How do you get on your horse in Elden Ring? How do you ride Torrent? Navigating the open world at a rapid pace is crucial in the game, but the ability to call on your trusted steed isn't tied to any dedicated button. In this Elden Ring guide, we're going to reveal how to get on your horse.
How Do You Get on Your Horse in Elden Ring?

You'll gain the ability to ride Torrent at the same time you learn How to Level Up. You must be visited by Melina at a Site of Grace, at which point she hands you the Spectral Steed Whistle. This is the item you'll use to call Torrent into action.
Now that it's in your Inventory, open up the menu by pressing the Options button and select Equipment. Button down to the Quick Item selections at the bottom, and place the Spectral Steed Whistle in one of them. We recommend putting it right next to your Flask of Crimson Tears so it's only a single button press away.

Now, whenever you're exploring the open world, you need only press down on the D-pad and then summon Torrent by pressing the square button.
Could you not work out how to get on your horse in Elden Ring? Let us know in the comments below, and check out our Elden Ring guide for much more help and information, including the best starting class.
Comments 4
@XinGViruS Don't think I would ever want my horse whistle in the same slot w/ the flasks and linked to the item button, I accidentally use health potions way too much as it is. I put the horse whistle in the top spot of the pouch on the right, call I by holding down triangle and D-pad up at the same time. Makes a little longer but I don't have to worry about messing it up. Though I currently don't have anything else in the other 3 spots so I don't know what will happen then.
Now how do I get off the horse and make it change speeds?🤷
@rjejr Hmm I understand what you're saying, but I've never messed it up and chugged a flask by accident. Did you try doing it? You might be surprised, and it's a bit faster than your way. I change between horse and on-foot all the time, so the faster the better for me.
@rjejr And oh, you can always quickly dismount by pressing L3 (left stick) by the way, for some reason the article doesn't mention this.
@XinGViruS L3? Thank you. I've been playing on PS systems since 1997 and I always forget to try the stick buttons. It's a small thing, but it will make my gameplay that little bit easier.
I've mistakenly used about 4 or 5 health flasks b/c I keep hitting the square button on accident. I think my brain wants to use it instead of L1 or R1 for attack when I get startled. So far I'm much more worried about my health than my horse.
Just remembered L3 is crouch, which I use a lot to stab people in the back, so it does make sense using it to dismount, that's how I'll remember it.
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