
Topic: Official Push Square Xbox Thread

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@colonelkilgore either they release a new powerful console (they've not even released the series x part 2 yet) jack in the series S parity (impossible as a large chunk of the Xbox sales were that console and people woild go bananas) or they are going to have to just be a publisher at this rate.

It is crazy how many games are dropping them/not being able to get support for releases/struggling to run on their hardware.

It's like they have totally shifted resources from supporting the hardware, as you'd think they'd help get this resolved if they were still supporting it.

Painted themselves into a corner with every decision they made this Gen 🤦‍♂️ but blame will no doubt be thrown elsewhere to save face

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix yup, “We can’t comment on the deals made by our partners with other platform holders… “

The thing is they know that the Xbox console remnant is so devout to their cause that they will not only believe that, with no evidence what-so-ever… they’ll even take the word of twitter influencers over the actual devs. Not only that, the same Xbox console gamers will queue up for the new $600 Series X, while questioning the need for a PS5 Pro. The psychology would be fascinating if it wasn’t so transparent.

**** DLC!


@Ravix I think Xbox's way out is PC and the next gen teases give that impression. Have a line of Xbox branded PCs with different power so like at the lower end is a Steam Deck like PC handheld and at the higher end is an expensive powerful PC. It would have other stores like Steam so none of the 3rd party support issues Xbox currently has would be present on the new systems.

All 3 go down their separate paths. Future Xbox hardware becomes PC, future PS hardware continues being stuff like good value high end consoles and future Nintendo hardware continues being stuff like good value hybrids. I think the balance would be disrupted in favour of PC if Nintendo ended up releasing their games on PC (PC would be the only place you could play everything) but I don't see Nintendo doing that.

I don't like PC gaming so while there's still consoles I'll get consoles. I also think I should've skipped Series X. I got one in 2021 primarily because my XB1 sounded like it was on its way out but the way the past 3 years have been, I'd have been better off just letting my XB1 run until it died.



@Grumblevolcano yeah, the reason it took me so long to get onto the Xbox ecosystem is probably the reason you may regret getting the X. There's not been a whole lot of reason to this generation, a lack of games and third party tends to be better elsewhere anyway.

I think the only reason I did was there was finally enough on game pass to warrant trying it out (most of it has ended up being third party anyway 😅) and the one show they did this year that looked like they had some stuff coming up I'd also like to try. But now it turns out some of that was coming to ps5 anyway.

I'll probably still end up saving money, as every game pass game I play is only costing me £3ish per month, which is just ridiculous, so that weighted against £50-70 purchases is not that bad at all. But I'd still rather buy games I want tbh.

I also don't see Xbox as a long term investment. I'll just sell it if there is a downturn in my use of it. Although, I do really quite like Dolby Vision gaming, I can't really explain why, but it works for me.

The PC thing is what interests me most, I don't have the nerve to go all in on a proper gaming PC, but I very much have the desire to ray trace the s*** out of everything. So if someone makes a console that performs like a PC with a console style OS, and maybe even has easy to swap out parts, I will definitely want it. I just would also want it to be Sony that made it 😆

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck

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