
Topic: Your Latest PlayStation 5 Purchase

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@Th3solution I'm assuming you mean these, which is what I was talking about...
I enjoyed the story and wanted to finish them all to know more about Yuffie as a child since I actually like the character (unlike some people), but they grew increasingly frustrating. Like I said, I eventually just gave up on them and focused on the main story.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz Yeah, I think those with that character are the “suspicious mail” ones, iirc. I am in Chapter 4 now so I haven’t done any of them past that.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


AC Shadows. No idea when I'll play it, but I always get stuck in to the new AC's and enjoy the comfort loop of base clearing, sneaking, historical settings and all that jazz. I'd be a lot more hyped if it was out before KCD2, but it isn't, so I'm not 😅 but at some point I will be? Maybe.

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix I don't think jazz was around in that era. Ba dum tsh

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Looks like @Ravix just leaked the next Assassins Creed game. Set in 1920’s New Orleans.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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