
Topic: Once upon a time of TIL

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Oh what's this? It's a Today I Learned, back down your memory lane.

We all learn things at different periods in life.

Before you, I'll share mine!

Crits - A chance to deal bonus damage
ㅤㅤDauntless was the first place I embraced this concept and its importance. Crit then became less foreign to me in other games after that.

Also came to realise after acquainted with gacha games years later, there isn't a gold standard on how much the bonus can be.

Def shred - reducing the defense resistance by X/% amount
ㅤㅤZhongli's kit from Genshin. Wasn't interested in the character despite learning about it. Later then, defense ignore appeared I just treated it as the same thing. Prior to this, didn't know anything of such.

Monster closet - a strategic dead-end camp for AI pathing consistency.
ㅤㅤCame across while playing Killing Floor 2 from good chaps a good while back. This is different from camping at a spawn point, rather the creation of monster closet in/to our way thereof. Apparently this conveniently came in handy in handful of many games.

p/s: looking for insights from genuine personal experiences, not snarky memes.

Share away!

[Edited by Pushsquarian]


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