Hey, I'm looking for some more "Normal" RPGs for the PSP, meaning nothing like Crisis Core or Kingdom Hearts, you know, all those breaks from the norm. I just a standard roleplaying experience on the PSP. Anybody have any suggestions?
Don't forget PS1 Classics, of course (provided you have a decent-sized Memory Stick)...quite a few options that way. Breath of Fire III should've been on there by now, really, but Capcom seems to be dragging its feet on PS1 Classics lately.
Anyway, for traditional RPG's on PSP, please see Brave Story: New Traveller. I never got around to putting a LOT of time into it unfortunately, but it's very good if you like old-school RPG's. Lunar: Silver Star Harmony may also be worth a look.
My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P
The PSP version of Breath of Fire III is available here in the PSP Essentials range so shouldn't be too expensive. I might pick it up at last...
Don't think we have Brave Story: New Traveller over here, but I Googled it and there seems to be a lot of positive talk about it online. Perhaps another one to pick up!
I haven't been able to find the umd, but Breath of Fire 3 is £7.99 on psn shop, I might pick it up while I wait for Kingdom Hearts and Valkyrie Chronicles 2 to come down in price.
By the way I just ordered MGS: Peacewalker from the UK. I can't wait for it to arrive and hope it lives up to my expectations.
I ended up Picking up Hexyz Force, in case anyone's wondering. A fine game with two different stories to chose from. I chose the girl for the helluvit. It's slow to start, but it's getting better, and I've quite enjoyed my time with it so far. The pacing is actually brisk (I only meant slow to start as in the gameplay starts off pretty simple and easy, the story moves pretty fast), which is quite a refresher from what I've been playing. I think I made the right choice with this one. It's exactly what I'm looking for.
You may want to check out Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3. The whole series is solid but I liked the 3rd one best. It's on sale currently for $19.99 in the psn. Just an awesome RPG that will last a long time.
Can't go wrong with Hexy force though
To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!
Topic: Traditional RPGs on the PSP?
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