
Also Known As
Let's Dance
Number of Players
Release Date

PlayStation 3

  • US 24th Apr 2012
  • EU 24th Jun 2011
Also Available On
Controller Support


  • Review Let's Dance with Mel B (PlayStation 3)

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    While Dance Central on Kinect nailed the dance genre with its first step, many developers are still struggling to turn PlayStation Move into a fruitful dancing experience. Konami's venerable DanceDanceRevolution series had a first go, and Sony's own SingStar Dance had some things going for it, but there's still...

Screenshots 5

Let's Dance with Mel B Screenshot
Let's Dance with Mel B Screenshot
Let's Dance with Mel B Screenshot
Let's Dance with Mel B Screenshot
Let's Dance with Mel B Screenshot

Let's Dance with Mel B News

About The Game

Let’s Dance with Mel B is the only party game that lets you see yourself dancing on the television, just like a talent show!

You will be part of a group of 4 other dancers, it’s easy to pick up and play and the game is designed for a social experience thanks to the 2 player simultaneous support.

Key Features

  • See your real image on screen – using Kinect and Move technology
  • Different dance styles including disco, 80s, pop, club, latin, urban and party classics. The game features 27 original hits.
  • Top technology in body tracking
  • You can watch your performance back afterwards, and Mel B will even comment on it
  • 6 different stages related to different to dance styles
  • Review your performance and share your results with friends online
  • 40 real dancers to follow available
  • TV show unique approach – a real host, a TV studio, and real competition