
Topic: The Game That Moved You Emotionally The Most.

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Dunno if I've even put this in the right bit but you know what - life's 2 short and I couldn't give 2 sh*ts...

Journey for me.

Et vous ?

[Edited by antdickens]



Also, Crystal Palace Football Club - 3

Tottering Hotspuzz - nuffink.



England: 25 - Wales: 28


Rugby World Cup 2015

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


The Shadow Of The Colossus ending for me - knocked me for six after a very sombre and surprisingly affecting game leading up to it.

Also, Horizon's closing monologue/scene got me too.


It’s got to be FFXV, but they clearly cheated and really went all out to make you cry at the end 🥲

Shadow of the colossus and the last guardian are up there as well

Never belligerent but always uncompromising.


Removed - unconstructive



For me it has to be the first telltale walking dead game, that ending is heartbreaking.



RDR2 Arthur Morgan's tale sure does tug on those heart strings.

The Witcher 3 When Geralt finally finds Ciri and thinks she's carked it.

AC Odyssey Phoibe's death

[Edited by ApostateMage]



@hypnotoad Greatest result in your history.


We were crap on the day but missing so many players. Palace deserved it.

Video game though?

Yeah, RDR2 and The Last of Us Part II are the obvious ones. So many moments from both outside of the big events, in particular some chance encounters in Red Dead that ended up affecting me as much as they did Arthur. Thinking of the moments with the 'veteran' in Valentine and the widow in the northern section of the map.

With Part II, just and emotional rollercoaster from Joel's Pearl Jam cover to the final flashback.

Two very powerful games.



Some of my ideas have been mentioned — namely the ending of both Red Dead Redemptions and The Walking Dead. Shadow of the Colossus is a good shout too, as well as The Last of Us (I haven’t played part 2 yet but the first one ended with a gut punch)

I’ve mentioned these before on similar discussions , but others that come to mind are worthy of mention —

NieR Automata - for my money it’s the most unique ending to a game that I think I’ve played (that is the true ending after doing all the playthroughs). Left me speechless.

What Remains of Edith Finch - great ending after such a sombre and unique game

It wasn’t the actual game’s ending but Quiet’s ending in MGS5 was pretty impactful. Especially before they patched it so you could recruit her back. Before then having one of your companions permanently MIA was heartbreaking

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - if you haven’t played this emotional roller coaster of a game, do it now.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


If the emotion in question is ‘disappointment’ then Final Fantasy VII Remake. Most emotional game I’ve ever played in that case.

Being serious, probably Red Dead Redemption 2. Didn’t even feel that forced as opposed to some games which over-egg it a bit.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Maybe RDR2. The ending made me quite sad, even though you could see it coming from around half way through the game, was attempting to stave off the inevitable.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


I would have to say Outer Wilds. I've never played a more thought provoking game, and I am not ashamed to admit I shed a tear (or more...) at the end.

[Edited by NedStarksGhost]



Everybody's Gone to the Rapture - hands down one of the great science fiction stories across any medium.

Crossing Souls - this one caught me by surprise. Tons of heart and a great story.

TLoU - come on.

[Edited by BowTiesAreCool]



Any of the team Ico games the endings were pretty emotional.

Got to be TLoU Part 2 for me though, that definitely hit me like a train.



@NedStarksGhost it is so good!! I'm very intrigued by how they may fit the dlc in to that narrative. Few games I wanted to pull apart like that and that final run, chefs kiss good.

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


For me both last of us games, the first for that ending and faced with the uncertainty of your choices and the second for viscerally disagreeing with your characters choiced towards the end and seeing the futility of it. Also loved firewatch ending, when etta James I would rather be blind plays, ooft! Both red dead games too, though in two when your horse dies and you get left to die , that felt rough. Not that the ending of John's story in one wasn't rough!

[Edited by R1spam]

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


@R1spam that final run... when the music kicks in after you take the core.... oh my, the goosebumps I got!



People mentioning TLoU but the end of the summer storyline with Sam and Henry had me in bits.

Also the very ending of the second season of The Walking Dead game. I cannot for the life of me even remember how it ended but I specifically remember being in bits when a delivery guy then rang the doorbell and I had to try and quickly compose myself before answering it.

[Edited by Thrillho]



@Iver That was a sad moment, I agree ☹️


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