Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection is a damn good time. It bundles both Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy into one PlayStation 5 package, boasting new graphics modes, a complete lack of load times, and DualSense functionality. Both games are more than a few years old now, but as far as we're concerned, they're yet to be topped when it comes to cinematic action titles.
For the purposes of this review, we're going to write about each game individually, starting with Uncharted 4 — but our conclusion at the bottom of the page will take the whole collection into account.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Clocking in at somewhere between 10 and 20 hours, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is easily the longest entry in Naughty Dog's treasure-snatching series — but its overall quality barely wavers across this lengthy runtime. It should be noted, however, that Uncharted 4's multiplayer and co-op modes have been cut completely.
PlayStation icon Nathan Drake is back for one last adventure, and it's one heck of a ride. The opening scene is arguably Uncharted in its purest form, as Nate and his estranged brother race towards a pirate island in the middle of a storm, their boat assaulted from all sides by armed mercenaries. You skid across the sea in a tub that grows more battered by the second, only ever stopping to shoot some bad guys. It's a scene that immediately sets a breathless tone, but the game quickly changes course in the chapters that follow.
It's not long until you realise that Uncharted 4 is trying to be a touch more mature than its predecessors. The next couple of hours have a pre-teen Nate break curfew at a catholic orphanage, before jumping ahead to a time when the brothers Drake are locked up in a Panamanian prison. Needless to say, these early story beats skip about a fair bit, but they successfully lay the foundations for what's to come.

Uncharted 4's pacing is extremely impressive. Between its character-building cutscenes, exploration-based platforming, and intense combat scenarios, each chapter feels brilliantly balanced. Just when you're starting to think that a puzzle or set piece might outstay its welcome, the game moves on and you're doing something different. It's the kind of pacing that you typically find in blockbuster movies or well produced TV shows — but to make it work across a game that can last close to 20 hours is some achievement.
And investing in Uncharted 4's overarching plot of legendary pirate treasure is easy when the cast is so well acted. Nolan North delivers his most nuanced Nathan Drake performance in the whole series, and Troy Baker is outstanding as the slightly older (and slightly slimier) Sam Drake. Elsewhere, Nate's mentor Sully (Richard McGonagle) comes close to stealing every scene that he's in, while Elena (Emily Rose) enjoys near perfect chemistry with her globe-hopping husband. Naughty Dog's habit of getting the best from its performers is abundantly clear throughout.

Having said all that, the serious character drama doesn't always gel with Nate's often ridiculous escapades. To get the most out of Uncharted, you need to switch your brain off to some degree — just like you would if you were watching an over-the-top action movie. It's not like Uncharted 4 has obvious plot holes, but if you start questioning every detail — especially in the game's later chapters — it gets easier and easier to pick things apart. Why did this character do that? Why didn't they think of this before? How has no one found this place after hundreds of years? Who the hell built all this, anyway? Just how many people has this artefact-obsessed psychopath killed up until this point? You get the idea.
The term 'tonal whiplash' is probably a bit too extreme when describing Uncharted 4's inconsistencies — again, it's basically an action flick in video game form — but the title does struggle every now and then. It's not enough to rip you out of the story, but it can be difficult to ignore just how quickly the game jumps from Nate casually snapping seven necks in a row to having a marital spat with his wife.
There's also an argument to be made that some of Uncharted's tricks grow tiresome when the adventure's stretched across a longer narrative. There are only so many times that you can watch a platform crumble under Nate's feet and feel any kind of adrenaline rush, for example. For what it's worth, we do think that Uncharted 4 succeeds in maintaining tension throughout, but when you're four games deep into a series — five if you count PS Vita exclusive Golden Abyss — you can't be blamed for rolling your eyes when Nate and the gang somehow escape certain death yet again.

It's all about suspension of disbelief, then, and you know what? Suspending your disbelief is actually quite easy when a) the game looks this good, and b) the game's fantastic fun to play. Nearly six years after its original release, and the action sequences in Uncharted 4 are still pretty much in a league of their own in terms of spectacle, technical excellence, and execution. The only games that come close are the other Uncharteds, and even then, 4's commitment to dropping jaws is unparalleled.
Combat is a delight as well. Carefully crafted arenas of violence usually allow for multiple approaches, with Nate able to stealth or shoot his way to victory. As a cover-based blast-'em-up, Uncharted 4 is rock solid, but it's Nate's agility that elevates each encounter. When you're up against all kinds of enemy types — snipers, rocket launchers, those shotgun b*stards who can survive a grenade — staying on the move is crucial. Ducking, diving, climbing, jumping, and making use of Nate's grappling hook is what makes the game's combat so dynamic and enjoyable. And if you're skilled, you can string together some truly share-worthy moments.

It still looks brilliant, by the way. Uncharted 4 was probably the best looking game to ever grace a PlayStation console when it launched in 2016, and it's aged incredibly well. Now, it's not perfect by today's high standards — some of the environmental texture work is noticeably worse than what we've become accustomed to, for instance — but the character models, the animation, the facial capture...it's still one of the best around, AAA titles included.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
In our original Uncharted: The Lost Legacy review, editor Sammy Barker opened with the line: "Lost Legacy is like a Greatest Hits album: short on surprises but a blast from start to finish." It's a description that certainly holds true. Playing Lost Legacy back-to-back with Uncharted 4 makes you understand why the spin-off was — perhaps unfairly — brushed to one side when it released just 15 months after Nate's big finish. It's undeniably familiar and, some might argue, a tad uninspired — but it's still bloody good.

Unless you're going for 100 per cent completion, Lost Legacy is noticeably shorter than its predecessor — clocking in at around 7 or 8 hours. It's also a lot more streamlined in its approach to storytelling, establishing the stakes within the first hour or so before taking you on a frankly wondrous tour of an ancient Indian civilisation.
So while it doesn't have the grand scope of Uncharted 4, there's a welcome cohesiveness to Lost Legacy. It's an Uncharted title that knows exactly what it wants to do, and we daresay that its vision is excellently executed.
Nate's nowhere to be seen this time around, and so all of the neck snapping, headshotting, and desperate clambering falls to Chloe Frazer of Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 fame. Chloe makes for a refreshing lead; she's got Nate's cockiness, but she's shrewd in her approach to both business and people. The immensely talented Claudia Black brings Chloe to life better than ever before here, and it helps that her personality is given a lot more time to breathe.

She's joined by the unflinching Nadine Ross (Laura Bailey), who was one of Uncharted 4's weaker characters — at least in terms of depth. Nadine hasn't changed all that much, but through Chloe, we actually get to know what makes her tick, and she's way more likeable as a result. The two treasure hunters bounce off one another really well, and Naughty Dog's sharp writing keeps things moving at a brisk pace.
As alluded, you're in for a very familiar jaunt if you've played any previous Uncharted games — but the formula often feels polished to borderline perfection here. We won't spoil any of them, but Lost Legacy has some downright stunning scenarios up its sleeve — along with some of the most eye-popping environments you'll find on PlayStation. As a spinoff that simply offers more Uncharted, it's almost impossible to knock.
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection bundles together two of the PS4's greatest games. Both Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy remain brilliantly crafted thrill rides, and their blend of cinematic action is still best-in-class. Throw in improved performance on PS5, and you've got a remarkably high quality package that's incredibly easy to recommend. If it's been a few years since you played either of these titles, the upgrade is probably worth the £10 / $10 asking price. If you're brand new, you're in for a treat — but you might want to start with Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection.
Comments 97
If anyone's got any questions about the game I can try to answer them. Just let me know.
Had a blast playing these games again!
Hell yeah... time to find either of my discs so I can upgrade on Friday
>Some weirdly broken subtitles
Wait, what? I assume this is something new happening in this collection? Lol
Can't say im surprised it being good. The games have always been good, so hard to mess a remaster/port like this up. Curious to see how its gonna look and run on PC.
Removing multiplayer is a big problem.
$10 well spent plus a free movie ticket!
@dasd2 I do think it's odd — and a bit of a shame — they removed the multiplayer as well.
A stated flaw is that Lost Legacy can feel stale after U4, so that means if we play Lost Lagacy first, that flaw is eradicated, U4 will feel even better than it already does and the overall score will be a 10! 😊
Removed - unconstructive
Not going to buy those games again (or upgrade for that matter) but I love the Uncharted series (yes, even 1) and these two are just some of the best games ever made. Period. Now, is there any hope for Uncharted 5? I don't care who the lead character is as long as it happens.
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Please bump this review up to a 10 in accordance with my opinion.
@Abarth_71 you unlock a new set of trophies and whichever ones you collected last time you will be given again. Essentially you'll double up on everything and get another plat if you got it last time.
The whole "tonal" criticism of the Uncharted series from various outlets never sat right with me. ND wanted to tell a story with likable characters but you can't have an action game without loads of enemies. I wouldn't mind so much but ND took that criticism too much to heart, hence why TLOU2 felt the need to contextulise every kill. Which for me led to some very questionable plot decisions.
Both are great games, funny seeing the usual interactive movies comments. It’s exactly the same stuff I used to see on purexbox. Loads of people moaning that Sony only make interactive movies, but are also the same people getting the magic sock out for flight simulator. Anyways brilliant games & will be fun playing in 60fps.
so both games have been in my PS4 pile of shame, but I'm going for the upgrade and have promised myself to play at least one of them this weekend on my PS5.
But which one?
Story wise I know it doesn't matter but just wondered what you thought - I'm leaning to Uncharted 4 but would Lost Legacy be a better experience if I played that one first?
@Abarth_71 Yeah it's like @riceNpea says. This collection has its own separate Trophy lists.
If you import your save from the PS4 versions all of the Trophies you unlocked pop again automatically.
@ShogunRok are there online trophies?
Digital Foundry evaluation for anyone interested:
@BrintaPap There is no online component in the remasters.
@Futureshark Lost Legacy takes place after Uncharted 4, so I think you get the most out of the story if you play 4 first.
Like I said in the review, Lost Legacy can feel a liiiiittle bit tired if you've just put 20 hours into 4 — but I would still recommend playing them in chronological order.
@BrintaPap Nah, the multiplayer / co-op has been cut completely, so no online Trophies.
I just love the phrase "And if you're skilled, you can string together some truly share-worthy moments." while showing in the video review a couple of run of the mill shotgun kills
I found there to be way too much climbing in uncharted 4 which made the game drag
@ShogunRok I love both games, Uncharted 4 I did played regularly, Lost Legacy I took long (1 week) breaks between chapters and it felt good
@Gilvin That's just our video editor trying to make me look bad.
@Gilvin Yeah, playing these games episodically is definitely one way to do it. Could quite easily treat them like a TV series or something and the pacing will still feel great.
I enjoyed Lost Legacy more than Uncharted 4... it might just be me... Drake having to chase after his brother 56 million times because stale...
Uncharted 4 is the only main line Uncharted game I didn’t replay and platinum. I enjoyed it but didn’t like Sam as a character or that story arc. Lost legacy was really good, Chloe is a strong lead and I wouldn’t complain if they did more with her in the future.
Don’t think I’ll be playing either again but good games no doubt.
What a bizzare move not including the U4 multiplayer when it's still active and would have benefited greatly from a stream of new players.
@ShogunRok Is it possible to aim with a gyroscope as in TLOU2?
It maybe says something about PS5’s library so far if remasters are the best cinematic action games.
@NoFaceBigFoot exactly my issue with it. His brother was just annoying.
I'm really torn between wanting to play these again to not wanting to play these again. Ah I don't know but for £10 I might as well get the upgrade.
I really enjoyed Lost Legacy. The 30 fps with slightly slow and unresponsive controls were the biggest downer for me in these games.
Lucky to play them again with the 60 fps, not urgently but for the 10 € with the cinema ticket it’s totally fine. Will do the upgrade this Friday.
@nessisonett the PS5 is only a year old. And how are you defining 'cinematic'? God of War: Ragnarok can be classed as such, as could HZD depending on who you ask. Ghostwriter could be for all we know. Spider-Man: Miles Morales or Last Stop?
@Caspin-z I don't...think so. I'll have to double check and get back to you!
it's been a good few years since I've played either, so for a tenner I think I'll upgrade. With the stripping out of multiplay (and associated trophies), I stand a good chance of getting two new platinums! (I'm really useless at getting them so this'll be a good opportunity for me).
Agree with everything. The overall theme of UC4 was quite somber I thought. On a technical level it’s leaps and bounds above the first three but it lacked the sense of lighthearted fun that those games had (the first two anyway - you could see that realism starting to creep in by the third one).
I love them all though in their own ways.
Lost Legacy is brilliant too. Chloe Frazer has always been my favourite female character in the Uncharted Universe and it was great to see her get her own adventure.
Can’t wait to replay them on Friday! 😁
@riceNpea I’m just repeating what the article says.
1. If you only own Unchartered 4 (not DLC) and upgrade for £10 do you get Lost Legacy too?
2. If I buy cheap secondhand disc of Unchartered 4 for a few pennies and pay the upgrade, am I now essentially in possession of the £45 PS5 version for a fraction of the cost?
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1. Yeah if you own either game on PS4 you get both games for the upgrade price.
2. Yes, shockingly.
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I thought this review would contain mainly informations about the PS5 visual differences and controller usage. But there almost nothing.
Well, I will see for myself tomorrow.
Love me some Rafe!
@nessisonett ahh without context I didn't realise that's what you were repeating. Out of interest are you saying it because you are surprised at their admission or to agree? Personally I can technically agree with them because the Uncharted games were so well executed and are some of the best examples of cinematic gaming in the industry, so it's hardly a revelation to come out and say it. But I find it an unfair critique because the PS5 is only a year old so I hardly expect PS5 games of such superior quality to rival or even compare to Uncharted 4 already.
@riceNpea A little bit of both I’d say. I probably agree that there’s nothing on PS5 of Uncharted’s level in terms of linear cinematic gameplay. I know COVID’s made an impact but it does feel a bit like there could have maybe been at least one game in this vein by now.
@nessisonett could Spider-Man not be that? I consider it pretty 'cinematic'. Good story and cut-scenes, characters I could empathise with and excellent action that sometimes melded with the story itself.
@Ooccoo_Jr and you get a free ticket for the Uncharted Movie at Cineworld if you upgrade by the 4th Feb. Its a good deal.
Poor Uncharted MP always gets the shaft. But the single player is really great too for both of these so at least there's that.
Mine has been dispatched, cannot wait to get cracking on the plats for these two belters.
On a side note, has anyone notice how unflattering the image of Nate is in the official art (see the top of this review)? He looks like he's 65 and packed on some timber😄
@Caspin-z Just checked, and sadly there's no gyro aiming.
“Best cinematic experience you’ll find on the PlayStation” as a owner of switch and XSX - which games on those platform are better cinematic experience? I’d argue that these are untouched on any gaming capable machine?
Still say LL is much better than 4. 4 was the only 1 I didn't replay or try plat. I'm surprised they didn't port the original trilogy over (to pc at least) before this. Maybe they will do a massive collection of all games (including vita) as a package one day 🤷♂️
The lack of multiplayer is a missing opportunity cause i found the original MP experience great and quite enjoying..They seem to make space for factions 2..
I really feel this port is an unnecessary waste of time for everyone. The lack of multiplayer makes it even less appealing.
$10 upgrade incoming.
@__jamiie Unless you care for the 60fps and dualsense you should stay away from it.
@Nepp67 maybe I care for a cinema ticket too.
"Tonally inconsistent at times"
Cue another quip followed by a mass murdering spree followed by another quip. Gotta love these Uncharted bi-polar psychopaths.
Would have been nice to hear about the technical aspects and graphic visual updates as opposed to just “still holds up!” as I am still unclear on what the remakes actually offer for improvements.
I may not play Uncharted 4 again, it was good but a bit long. But Lost Legacy I’ll give that a try, I only played an hour back in the day, I think I was Uncharted-out at the time.
@ShogunRok & @Voltan Thanks!
@frankmcma https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2022-uncharted-legacy-of-thieves-ps5-tech-review
Can this be preinstalled if you’re upgrading from the disc version? Does it download the full game(s) again?
@riceNpea Can't say I care for that either since I have A List for AMC.
@Nepp67 then enjoy the 3D audio or the 120fps 😊
@themightyant it’s a fantasy action game with Yetis and mystical beasts. I really don’t understand why people seem offended by the killing In This game. Are not most video games tonally an issue?
TV, Movies and Video games are escapism.
I dread to think what entertainment will look like in a few years. Demolition man may have predicted the future.
@Medic_Alert I'd rather good HDR than true 4K
@Medic_Alert the increased range of colours and brightness that HDR brings is something I enjoy more than bumps in resolution.
Native 4K is a complete waste of resources for 99% of gamers.
DLSS and eventually Super Fidelity (AMD’s solution that needs some more work, but it’s on its first build) make native resolutions obsolete. It’s so close to native that it’s pointless to rely on Native resolutions anymore. AI based super sampling is the future.
Even without those two, you’re right. Current reconstruction techniques are good enough to cover the transition to all games and all gaming hardware including Super Sampling AI cores.
Weirdly enough, I think Nintendo will be the company to really push AI super sampling into a requirement. I fully believe the next Switch will use nVidia’s newest APU chipset, which includes DLSS features taken from RTX 3000 series. And if I’m right, they’ll mandate its use across all Switch 2 games. Which is a huge deal for DLSS.
I replayed them all in order last year and still enjoyed Lost Legacy more than 4, so I humbly disagree it feels stale if played after ✌🏻
My only issue with 4 is that it drags on a bit too long.
That said, I don’t really know what they could have cut out without drastically altering the game.
As someone who still play Uncharted 4 multiplayer, this really sucks.
Who’s offended? Couldn’t give a toss about the killing, I just think it’s one of weaker aspects of the Uncharted series that doesn’t match with the characters plucky tone.
I certainly didn’t ask for anything to change. I love the games it’s just not their strongest aspect. Casual jokes followed by a murderous rampage is fine but makes the more impactful narratives hit far less hard.
@Lovespuds they all look a bit fugly tbf. Look what they did to my girl Chloe! 👀
Uncharted and TLOU multiplayer modes are my favorite multiplayer modes in gaming and ND essentially kills both. Bummer.
Two great games in the series. Makes want to play them again.
I'll try to give it another shot at some point, but Uncharted 4 was the point I felt these games were starting to be more movie than games. I never could never bring myself to finish it.
Can I use the PS+ Uncharted 4 version to update it for 10 bucks?
$10 upgrade and a free movie ticket for the upcoming Uncharted film? Sounds like a no brainer to me!
@kejsi-sensei No you can't, PS+ versions are ineligible for the upgrade. You have to actually own Uncharted 4 or Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
@KidBoruto cool, I also have the disc version of Uncharted 4 (bought it way before we got it on ps+, then kept it just for a sentiment reason), so hopefully, that will work. thanks
@kejsi-sensei Discs also work, you should be able to upgrade!
However you will need to fully install the PS4 version first, before you can buy/download the PS5 upgrade.
You'll also need to always have the PS4 disc inside your PS5 console, whenever you want to play.
@KidBoruto yep, just did all that and the discount popped up can't wait to replay this masterpiece again
@kejsi-sensei Yay! I'm happy it worked, be sure to let me know what you think after you've replayed them.
This collection has 120fps support. You can read into these things you know?
@Stocksy I don’t look forward to having to use those shells… 😕
No 4K@60FPS? Crap!! Yes, tahts all I have to say.
Love all the Uncharted series, but for me personally the second game was the best. Epic setpieces from start to finish. The train sequence still remains one of the best parts of a game I have ever played!!
@Ooccoo_Jr Yes, that's what I did today.
Uncharted 4 is £4.99 pre-owned in GAME.
Felt the same way, about both games. Lost Legacy is one of my favorite on the PS4. A Thief's End, I liked while I was playing but looking back it was the only game in the series I didn't really care to revisit. I'll probably put the Lost Legacy disc into the PS5 at some point and spend the $10 for the upgrade, though. That game is definitely worth it.
@Matej weird it worked for me. make sure you move the save to the ps5 console, maybe thats it? all i did was import save found the save and it took a min or two and it worked. hopefully it worked for you.
Great games. I'm replaying both of them now.
@Matej that sucks , not sure why its not working for you
Has anybody received their cinema ticket code yet as it only a few days until the movie opens and nuthin has arrived yet ?
I hope this gets motion aiming patched in, and on by default so people know it exists. With the last of us part 2 having it, I'm suprised this doesn't have it
I seem to be the only one who can’t stand Drake as a character. He’s obnoxious and not at all charming.
Also ‘cinematic’ games never work. That’s what movies are for.
Might give these a go, incredible the amount of decent games which are coming out at the moment
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