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PlayStation Store
3rd Mar 2015, $19.99
4th Mar 2015
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Review Helldivers (PlayStation 4)
Lead farming
Super Earth is expanding, and it's your job to do the dirty work. The Helldivers are called in to slaughter alien life forms so that mankind can extend its reach across the galaxy, and that means you're going to need a lot of big guns, air support, and explosives. A co-op shooter for up to four players, both locally and online,...
Screenshots 10
Helldivers Guides
Guide Helldivers PS4, PS3, PlayStation Vita Hints and Tips for Killing Alien Scum
Just dropping in
As we wrote in our review, Helldivers is a great downloadable game. Taking the fight to aliens across a multitude of different planets, there's little more satisfying than taking chunks out of big beasties with a barrage of bullets. Sadly, not everyone can adapt to the life of a Helldiver so easily. Starting out can be tough, even...
Helldivers News
News Review Bombers Were Even Attacking Other Games Made by Helldivers 2 Dev
Collateral damage
This weekend's review bombing of Helldivers 2 over Sony's mandated PSN requirement even affected other games before the Japanese giant walked it back. Sucker Punch at least got out in front of the situation, as Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut was confirmed to only require PSN for i
Dive Harder
You've gotta give credit to Helldivers developer Arrowhead Studios. The co-op shooter launched all the way back in March 2015 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita. And now, almost five whole years after its release, it's received a substantial update titled Dive Harder. We love it. "Helldivers: Dive Harder includes a completely...
News Helldivers Receives 'A New Hell' Update on PS4, Features New Weapons and Enemies
Hell yeah
Remember Helldivers? It's a fun, tough top-down shooter with a lot going for it, especially in co-op multiplayer. It launched all the way back in 2015, but three years later, a big update has arrived that adds some fresh new content. Called 'A New Hell', the update focuses on providing more challenges for veteran players to enjoy. The...
News Your Free February PlayStation Plus Games for PS4 Have Leaked
Helldivers and Nom Nom Galaxy join the fun
February's big PlayStation Plus update will include isometric alien shooter Helldivers and quirky factory sim Nom Nom Galaxy on the PlayStation 4. The lineup has been leaked via the new-gen system's user interface, which includes a Coming Soon screen featuring the two forthcoming freebies. At the time of...
News Blimey, Sony's Publishing Helldivers on the PC
Hell freezes over
Well, this is potentially huge news: Sony's bringing Helldivers to the PC. The game, which launched as a PlayStation exclusive earlier in the year, will be published by a company called PlayStation Mobile, Inc on the popular plaza. This is a division within SCE that has handled various smartphone spin-offs in the past, too. This...
News Helldivers: Super-Earth Ultimate Edition Blasts into Brick and Mortar Stores
Masters of the market
Helldivers, the Arrowhead developed isometric smash for all three flagship PlayStation formats, has been such a success on the PlayStation Store that it's receiving a retail release next month. Helldivers: Super-Earth Ultimate Edition will come with the original PlayStation 4 game on Blu-ray, as well as downloadable vouchers...
News Helldivers Patch Let Loose on PS4, PS3 and Vita, Fixes Trophies and Nerfs Walker Exosuit
Death to the bugs
We've all killed our fair share of alien bugs in Helldivers, but developer Arrowhead Studios is busy swatting some creepy crawlies of its own. Rolling out today, the title's newest patch squashes a load of bugs, glitches, and annoyances, while tweaking various gameplay elements. While the update doesn't seem to be the previously...
News Helldivers Gets a Bit More of Everything in Upcoming Content Patch
Devilishly morish
In this age of questionable DLC practices, it's always great to see a developer pumping out new content via free game updates, and that's exactly what Arrowhead Games is doing with Helldivers' upcoming patch. There's no word on when it'll go live just yet, but by the looks of it, it could go a long way in helping alleviate some of...
News Helldivers Deploys Its First Batch of DLC Today
Back on the front lines
We hope that you're still mowing down alien scum in crazy co-op shooter Helldivers, because the download's first batch of DLC is crash landing onto the North American PlayStation Store later today. Helldivers is a great little game - read our review Consisting of three packs that can be bought separately or all at once,...
News For the Love of God, Don't Let Your PS4 Controller Die While You're Playing Helldivers
King of the bugs
We can't stress that headline enough: don't let your DualShock 4 run out of battery while you're playing Helldivers. According to reports that Kotaku received, users who let their controller die, and then plug it back in, can have their Helldiver replaced by a level 1 character. This apparently overwrites your progress, effectively...
About The Game
The Federation is losing a war it began…
Join the elite HELLDIVERS, mankind's last line of defence in a war against a ruthless alien race, in this top-down shooter with a satirical sense of humour.
Take to the battlefield with advanced weaponry and call in vehicle and air strikes to cover your squad mates. The reward for success is a place in Federation legend.
Get more for your money with Cross-Buy - purchase this game for PlayStation 4 and receive the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions at no extra cost.
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