
Topic: Games you've recently beat

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@nessisonett what you’re saying is indebatably (why won’t my phone recognize that word…?) the truth. I just felt they didn’t affect me much when I did the plat. I got all jobs to rank 20 to unlock all passive skills, but (and this might be faulty memory) I didn’t notice a substantial growth in stats. I felt only one job was needed to get to rank 99, and that I lost a lot of time grinding jobs I didn’t need to.

The TFMT also only took a few attempts, which adds to my belief. However, you are in your liberty to argue I may have gotten lucky. I did feel there were a lot of close calls. >.>

As for “main story”, sorry, but I’ll call it quits. I don’t believe my perspective is reliable on this one anymore, due to how I engaged with the game and how long ago it was (and my ignorance). I think a replay might be necessary.
(However, you make a valid point about three jobs at rank 50, that one I didn’t try. I should look into it. Maybe on an NG+ run)
Best of wishes.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


Ape Escape

Honestly I think I vastly preferred the second game to this.

It got a bit too long winded in the final areas for me (Especially Spike's park/castle that seemed to go on forever).

It was fun though and it looked rather nice regardless. Plus I did like the whole time traveling set up for the stages... Though there was perhaps too much spent on prehistoric settings.

Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters

... That sure is a PSP game. Only about 5 hours long and honestly is a rather throwaway experience. Not really worth talking about to be honest.

Jumping Flash

... A 3D, first person platformer with tank controls is certainly something.

It's only about two hours long but I did actually enjoy this a decent amount, especially conpared to R&C. I really liked the two labyrinthine dungeon crawler levels!

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow Good to see you’re taking advantage of your PS+ Premium account! 😄
Have you played any actual PS5 games yet?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@HallowMoonshadow I played Size Matters a couple months ago and absolutely hated my time with it! I’d platinumed the Ratchet series pretty close to that so it was like being exposed to a version of a familiar game that was worse in every way 😂

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Aside from Astro's Playroom and giving BG III & SMT V a little go @Th3solution? No I haven't... But hey with 3 months free premium I gotta work through a tonne of stuff I have downloaded before getting back to actual PS5 titles!

I didn't find it terrible in isolation from the rest of the series. It wasn't great either though @nessisonett. Some of the weapons, especially the shotgun like weapon felt very weak. Quark's inclusion was also rather random and forced.

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow >.> spots a familiar friendly face
Hi sis good to see you hope you been doing all well on this fine month !! :0
And awesome Yoruichi avatar!! I see you have great taste.
>.> spots a familiar game……..
Waoh, true to your word, you did get AE1, I hope you replay was fun. :0!!
Oh, and don’t worry there. The AE games are fairly known for gradually improving, likewise you’ll find 3 a step up over 2 (>.> although weirdly enough, 3 removed the mario64 dash jump, although most people don’t know it exists at all so maybe, plus yumi/sayaka is awesome so I can forgive it : DD)
>.> spots a familiar game, that’s familiarly not the best showcase of its franchise…
>.>As a gigantic RC fan, yeah don’t expect too much from Size Matters, it’s one of the rare games that peaks quite literally before it starts, with that subtitle and all.
Don’t let it persuade you from [re]giving the entire quadrilogy a chance, once they arrive on ps4/ps5…. >.> someday.
I truly believe it’s one of the extremely rare instances in gaming of a genuinely perfect quadrilogy. The PS2 was really knocking it out on all fronts.
Irregardless, I look forward to your sassy replies, I’ve been trying to catch sleep lately so not much been going on my end online, tbh. >.>
cherry cheers.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


Good to see you too @Yousef-.

Unfortunately I'd got a bit distracted from the forum being on holiday! (I'll also finally reply to your Undertale/music post later!!!).

It's been fine til this last week, being a pasty English lady means temperatures just over 20°C make me uncomfortable. I'm used to the cold and rain lol

And yeah I've been getting back into Bleach the past few days. Was a toss up between Yoruichi and Kukaku Shiba! I can't recognise your new avatar unfortunately!

I forgot to tag you in regards to Ape Escape. I honestly couldn't tell you if there was anything wrong with the way it was emulated because it looked rather good to me. I doubt there's any difference between the PS4 version and PS5 version considering it's an emulated PS1 title. Especially one that was towards the end of the PS1's cycle.

As for RC I've played RC1 (and the bad remake), RC2, RC 3 & Tools of Destruction. I like the series so no worries! Size matters didn't dissuade me at all!

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow The shotgun really is truly bad! That’s the main issue I think, the weapons all felt incredibly weak apart from the rocket launcher. Some of the later bosses it was like tickling them to death. Having to replay the combine harvester section before that boss over and over was plain evil too.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Beat Pikmin 2 the other day on my Switch, after having beaten Pikmin 4 a while ago. Still great, even with its somewhat dated controls, so glad Nintendo had moved it forward to the current gen.

On to Dark Souls 2 and Medievil which I’m about to beat both on for the umpteenth time.



@HallowMoonshadow I’m excited for what you have to say, it’s been so long :000
Glad you like RC, what a great franchise. It’s a shame I missed out on the ps3 quadrilogy, I hope I’ll play those some day. >.>
Their Physical copies sold out quite fast in kuwait and it was really difficult to get a hold of it.
Ah, I forgot about British holidays, I’m not in touch with holidays in other regions, we usually only have two holidays here, three if you choose to count ramadan, but I’m happy you enjoyed your time, I myself need a little PTO as well, a gal needs some time away from the stress every now and then, especially when the world has so much to offer, so much to do, so little time, such as life v.v
Oh, I legitimately forgot my comment in regards to emulation but I’m happy for you anyways. One legitimate plus in the ps4/ps5’s emulators, both of them, is making you feel like you’re playing the game straight out of the original console itself. Something which pcsx2 hasn’t quite perfected yet >.>
Ohhhh don’t worry don’t worry their sis, it’s probably the artstyle :0000 it’s Misaka Misaka, from Tauro no Index, shes so cool, and got sass

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


Well I'm a teacher so my days off are quite different compared to most @Yousef- (Though on most of my days "off" I'm still dealing with meetings, working on lesson plans and the likes). But right now it's the Summer holidays at least and I can actually spend some time on myself and just relax before the next school year starts in September!

Yeah so I think PS1 emulation is a good time (Especially if you're me and don't really notice all the tech/have a good frame of reference for how the original version looked). Legend Of Dragoon and both Abe games also looked rather great (to me at least).

I will say that when I played Sly Cooper (on PS4 as I didn't have my PS5 then) I thought that looked blurry at times. The newer PS2 emulation might be a little more mixed at the moment?

And nope I have no idea who that is! I'm not really well versed in anime or manga tbh! Mostly only the more mainstream/bigger stuff.

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


Well after 5 months and 4 Galactic Campaigns, Super Earth finally won one… Helldivers is finally beat! 🍾

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Huge congrats, man! I always wanted to give this one more time as I enjoyed what I played of it but sold my copy after a bit as I felt it was more of a co-op experience. Let me know if you’re ever crewing up for the sequel as I’d totally jump on that train.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


then probably is about time for nice cup of liber-tea.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@Jimmer-jammer cheers buddy… and yeah I’ll definitely send you a message prior to taking on Helldivers 2. It won’t be for a while as I’m… well I’m glad to see the back of Super Earth rn tbh 😅. They say time is a great healer though… whomever they are 🫡

@sorteddan lol, you won’t believe this but I’m literally just making one now 🤣

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@Jimmer-jammer 🤣 I had never seen that clip before either.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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