A little over six months since its PlayStation 5 debut, Watch Dogs Legion is undoubtedly in a better place. Make no mistake, this ambitious but ultimately flawed open world jaunt through futuristic London is still let-down by the weight of its own ideas, but Ubisoft – as the French publisher is wont to do – has worked tirelessly to add meaningful improvements, like a responsive 60 frames-per-second graphical option and online play.
Watch Dogs Legion: Bloodline, a major expansion, pares back the core campaign’s “play as anyone” gimmick, delivering a more fulfilling storyline in the process. Acting as a kind of prequel set before the events of the main game, you’ll play as Aiden Pearce and Wrench – two of the more memorable characters from the franchise’s otherwise forgettable cast – in a plot that bridges events from Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2.

It’s not going to win any awards by a longshot, but by building the plot around two characters rather than anyone, the developer is able to get back to basics and provide a more compelling narrative arc without any of the bizarre voice acting and animation quirks of the full-length fiction. Gameplay is largely the same – missions can be approached in a number of different ways, with stealth and combat augmented by hack abilities – although one set-piece moment channels Hideo Kojima’s influential P.T.
Aiden and Wrench, as more distinctive operatives, have a unique gauntlet of abilities which make them more fun to play than the random NPCs available elsewhere in the core campaign. Wrench, for example, has a firearm which can trigger hacks in the nearby area, making for some compelling combat scenarios. Both also have active reload, meaning if you time a button press correctly you can benefit from overpowered weapons for a short period.
Both characters can be used in the core campaign and online as well, adding fresh enjoyment to the existing game. Bloodline has its own unique path of side-missions and upgrades, fleshing out a fairly comprehensive package that will see you spending at least another 10 hours in London. Of course, if you didn’t like the existing loop then there’s probably not enough here to pull you back in, but franchise fans will appreciate how Bloodline intertwines with other entries in the series.
Watch Dogs Legion is a better game these days, and Bloodline manages to build a stronger narrative out of its various mechanics and gameplay systems. It’s more of the same under the surface, but playable characters Aiden and Wrench bring new enjoyment to the core campaign and evolving online modes, while simultaneously padding out the series’ overall lore with their own storyline.
Comments 26
I know people joke about Aiden (not helped by Ubisoft) but for me he fits the world of Watch Dogs far better then the others have.
I don’t get the hate this game got. I enjoyed it. It’s nothing groundbreaking but you could definitely have fun in it and it looked pretty decent as well
@Boucho11 I liked it, too. I just think it was a bit TOO ambitious for its own good, really. What they attempted was incredible, but it came with some very obvious drawbacks.
Would it be recommended to play this DLC before diving into the main game, then?
@alasdair91 Yeah, maybe, as it's a prequel and then you could use Aiden and Wrench in your team. The main story may come as a bit of a shock, though, as it's no where near as polished as this DLC.
@get2sammyb yeah it did for sure. I found myself playing as the same handful of characters. I hope they build upon it in the future
I dont really like Ubisoft games that much they always work in progress and those free top play menu's in a €60 game rub me the wrong way.
Not terrible games but just ok also much copy and paste. Plus its the company that brought the worst things to console gaming.
Fun games that are unpolished nothing wrong with that but just not for full price.
Watch Dogs Legion is one of those games that I didn't connect with for a long time after picking it up on sale, and then suddenly got completely wrapped up in. It's a little wobbly at times, both graphically and story-wise, but overall I was really impressed with how they took the "anyone can be the protagonist" approach. I found myself getting attached to a handful or operatives almost in spite of myself.
Sadly, once I wrapped up the main story and a few extra bits, it was sacrificed to the PS5 SSD gods to make way for newer fare, so I won't be testing out the DLC. Sounds neat though!
I also grew fond of one of my operatives and played most of the game with them. Her buddy buddy act with Bagley fitted really well especially for Bagley's sad tale.
There was actually some really cool missions in this game.
This DLC kinda shows that Ubisoft should have just stuck to a set of characters, and not try to push "Play as anyone" gimmick.
I personally ended up skipping this games cause none of the characters they show off, or I saw that was playable was interesting.
Once both this DLC and the games falls in price. I'll probably pick it up, and play as Wrench the whole game. XD
I was really tempted by this DLC. I liked the gameplay of Watch_Dogs Legion but the environment/story went too far over the edge to like it. Aiden, though his game was kind of broken and his character 1 dimensional is kind of the personification of what W_D should be.
But the note that one set piece channels PT is distressing. W_D is a game about hacking, technology, the oppressive surveillance state people are blissfully ignorant of. Legion instead turned it into a military police state complete with torture chambers and hanging bodies & parts. And I'm sure the PT thing plays on that? That's just the opposite of what W_D is supposed to be about. Save that for Farcry.
I'm so glad Aiden is back, playing through bloodline now. Excited to play as him in the main campaign
To me Watch Dogs 1 was the best game in the series. Legion was a major disappointment, but I need to give it a second chance.
I've been tempted to pick this game up a number of times now and just haven't gotten around to it. Sounds like I might play this DLC before I play the main game though which is kind of strange but oh well.
It seems like most people just didn't like the story because of the play as anyone mechanic. I think if maybe for the next Watch Dogs (if there is one) they still have the ability to recruit people in the city but base the main game around a single character like Aiden if it would be received better. Kind of like in MGS Peace Walker and V you still have the story progress with Snake as the main protagonist.
@Boucho11 Cause it's super boring and hacking gameplay leaves a lot to be desired to the point where I think Cyberpunk has more interesting and fun hacking gameplay.
@Nepp67 Cool story bro
@ApostateMage I did the same. I had two or three that were my go to depending on what I was doing. This seemed to work out better than having loads of operatives
Looking forward to playing this. Going to replay the whole game as Aiden
Agree. I actually thought Aiden was a pretty decent character and was disappointed when Watch Dogs 2 didn't try to continue his story.
Given Ubisoft as a company I think I'll pass, but this does sound compelling. I prefer short linear games so a 10 hour DLC that drops the play as anyone gimmick is the best turnaround for Legion.
My Aiden is resting on the bottom of the Chicago river. He did terrible, terrible things.
I'm enjoying this game I liked the other two games to + just being able to walk around London in a game has been a dream of mine since The Getaway(shame there wasn't any Getaway games on PS3/4) What would be really COOL is if they could expand London in the future in this game but I doubt they will) + sometimes tho it looks like a PS4 game. I was expecting the PS5 version to look better tho. Oh well.
DLC sounds great, I just recruited Aiden and Wrench and will use them in the campaign for now since I just purchased the game and am still working through it.
I think this game will grow a bigger following in the coming year, I think it reinvents so many RPG troupes and makes them fresh.
For example, instead of being in a shop examining weapons to purchase you find recruits that have unique gear, instead of XP leveling you have gear advancements and team upgrades, rather than a dull grid of passive skills and adding points your skills are out there with people (passive team skills acquired apply to the whole team), instead of a set stock main character you can have anyone be the protagonist including beefier Prestige Operatives, instead of reloading a checkpoint after dying you have higher stakes and tension with time-based arrests and permadeath, instead of crawling around in stealth/cover mode you can wear an outfit (like a police uniform) and be undetected by others via Uniformed Access, rather than just grabbing a collectable each item has a puzzle or tricky method of acquiring, instead of a profession tied to the game's star you can be stealth or guns blazing or hacking or really all of the above, rather than an AI team of dummies you have a diverse group of individuals with character and different skillsets, and so on.
I do feel like it takes about 5-7 hours to really get into the granular levels of how the game works, then it really hooks you. I also love how the developer can release new game protagonists, keeping it fresh. I can imagine playing as other game characters (Fenyx or Eivor...maybe?) although I have to say, I am more attached to my bestie Construction Worker than I have been attached to a lead in the past few RPGs I have played. Not sure why. Maybe it is developing a hero instead of being handed a hero?
Late to the Legion party, but very impressed so far. If they keep advancing it as well as ramping up the online, I can see a bright future for the game.
Waiting for the Gold/Ultimate Edition to drop down more in price first, but thanks for the honest review!
@AdamNovice Hard agree. The grimdark was a little over the top, but a morally-gray anti-hero was just a better fit than a group of fun-loving, meme-fueled culture jammers that occasionally 3D-print assault rifles.
This actually sounds really cool. I haven't played Legions, do ya'll think that this game is worth getting to play this DLC and the base game as Aiden Pierce?
(Also it would be really nice if i didn't have to scroll ALL the way down to the bottom of the page to comment, moving it at the top would be a great idea... just gamer food for though)
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