What are the best PS4 HDR games? What PlayStation 4 games show off high dynamic range the most? If you've recently purchased a HDR compatible TV, chances are you're looking for the games that make the best use of the fancy tech. In this list, we've gathered what we think are some of the best examples of HDR support in PlayStation 4 games. If you want to see high dynamic range at its best, take a look at the games below. If you're looking for All PS4 HDR Compatible Games, you can find that through the link. Alternatively, you can find a list of best PS4 games as well.
Best PS4 HDR Games
Below is a list of the best PS4 HDR games. Remember, you'll need a supported television in order to enable this feature.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey (PS4)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a good-looking game to start with, but throw in HDR, and Ancient Greece has never looked better. Ubisoft's open world RPG goes the extra mile with a couple of HDR-related sliders in the settings, allowing you to get the best picture quality possible.
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Days Gone (PS4)
If you're going to struggle your way through a bleak, post-apocalyptic Oregon, you might as well do it in style. Days Gone is a brilliant showcase for HDR on PS4.
Ghost of Tsushima (PS4)
Ghost of Tsushima’s oversaturated sandbox is perfect for HDR, and the title truly pops on a compatible display. Bright skies, vibrant flowers, and flowing foliage all make for a stunning visual feast.
God of War (PS4)
Santa Monica Studio's latest is a visual showpiece for PS4, but it's also one of the system's best examples of HDR. The fantastical setting lends itself to the technology brilliantly thanks to its vivid colours. Boy, it looks good.
Gran Turismo Sport (PS4)
It should be no surprise to see GT Sport on this list, as it looks absolutely stunning with HDR support. As with Assassin's Creed, though, Polyphony Digital's driving sim goes above and beyond with HDR settings in its options. It allows you to achieve the best image possible, and it's worth the extra effort.
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4)
Guerrilla's open world action game was an early champion for HDR support, and it remains one of the best examples on PS4. The mix of the natural setting and synthetic elements, like the robot enemies and certain environments, means this game shows a huge range of visuals, and HDR takes it all to another level.
inFAMOUS: Second Son (PS4)
This might be a pretty old PS4 title by now, but its HDR support is no slouch. inFAMOUS: Second Son was an early graphical showcase for Sony's console, and HDR brings out its gorgeous colours even more. Zooming around at night with the neon powers looks amazing.
The Last of Us: Part II (PS4)
The Last of Us: Part II is comfortably one of the best looking PS4 games ever made, and frankly it looks absurdly beautiful with HDR. While its use of the technology is much more subtle than you’ll find in other games on this list, it just brings everything to life, adding yet another layer of authenticity to every scene. This game is bordering on photo-realistic.
The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)
The Last of Us Remastered was one of the first PS4 games to receive support for HDR, and it remains a great example. The game will detect your HDR-compatible TV on startup, and the results look really good. This is a game that takes you into very dark areas as well as environments brightly lit by the sun, and it all benefits from the widened contrast.
Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4)
Spider-Man, Spider-Man. Does whatever Horizon can. Looks great with, HDR, one of the, best by far. Look out! HDR Spider-Maaaaan.
Metro Exodus (PS4)
One of the few third party games on the list is Metro: Exodus, which can be a real looker — especially with HDR enabled. The game makes liberal use of light and dark, and the increased range really heightens the differences.
Ratchet & Clank (PS4)
Ratchet & Clank is a gorgeous remake of the original game, with a beautiful range of bright colours throughout the sci-fi adventure. It's a natural choice for HDR, and the result is superb.
Resident Evil 2 (PS4)
Resi 2 obviously is a pretty dark game, and HDR support really helps to bring out the contrast in light sources when you're dodging zombies and searching for ammo. It's a good-looking game without it, but HDR really adds something to the atmosphere of Raccoon City.
Resogun (PS4)
A game from way back at the PS4's launch, Resogun offers up some extremely good HDR. This is a game that's all about visual flair and flashy effects, and HDR makes all those crazy colours really stand out.
Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
Shadow of the Colossus is one of PS4's best remakes, and this stone cold classic looks amazing — especially with HDR active. The scarce landscape might be relatively bland, but light and shadow is really highlighted well here. You might need sunglasses for the light shimmer off Wander's sword.
Tetris Effect (PS4)
HDR amplifies Tetris Effect to the nth degree. This game is all about the audiovisual experience, and the increased colour range and contrast makes those incredible stages really pop. Clearing lines has never looked better than this.
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
Uncharted has been a visual benchmark in games for years, and it does so once again with Nathan Drake's final adventure. The stylised graphical style really benefits from HDR's increased colour range, leading to a globetrotting game that looks consistently gorgeous.
What do you think are the best PS4 HDR games? Pick your favourites in the comments section below, and be sure to check out our list of best PS4 games through the link.
Comments 23
My tv might not have the best HDR, but I have tested it with 3 games on this list. God of war I could see a difference, but Uncharted 4 I literally couldn’t tell if it was on or off. Again, might just be my tv, but would love to see some screenshots of it on and off on the same screen for comparison on some higher end TVs.
In some games HDR is well implemented, in some- not so much. Agree with your picks guys, but I would add Red Dead Redemption 2 (looks stunning) and Dirt Rally 2.0 (great vivid colours) to it.
I have set my tv in almost any way possible and sorry, but the flames in God of War look bad, when games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Resident Evil 2 or Death Stranding look stunning in every aspect, God of War didn't do the fire well in my opinion (since flames are quite a big component of the game... I mean we all know what weapon we're talking about, right?)
Death Stranding looks unbelievably good with HDR on. Actually photorealistic in many places. Also last time you guys did a list like this, KH3 was on it even though it doesn't support HDR, so good to see you've removed it now. 😉
@gollumb82 Did they finally add actual HDR to RDR2, then? At least at first it was fake HDR where it sent a SDR image to the TV but labelled it as HDR so your TV would turn HDR mode on.
I can't say I'm an expert when it comes to HDR but I loved how the lighting changed from flat and static into dynamic and rich when you turn on HDR. Especially the sunbeams coming through trees in Horseshoe Overlook, add some morning mist to this and I just stood there in awe every time for a few moments before mounting my horse. The colour palette definitely benefits from it and there are 2 types of HDR settings- original and cinematic I believe.
HDR does look very nice but the problem I have is that it seems way too dark for my enjoyment
I have the OLED C9, which is an absolute beast for gaming and HDR, but I never know what's the just settings for my tv when it comes to the in-game calibration.
While I think the game is utterly garbage Shadow of the Tomb Raider looks amazing with HDR on. Had to disable it for Spider-Man though, I couldn't find a decent setting and the HDR looked way off, it was garish looking.
Rise of the Tomb Raider deserves a mention. Looks amazing with HDR.
@oldschool1987 ratings.com have a good guide as a starting point then just adjust to the way you like it https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/lg/c9-oled/settings
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk appreciate your help, pal. But I meant the settings within the game for hdr, they're quite deep. The tv settings itself are spot on. Thanks very much for the link anyway 👍
Destin 2, makes a huge difference to ambient lighting in dark spaces too
Division 2 looks pretty good too!
FFXV often gets overlooked in this kind of lists but it is a very pretty game with HDR on!
FF7R was good with hdr. But not sure if it was just me, but it went REALLY dark in the dark places (bits of the sewers), and REALLY bright in the bright bits (coming out of Aerith's top floor balcony)
@nookie_egg when you go outside and it's really bright at first, or you go inside it's darker at first, it's just representing the effect of your eyes adjusting to the light level like in real life.
The sewers were dark for me but not so much that I couldn't see things. If it was like that for you, your TV might be in too much of a bright area.
@Matroska I wouldn't know these days. 😕
I realise it's meant to be doing that, but I mean I literally couldn't see it at those points. Maybe it was just my setup but no other games have done that to that extent.
Probably because your tv can't handle a sufficiently high peak brightness. Also, when in HDR mode, the tv should automatically turn up the backlight brightness to max on LCD's
@Feena yes, absolutely. FF XV looks amazing with HDR.
@RatmCky playing UC4 last night I couldn't tell a difference either but then again liem you my TV is on the mid to low range of the budget scale. I'm sure the high end TV's its far more noticeable
I have an, apparently decent, 4K HDR TV. Although a little old now. Never been able to tell if something is in HDR or not. Can kind of tell a difference if I switch between HDR and non HDR mode on The Witness, but nothing clearly much different like people say.
Got a ps5 and it looked kind of bleak with hdr on I tuned it off through the ps5 on the colours are awsome in RGB while HDR looks a bit darker trying to figure it out🧐
Agreed with most here about how HDR was either too dark or just couldn’t tell if it was on, on my mid range HdR TV.
Just bought an LG C1… omg… the difference is astonishing. The hdr is stunning on all these games. I thought hdr was a bit of a crap marketing gimmick but I was wrong. It just makes everything feel more real and immersive.
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