What are the best FPS games on PS5? Well, what do you think? In this evolving list, it's down to you and the Push Square community to decide PlayStation 5's top shooters.
The first-person shooter genre has been around for decades, and is as popular today as it's ever been, if not more so. Popularised by classics like DOOM, Quake, and Wolfenstein, FPS games have come an extremely long way over the years, but one simple thing unites them all — it's just great fun to shoot stuff.
There's a wide range of experiences to be had, from the true-to-life realism of Hell Let Loose to the bombastic lunacy of Far Cry 6. Many FPS titles blend the genre with others; for example, games like Destiny 2 and Borderlands 3 combine the action with RPG elements. While most shooters are aimed at a mature audience by their very nature, there's a lot of variety within that.

On PS5, there are already plenty of options for those who enjoy wielding heavy weaponry and unloading lead into bad guys. The following list represents the best FPS games on PS5, but it's not up to us — the running order is entirely decided by you. By rating any FPS titles on the console, you'll be having a direct impact on this page. Use the search bar below to find a game, then leave a rating to influence this list.
A game will need at least 25 ratings in order to show up in this article. Reckon an important FPS game is missing from the list? Make sure to rate it, and once it has enough, it'll take its rightful place among the rest.
Enough jibber-jabber — let's get down to business. Below, you'll find a list of the best FPS games on PS5, as voted for by you.
20. Rainbow Six: Extraction (PS5)
Ubisoft decided to capitalise on the popularity of Rainbow Six: Siege with a co-op-focused spin-off that introduces alien life forms to the series. Using your squad of either AI or real-life players, you'll need to conduct skirmishes and get everyone out alive. It's good fun if you can get a group together, and there's a good amount of character progression. Just don't expect anything too special from Extraction; it's about passable.
19. Back 4 Blood (PS5)
Left 4 Dead lovers rejoice: it's back, albeit under a different name. Back 4 Blood is a zombie-popping co-op FPS that tasks a team of four with surviving through numerous missions while fighting back the horde. It's a grisly post-apocalyptic romp that emphasises teamwork to overcome the sheer number of shufflers inching towards you. A card-based loot and upgrades system means that you can run through the campaign many times and find new equipment to use or tactics to employ. A great time with a few friends, the only ones groaning about this shooter are the zombies themselves.
18. Terminator: Resistance Enhanced (PS5)
Terminator: Resistance Enhanced brings Reef Entertainment's shooter to PS5, and as the name suggests, it comes with a few improvements to the experience. First and foremost, this is a shooter made for longtime fans of the Terminator movies, starring you as an original character in the timeline as you battle Skynet and its metallic forces. It's not the greatest FPS in the world, but it's an entertaining ride, and the reduced load times and enhanced framerate make this the best version. The PS5 edition also comes with Infiltrator mode, which lets you wreak havoc as a T-800.
17. Hell Let Loose (PS5)
This FPS turns back the clock to World War Two, but this isn't your typical wartime shooter. Striving for authenticity and realism, the game is brutally tough and encourages strategic thinking, rather than just spraying and praying. After choosing a class, you're put into a platoon with other players in 50v50 matches, and you'll need to figure out how best to overcome the opposition by talking with teammates. With battles taking place on maps recreated from real world data and realistically deadly weapons, Hell Let Loose is hardcore.
16. Call of Duty: Vanguard (PS5)
Call of Duty: Vanguard does very little to shake up the status quo of Call of Duty multiplayer, but what it does have going for it is a ton of maps, modes, weapons, and general content. It's packed to the rafters with things to see and do in online skirmishes, and the single player campaign is pretty darn good too. Zombies fans should avoid until some post-launch updates come around, but for anyone wanting to battle it out online with friends, there's not a lot better than Call of Duty: Vanguard on PS5.
15. Call of Duty: Warzone (PS5)
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 is the newest iteration of Activision's free-to-play shooter. With that rock solid, signature Call of Duty gunplay at its core, this is inherently an entertaining multiplayer FPS on a massive scale. The main event is the battle royale mode, placing you alone or in squads on a giant map and fighting for survival. A new mode, DMZ, puts a more objective-based spin on things if you want a change of pace.
14. After the Fall (PS5)
After the Fall is a PSVR2 first-person shooter that has you fending off zombies in online co-op. It follows a similar structure to better-known examples like Left 4 Dead; you and three others venture through stages infested with various baddies and have to mow them down to get to safety. You can then upgrade your weapons and equipment to tackle stronger threats as you progress. It's nothing we haven't seen before, but the shooting feels great, there's a good variety of modes, and the loot system is rewarding.
13. Deep Rock Galactic (PS5)
Deep Rock Galactic is a real mish-mash of ideas, but everything works together in harmony to create a super fun co-op experience. A team of up to four dwarves are recruited to delve into a strange planet and mine its precious resources, but will come up against some resistance from the insect-like locals. Each player class has totally unique weapons and abilities that complement the others perfectly, making simple objectives a joy as you all puzzle it out — and blast aliens — together. Throw in procedurally generated stages, and you have the recipe for an endlessly replayable game you can really dig into.
12. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (PS5)
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War may have largely been considered a safe instalment for Activision’s juggernaut first-person franchise, but its campaign introduces some interesting wrinkles for the series. For starters, there’s more player agency than ever before, making this a thrill ride you actually have an active role in shaping. One level, which sees you undertake undercover activities in a KGB headquarters, is more Hitman than Call of Duty – and a truly refreshing change of pace. This is, of course, all anchored by the traditional set-piece spectacle you’d expect to find from the series, and a solid multiplayer suite spanning some genuinely sumptuous maps, including a highly detailed 80s mall.
11. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS5)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 marks a strong return to form for Activision's FPS series, launching with a very solid selection of modes and maps. With a good campaign filled with fun gimmicks to boot, it lives up to the marketing phrase of being a new era for the franchise. It's not going to convert anyone who doesn't like the games into lovers, but Modern Warfare 2 is more than worth the investment for shooter fans.
Comments 43
Sort of a weak genre on the PS5, isn’t it? Jeez, I hope we get some solid FPS games soon.
Also, I think I’d consider RE: Village an FPS, and I’d say it’s on a completely different tier of good from the rest of these titles.
Otherwise, Deathloop was quite nice to play, even if it’s such a divisive game. I’d place it above Doom Eternal, which is also solid, but not by much. Man, just thinking about 8/10 tier (in my opinion) fps game just makes me wish this year had more of them to balance out all the open world titles
@lolwhatno I don't think we would.
Deathloop I just couldn't get into at all. Doom Eternal I definitely enjoyed a lot and I particularly enjoyed the part that had you running around with a BFG. Borderlands 3 was pretty good but admittedly the humour and some of the voice acting started to grate after a while.
Not my favorite genre - I got bored of sticking a shotgun in someone's face back in Quake 2 days.
I do try though.
Metro Exodus is probably my pick of this genre. Its lighting and tech is well ahead of the pack and I found the gameplay to be more measured and considered and less bombastic running and gunning.
I'm delighted we don't get many FPS titles. I played Halo campaign on release and I had to force myself to complete it. I cant believe what an awful experience that is outside of the core shooting mechanic.
A game like Returnal shows 3rd person shooters can be a lot more fun than FPS, at least for me!
Thanks for the article, I enjoy these.
Came to check if Yakuza is here too.
Should I try Metro?
FPS has been a dying genre for me since last gen.
@TheArt what? lol
Played most of the games on this list. My suggestion:
Doom eternal - hands down. Great design built with love and along with DOOM reinvigorated a nearly dead franchise. The soundtrack is superb it’s designed to be played at lighting speed. Can be picked up pretty cheap along with an ace season pass.
Though as others have mentioned shouldn’t Resident Evil 7 and 8 be on the list?
@lolwhatno no point trying to get your view across..i happen to agree with you on this..i really enjoyed necromunga hired gun despite its flaws and i put it up there with the duke nuke 'ems and serious sams as no brain fun shooters..theres not really an awful lot to choose from on the ps5 so i'll plump for back 4 blood,bf2042 and doom eternal..
@RevGaming There's Yakuza in any PushSquare top 10 ever.
@Titntin exactly the same as I feel over the new halo game-absolute terrible game & im shocked at how high it rated. If it was called killzone infinite-reviews would have been very low.
I’m a fan of fps, would be nice to see Sony making their own games. Or even reboot killzone or resistance.
I'm currently playing through RAINBOW SIX: Extraction on PS5 and I'd say it's better than half this list, almost all of which I have played.
Would absolutely be delighted if every shooter released on the fiver has mouse and keyboard support. It is just so much more intuitive and immersive as opposed to just the controller, for this genre of course. It is like when I play fighters, I always use an arcade stick because that is the "proper" way to play fighters. Just like mouse and keyboard is the "proper" way to play fps.
Of course I mean proper only as an opinion and not a fact, but until this happens, I will be avoiding the genre on console and instead purchase exclusively on PC.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
@RubyCarbuncle i was the same up until a certain point in to it. About 2 hours or so i thing. Didnt have a clue what i was doing or why i was doing it then i hit one of the story beats and BAM! All became clear and i knew what i was doing and why. Not completed it but its a great game if you can get to that point.
@lolwhatno no need for apologies my friend..i really like the push square community (mostly) as we can all engage and support each other...take it easy 👍
Came to check that the number one spot is correct, and I'm glad to see it is 👍🏻
Theres a surprise..
Ummm...Hell Let Loose isn't in the Top 10?
Not only an excellent hardcore shooter but FREE!
@Kidfunkadelic83 Eh I'll be going back to it again soon anyway when I'm in the mood as I'm not one to just abandon a game once I've started it. I actually took a time out from Returnal, went back to it the other day and was finally able to beat Biome 3. I've no doubt something like that will happen in Death Loop as well.
I'd like to see a return of Killzone and Resistance. It's been too long since either had a new release.
All of them are available on PC, haha
Judging from sales, I'm probably in the minority here but one of my least favorite genres.
You are missing Siege. While fronting two rather mediocre CoDs?
Metro Exodus is FANTASTIC. I’m so glad I bought it. The world is so fleshed out. Graphics are great. Story is great. Colonel Miller is kind of annoying after awhile to listen to, and I got the bad ending, but I still had way more fun with this game than I thought I would.
You all are aware Quake is on PS5, right?
Where are the pros and cons from Doom Eternal?
IMO, Cold War has a great multiplayer and certainly miles better than Vanguard's. I bought Vanguard, loved the single-player but ended up deleting it and re-installing Cold War for the multiplayer aspect since Vanguard's was dire in comparison. Cold War is still my go-to multiplayer FPS on PS5, although me and my mate have been hammering GTA Online and having a blast since it came out (both relatively new to it).
I'd hoped the Bungie acquisition would lead to better FPSes on PlayStation as, Killzone and Resistance aside, it's had a shocking representation on the platform. Xbox and PC, by contrast, have many great ones. But they seem to be letting them still do their own thing for now.
I'd also like to see something like 'Gran Turismo Horizon' - a more arcade and festival-based light-hearted take on the series. I love Forza Horizon and there's no exclusive like it on PlayStation.
I own a Series X as well, but when both brands do well with a variety of exclusives it's ultimately us who win.
@PlayNation5 I enjoy the setting of Vanguard alot more then Cold War (big WWII History buff here) but I ended up going back to Cold War as well as the MP was leagues better then Vanguard. Shame too cause I really enjoyed CoD:WWII's multiplayer.
my top 3 = 1, FC6. 2, Metro Exodus. 3, DOOM Eternal.
No Shadow Warrior 3? It may be AA, unfunny and a bit jank, but the combat mechanics put to shame every single one of the games on the list, except DOOM Eternal (from which it borrows heavily).
I mean, even Borderlands is in here for Pete's sake, and that series is just terrible on every level.
I love team death match on Cold War. The maps are good but it also has a load of old classic maps, every one of my past favourite maps are there.
Hell let loose is far better than any of the other multiplayer games on that list, especially after the Eastern front update. It's nice to see the old 6/10 ME getting a high position though.
If you're into realistic shooters then I recommend Insurgency: Sandstorm.
Metro Exodus isn't a multiplayer title to address your play with friends comment, it's a story driven game and the survival mechanics are about as light as you can get. Ammo is more scarce than your average fps game but still enough to get by especially if you play cautiously and aim carefully as it's not a fast paced run and gun type experience. As for the gas mask and cleaning gun mechanics, it depends on the difficulty you choose. On lower difficulties you can just outright ignore cleaning your weapon and resources for gas mask filters and other items will be plentiful just by following the story. Gameplay is about 50 percent linear and 50 percent semi-open world. Where just following the story is fine, but exploration is greatly rewarding thanks to side quests and finding resources. So it isn't a survival game but more of like a more survival horror Far Cry with minor crafting elements. It has difficulty modes too and in general I think the difficulty is just right. Not a walk in the park but also not super punishing or down right sadistic like Dark Souls or Cuphead.
How is Quake not on this list?
Metro is awesome. Absolutely loved my time with it. One thing this article highlights however, is the absolute lack of good FPS games. I just feel the genre is not what it used to be. Bring back the good old days of Half Life, F.E.A.R. Etc.
Half of this list is invalid. Cod games and bl3, trash through and through. Cod stopped being good after mw2 and bl stopped being good after bl2
It really is a weak genre on Playstation.
My two cents: I enjoyed Cyberpunk waaay more than far cry 6 and deathloop. Is that not a FPS?
Wow, the FPS genre is very stagnant. I love the Bethesda shooters on here though.
Borderlands 3 and Far Cry 6 should be the other way round. Apart from that, pretty accurate.
Back 4 Blood has improved a lot with the additions the dlc added. The additional acts are more varied than the main game and the proper offline mode transforms the bots into highly capable killing machines and progression is shared across both modes. Shame they axed any further development.
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