
Number of Players
1 (Single Player) (4 Player Online)
Release Date

PlayStation 4

  • US 22nd Feb 2019
  • EU 22nd Feb 2019
Also Available On
Feature Support
Official Site


Screenshots 9

ANTHEM Screenshot
ANTHEM Screenshot
ANTHEM Screenshot
ANTHEM Screenshot
ANTHEM Screenshot
ANTHEM Screenshot
ANTHEM Screenshot
ANTHEM Screenshot
ANTHEM Screenshot


  • Guide ANTHEM Crafting Guide - All Vendor Materials & Prices

    Stocking up

    If you're low on resources when it comes to crafting materials in ANTHEM, you're going to want to go to the Regulator Store in Fort Tarsis to stock up on supplies. Here are all the vendor materials you'll find and how much Coin it'll cost you. All Crafting Vendor Materials & Prices in ANTHEM: Material Use Price Uncommon...

  • Guide ANTHEM - When Are the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Resets?

    The live side of things

    As with any live game, the experience of ANTHEM updates itself on a daily basis. Vendors get a new range of stock for example, while quests may reset themselves in order for you to earn their rewards again. These are the times when you can expect ANTHEM to perform its daily, weekly, and monthly resets. When Are the Daily,...

  • Guide ANTHEM - All Vendor Locations & Roles

    The who's who of Fort Tarsis

    What does each vendor in ANTHEM have to offer? And where on the map are they? While the in-game map may offer some help when it comes to what's what, we've got some information that may help you in your travels. Here's the location of every vendor in Fort Tarsis and what their roles are. All Vendor Locations &...

  • Guide ANTHEM - How to Switch Weapons on PS4

    That square button

    How do you switch between your weapons on ANTHEM? You can hold two weapons at any one time, but the game doesn't make it incredibly obvious how to switch between them. Worry no longer, though, we have the answer. How to Switch Between Weapons on ANTHEM on PS4: Once you have unlocked the ability to carry a second weapon and have...

  • Guide ANTHEM Coin - How to Get Coin

    Which activities reward Coin?

    How do you get Coin in ANTHEM? Coin is the game's main currency, and you use it to buy cosmetic items like Javelin skins, paints, material textures, and emotes. Unlike Shards, the game's premium currency that can be bought with real money, Coin is earned in-game, and it's fairly easy to come across if you know how to...

  • Guide ANTHEM - How to Play On Your Own

    For the single players

    ANTHEM was always billed as an online multiplayer experience where teams of four can get together and take on the toughest PvE tests there is to offer. However, you can play every piece of content the game has to offer on your own. Here's how. How to Play ANTHEM on Your Own: Once you've headed to the expedition screen as...

  • Guide ANTHEM Combos - How Do Ability Combos Work?

    What are primers and detonators?

    ANTHEM's ability combo system is one of the best things about its combat. By hitting enemies with one ability after another, you can create elemental explosions that deal extra damage. Combos are essential on harder difficulties, especially if you want to take down tougher enemies that have a lot of health. But how...

  • Guide ANTHEM - What Can You Play Before Fully Downloading the Game?

    For the eager folk

    Thanks to the PS4's neat trick whereby you can start playing a game before it has fully finished downloading and installing, you can get a taste of what's to come in ANTHEM early. But what can you sample before you've got the entire game stored on your hard drive? We're on hand to tell you. What Can You Play Before Fully...

  • Guide How Long Does ANTHEM Take to Beat?

    How long is ANTHEM's story?

    How long is ANTHEM's campaign? How many hours does it take to beat the game? In this guide, we're going to quickly go over how big ANTHEM is, and roughly how many hours you'll have to spend with it if you want to see the story credits roll. How long does ANTHEM take to beat? ANTHEM's length is going to vary depending on...

  • Guide ANTHEM - When Do You Unlock the Other Javelins?

    Getting the team together

    You'll be able to play as every Javelin as you progress through the story in ANTHEM, but when do you unlock them? We're on hand to tell you when further Javelins can be unlocked. When Do You Unlock the Other Javelins in ANTHEM?: You'll automatically play as the Ranger during the prologue mission, but after that, you can...

  • Guide ANTHEM - Everything We Know So Far

    More than just Destiny 3

    EA finally revealed more about the enigma that is the upcoming shooter MMO ANTHEM during this year's press conference at E3 2018. We now know that it's a shared-world shooter like Destiny 2, that it features a single player story to follow, and that there's a bunch of usual BioWare trimmings like classes, statistics, and...


  • News ANTHEM's Big Overhaul Has Been Cancelled

    Small team moved on to Dragon Age 4

    Following an internal meeting earlier this month, the major overhaul planned for BioWare's ANTHEM has now been officially cancelled. A new blog post states that while the live service will remain active, development on any new content or updates has ceased. "I know this will be disappointing to the community of...

  • Rumour EA Will Decide If ANTHEM Lives or Dies This Week

    Publisher to evaluate ANTHEM Next

    A big ANTHEM overhaul has been in the works at BioWare since at least early 2020, following the game's incredibly shaky launch back in February 2019. And now, it's apparently time for EA to step in and see whether it thinks that the project is still worth backing. According to a new Bloomberg report, the publish

  • News ANTHEM's Big Overhaul Is Still a Long Way From Release

    It's in "incubation"

    Back in February, ANTHEM developer BioWare revealed that an overhaul of the game was in the works. Touted as "a more substantial reinvention than an update or expansion" by general manager Casey Hudson, it's been months since we've heard anything more about ANTHEM's future. The good news is that BioWare has broken the silence...

  • Soapbox 7 Things BioWare Needs to Fix to Rebuild ANTHEM

    This is the ANTHEM, throw your patch up

    Do you remember ANTHEM? I do. Despite Mass Effect: Andromeda’s disappointing release, I felt sure that BioWare would be back with a bang, with an attempt at the shared-world shooter, no less – my favourite genre. Of course, what we got just simply wasn’t good enough. Anthem launched last year as a...

  • News ANTHEM Is Being Reinvented Over the Coming Months, Says BioWare

    Mech it happen

    ANTHEM ain't dead yet, according to a new development update from BioWare. With the poorly received looter shooter's first anniversary happening later this month, the developer has broken its silence on what it wants to accomplish with ANTHEM moving forwards. General Manager Casey Hudson writes: " will require a more substantial...

  • News ANTHEM Still Has Christmas Decorations as BioWare Remains Silent on Future Plans

    Season's greetin'

    Oh ANTHEM, what even are you anymore? The disastrous looter shooter's creeping up on its first birthday, but unless BioWare works some kind of miracle, there won't be much cause for celebration. You may have seen it floating around the web already, but on this latest episode of 'Let's All Point and Laugh at ANTHEM', the game's...

  • Rumour ANTHEM Reportedly Not Dead as BioWare Plans Major Overhauls

    Reboot ala Final Fantasy XIV?

    ANTHEM's incredibly rocky road from launch to the game a handful of people might still be playing today is very well documented, so let's cut right to the chase. According to a new report from Kotaku, developer BioWare has big plans for its looter shooter that will completely overhaul the entire experience -- dubbed...

  • News ANTHEM's New Mass Effect Skins are Probably the Coolest Things in the Game at This Point

    But they ain't cheap

    BioWare's added four Mass Effect-inspired skins to ANTHEM, just in time for N7 Day. And you know what? They're actually pretty cool. The Ranger gets a Turian skin, the Colossus gets a Krogan skin, the Storm gets an Asari skin, and Interceptor gets a Quarian skin. But of course, there's always a catch. There's no easy way to...

  • News ANTHEM Head of Live Service Departs BioWare

    Another one

    It's safe to assume that not many people are working on ANTHEM right now. The game's had one heck of a rough year, launching all the way back in February to lukewarm reviews and then gradually falling apart in the months that followed. We'd be shocked if it currently has anything that remotely resembles a healthy userbase at this point...

  • News Returning to ANTHEM May Just Be the Scariest Thing You Can Do This Halloween

    Trick or treat?

    Halloween is a holiday flush with abandoned areas, so perhaps it’s not all that strange that BioWare has opted to celebrate the season. The oft-forgotten ANTHEM has launched a new event to pull players back in; named the Season of Skulls, the looter-shooter’s latest content drop finds the folk of Bastion “rising up against the...


About The Game

The world of Anthem was left unfinished — abandoned by the gods. It is a dangerous place. Chaotic. Unpredictable. As a freelancer, you are one of the elite few chosen to fight against the chaos. To wield the power of your javelin and bring order to the madness.