
Topic: PS2 v Gamecube. Which One ?

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Gamecube for me.

Your good selves and why ?



Cube for pure nostalgia reasons. Although I think the games have aged better as well. Metroid Prime for example has aged a million times better than Killzone despite coming out a few years earlier. PS2 did have GTA though.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


I had both, and if I could only have one now it would be gamecube. Aesthetically a beautiful console and controller, cool unique discs, and some great games that still hold up today - metroid, super Mario sunshine, re4. And it wouldn't have a laser fault like the ps2



Never been near a Gamecube
The PS2 was pretty awesome though.



@MatthewJP Totally agree and my abiding memory was playing The Star Wars game with my son one weekend whilst visiting me ma and pa's house.
My dad came down when we were playing it and thought it was one of the SW films.

[Edited by hypnotoad]



@hypnotoad had an N64 but not a GameCube. This gen was far more Dreamcast vs PS2 for me… and obviously I have to go with the PS2 but I did love my Dreamcast.

[Edited by graymamba]

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


@colonelkilgore I loved my N64 mate and I was lucky enough (worked for it) to have a Dreamcast.
As you know, it was years ahead of its time but PS2 (which I also loved) had a DVD drive.
Therefore, bye bye Dreamcast.



the (black) Gamecube was my first ever console , i loved it and still do , and its my second fav nintendo console of all time after the wii (online edges it out) . the controller , design , the graphics , durability , it felt more like a quality product than the ps2 . it was just held back by dumb decisions even though the cube could've easily outperformed the ps2 .

with that said - i gotta go with the ps2 . when i got my gamecube , it wasnt long before i got a ps2 for five reasons - more third party , appealing exclusives , online , DVD , & everyone had a ps2 .

i never was a big nintendo person ; but as a kid their consoles appealed to me most back then. so i'll always keep my gamecube ; i got it when i was 6 , and still have it til this day . my first console will always be with me . nearly 20 years later and it still looks and works brand new , if only it couldve grown with me

[Edited by nomither6]



Never had or played on a Game cube, so by default it is PS2. I wasn't gaming that much during that time however as I was out getting muntered a lot. 🤣

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


The PS2, it had way more games. Also DVD playback also.

The PSVR is the best VR system on the market today.


PS2 simply because I loved the game library more. Also really love the start up sounds for the PS1 and PS2. Really got me into the mood for gaming lol.



@RogerRoger I was playing Nightfire there with my brother and I only just learned that the PS2 version only runs at 30FPS! I didn’t really think at the time that 3rd party games ran much better, it’s only later that I’ve noticed it.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@RogerRoger huh , i didn't know ps2 games got gutted , i thought it was only a thing for gamecube games . maybe they didn't have enough time to add bots in the ps2 version .



In terms of hardware? GameCube all the way. Love the cute, boxy design of the system itself, and it boasts one of the most comfortable controllers ever. Very much a top three console controller for me.

In terms of software? PS2, no question. It wasn't quite as much of a universally dominating force as the PS1 was (which got nearly every non-Nintendo or Rare game worth playing in that generation), but it still had one of best and most diverse libraries of all time.

GameCube was a good console, but I'm always going to prefer the system that has more games I want to play.

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah

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