
Number of Players
1 (Single Player)
Release Date

PlayStation 4

  • US 5th Mar 2019
  • EU 5th Mar 2019
Also Available On
Official Site


Screenshots 8

The Occupation Screenshot
The Occupation Screenshot
The Occupation Screenshot
The Occupation Screenshot
The Occupation Screenshot
The Occupation Screenshot
The Occupation Screenshot
The Occupation Screenshot

The Occupation News


About The Game

A terrorist attack has left 23 dead & has become a catalyst for the creation of The Union Act. A controversial act which threatens the civil liberties of the British population.

The day is October 24th 1987 and the next 4 hours will determine the outcome of the act and the future of the country. Events happen in real-time and you must make decisions based on the evidence surrounding you.

Is the cost of an extreme action outweighed by the cause of the greater good?

You are the reporter. You decide the narrative.