
Number of Players
2 (18 Player Online)
Release Date

PlayStation 4

  • US 3rd Nov 2017
  • EU 3rd Nov 2017
Also Available On
Controller Support
Feature Support
Official Site


Screenshots 7

Call of Duty: WWII Screenshot
Call of Duty: WWII Screenshot
Call of Duty: WWII Screenshot
Call of Duty: WWII Screenshot
Call of Duty: WWII Screenshot
Call of Duty: WWII Screenshot
Call of Duty: WWII Screenshot

Call of Duty: WWII News

  • News All PS Plus June PS4 Games Available to Download Now

    Shoot 'em up

    June's PlayStation Plus lineup was announced in two parts, but now they've finally been brought together. Call of Duty: WWII was the first to be revealed, while the second game turned out to be Star Wars Battlefront 2. This means the month of June is all about the first person shooter, whether it's gritty, realistic warfare or sci-fi...

  • Poll Are You Happy With Your PS Plus Games for June 2020?

    Plus or minus?

    Well that was a bit of a wild ride, wasn't it? First Marvel's Spider-Man was rumoured to be a PlayStation Plus game for June, but as we warned, the speculation was based on a known PlayStation Store bug, and it came to nothing. Next, Sony actually confirmed that Call of Duty: WWII was one of June's games, a whole three days before the...

  • News June 2020 PS Plus Game Is Available to Download Now on PS4

    Boots on the ground

    Sony has treated active PlayStation Plus subscribers early with the announcement and loadout of one of June 2020's free PlayStation 4 titles. Before we even reach the corresponding month, Call of Duty: WWII can be downloaded right now on the PlayStation Store. This is a huge improvement on the current month's selection

  • News PS Plus June 2020 PS4 Game Announced

    It's a good one

    This is a bit of an odd one, but welcome nonetheless. Sony has announced one of the PlayStation 4 games which will make up PlayStation Plus' line-up for June 2020 early in a tweet. It's Call of Duty: WWII. Quite the big addition, isn't it? The Japanese giant states that the other PS4 game which will be a part of the line-up will be...

  • News Call of Duty: WWII DLC Revealed in New Video

    Here’s what to expect

    Call of Duty: WWII fans will receive their first round of DLC for the title, which will arrive first on 30th January for PlayStation 4 players. In a behind-the-scenes glimpse, Sledgehammer has released a video detailing what to expect from the first pack.  The DLC, aptly named The Resistance, will feature three new...

  • News Call of Duty: WWII Has Already Raked in a Cool $1 Billion Worldwide

    Duty calls

    Call of Duty is back – although it didn’t really go anywhere to begin with, did it? Activision’s announced that historical first-person shooter Call of Duty: WWII has now raked in over $1 billion worldwide since launching last month, which in case you hadn’t noticed is an extortionate sum of money. It’s also the top selling...

  • Interview Discussing the Music of Call of Duty: WWII with composer Wilbert Roget II

    Answering the call of music

    Recently, we got the chance to sit down and discuss the process behind composing the soundtrack for Call of Duty: WWII’s soundtrack, with its composer Wilbert Roget II, who's no stranger to working on games. We dove deep into some of the finer points of the score, and got a glimpse behind the curtain at his process and...

  • Round Up Call of Duty: WWII PS4 Reviews Take to the Trenches

    Boots on the ground

    Call of Duty: WWII is out, but… Er, there aren’t many reviews online at the time of typing. That’s sure to change as servers populate and critics start to beat the campaign, and we hope to bring you our verdict as soon as possible. In the meantime, here are some early impressions from gaming media’s biggest guns – and a...

  • Rumour Call of Duty: WWII Won't Work Prior to Release

    Street date wait

    Call of Duty: WWII is not technically out until 3rd November, but as is the case with practically every major release, some fans have already got their hands on the game. However, according to Charlie Intel, Activision has rendered the release unplayable until launch – you can’t even access the single player campaign. While the...

  • News Classic Call of Duty Map Carentan Returns in WWII

    But only if you buy the Season Pass

    The war-torn French town of Carentan has featured in multiple historical Call of Duty titles over the years – and it will return once more in the forthcoming Call of Duty: WWII. Those of you who cough up for the bootstrapped shooter will land the classic map as a bonus – it seems that Activision’s the only...


About The Game

Return to the 20th century’s most iconic armed conflict and the dramatic backdrop which first inspired the hugely-popular Call of Duty series – now redefined for a new gaming generation.

Embark on an intense journey across Europe’s vast theatre of war as part of a brotherhood of ordinary fighting men, struggling to preserve freedom as the world teeters on the brink of tyranny. Also team-up with friends online and experience a separate, story-driven cooperative campaign.