I don't thing I need anymore! xD

[Edited by Blaze]


Definitely LittleBIGPlanet on PlayStation VITA.  After that, I'll maybe get a new game in a few years.

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Just a few off the top of my head:
Gravity Rush
Unit 13
Little Kings Story 2
Ruin (or whatever it's called now)
A bunch of PSN PSP titles.



Disgaea 3 on April 10th. Got the review code already in hand. Can't wait to take this bad boy for a spin.

Plain old gamer :)


I'm waiting for an update that'll let us play PSone games on the Vita.

Then I'm going to dig into some classic Harvest Moon.

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Think it might be uncharted:Golden Abyss. Hopefully the game will be cheaper soon.



I'm anxiously waiting for Sumioni to be released in Europe (or at least get an official release date).
I'll definitely also buy Reality Fighters, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus and Mortal Combat when I see some decent price drops.



When I get my Vita (hopefully soon), I'll be picking up Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Rayman Origins, and a PSN card to get Super Stardust Delta and Mutant Blobs Attack.

Then someday when my wallet refills I'll grab Resistance: Burning Skies and maybe Daxter from the PSN.

"Where are all the Sour Patch Parents?"


Got, played, and beat Mutant Blobs Attack. Loved it.

Zen Pinball 2 is next on my radar.

"Where are all the Sour Patch Parents?"


Just pre ordered gravity rush and burning skies.



I will definitely buy Littlebigplanet. I might buy Ruin. I'm trying most things from Gamefly. Hopefully they announce a Ratchet & Clank soon. What I really want are some multiplayer PSN games along the lines of Fat Princess and Might & Magic.

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Hoping to get Disgea 3 soon


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