Trying to find all Alfheim collectibles in God of War Ragnarok? Each realm has a checklist of items to locate as you explore them, and it's well worth your time. You'll get more lore on the game's world and characters, earn valuable rewards, and even stumble into some optional bosses.
On this page, we're going to outline where to find all Alfheim collectibles. If you're looking for collectibles and checklist items in other realms, be sure to find the full list over in our God of War Ragnarok guide.
God of War Ragnarok: All Alfheim Collectibles
Below, we'll explain how to find all collectibles in Alfheim.
All Alfheim Collectibles Across the Realms
Across the Realms is a Favour in which you must track down four ingredients for a special recipe. These are spread across four of the nine realms.
All Alfheim Collectibles Across the Realms Elven Cap
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. Head to the west of The Forbidden Sands, looking out for a red love heart on the side of a rock. Duck under the collapsed pillar, then look over to the right for the Elven Cap.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts
Artefacts give off a purple glow in the world. They come in various shapes and sizes, offering more background on certain characters and locations. You need to find all Artefacts to unlock the Trophy named The Curator.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Afterlife Abandonment
Location: The Strond
Found during Groa's Secret. After being introduced to Twilight Stone for the first time, you'll come up against a few enemies. Once dealt with, look down to the left to see a lower path. Drop down and head left to see this Artefact behind some pots.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Dream Charm
Location: The Strond
Found during Groa's Secret. After fighting Light Elves for the first time, you'll lift a stone pillar to get past. A little further forward, look to the right and this Artefact is sat on the ground.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Visions After Rest
Location: Temple of Light
Found during Groa's Secret. You'll come to a room with a light door and a broken barrier on the right. Through here is a point you can grapple to. Go up here and the Artefact is on the floor to the left.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Spirits Within Walls
Location: Temple of Light
Found during Groa's Secret. After opening the above light door, this Artefact is on a small table to the left.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Horn
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret. In the northwest corner of The Barrens is a building guarded by Dark Elves. Once you defeat them, head over to the right to find this Artefact on the ground.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Celestial Construct
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret. There is a giant skeleton in the northeast corner of The Barrens. Hop into the mouth, then grapple up to a higher area. Inside you'll need to fight off some enemies. Once done, you can find this Artefact by climbing up the wall at the back of the room.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Harp
Location: The Barrens
Note: You can only collect this once you have completed the Favour, Secret of the Sands.
Found during Groa's Secret. On the southern edge of The Barrens, you'll find a crack in a wall you can squeeze through. This Artefact is just inside on the right-hand side of the room.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Token
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. In the north of the area, you'll find a rock you can grapple to, from which you can then smash through a weak wall. Defeat the enemies, then pass through the small gap into a new space. Just ahead, this Artefact is lying on the ground.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Trip
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning and the Favour, Song of the Sands. From the entrance to The Forbidden Sands, take a right and pass under the rock. Ahead you'll see a small structure. Climb up to it and this Artefact is sitting on the floor.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Bracelet
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. Head to the northeast of The Forbidden Sands to find a large building. This is where you can progress the Favour, The Elven Sanctum. Grapple up to the entrance, but instead of approaching the doors, look over to the right to find this Artefact.
All Alfheim Collectibles Artefacts Pipe
Location: The Burrows
Found after completing The Reckoning. After clearing the Hafgufa's binds, a new pathway back to the surface opens up. Drop down into this room, clear the enemies, and the Artefact can be found over on the left.
All Alfheim Collectibles Berserker Gravestones
Berserker Gravestones can be found in most of the realms, and activating each of them begins a tough, optional boss battle. Defeat all the Berserker Gravestone challenges to complete the Favour, Fit for a King.
All Alfheim Collectibles Berserker Gravestones Berserker Gravestone #1
Location: The Barrens
Boss: Sisters of Illska & Svipdagr the Cold
Found after completing The Word of Fate. From the entrance to The Barrens, head to the westernmost point to find an area surrounded by flags and pillars. In the middle of this location is this Berserker Gravestone.
All Alfheim Collectibles Berserker Gravestones Berserker Gravestone #2
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Boss: Hjalti the Stolid
Found after completing The Word of Fate. As you enter The Forbidden Sands, head to your immediate left and follow the left-hand edge of the area.
All Alfheim Collectibles Buried Treasure
Buried Treasure can be found by following the clues on Treasure Maps you find throughout the game. It's easy to spot thanks to a pulsing yellow circle above it.
All Alfheim Collectibles Buried Treasure Buried Treasure #1
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret. In the northeast of The Barrens rests the skeleton of a giant creature. Hop inside its mouth and you'll see the Buried Treasure near the front of its jaw.
All Alfheim Collectibles Buried Treasure Buried Treasure #2
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. In the north of The Forbidden Sands, you can see the ruin of a large tower. Grapple up to it, and the Buried Treasure is found on the left-hand side of this area.
All Alfheim Collectibles Draugr Holes
Flaming holes in the ground that let through The Hateful, a recurring mini-boss. Find and close all the Draugr Holes to complete the Favour named Born from Fire.
All Alfheim Collectibles Draugr Holes Draugr Hole #1
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret. The Draugr Hole is situated in the west of The Barrens. After hopping up a small ledge, you'll see it as you go around the corner to the right.
All Alfheim Collectibles Hel Tears
Hel Tears are holes between realms through which Hel Walkers wreak havoc. You'll need to fend off the enemies while your ally takes some time to close the Hel Tear. Find and close all Hel Tears to complete the Favour named Hel to Pay.
All Alfheim Collectibles Hel Tears Hel Tear #1
Location: The Strond
Found after completing Reunion. Travel to the Mystic Gateway at The Strond. Head through the archway in front of you, to the right of the statue. Drop down and just ahead is the Hel Tear.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests
Golden, glowing chests containing valuable items such as Weapon Attachments, Relics and Runic Attacks, Armour, and more. Find all Legendary Chests in the game to ensure you have all the best gear.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #1
Location: The Strond
Reward: Light Runic Attack - Skadi's Edge
Found during Groa's Secret. After being introduced to Twilight Stone for the first time, you'll come up against a few enemies. Once dealt with, look down to the left to see a lower path. Drop down and head left. The chest is just beyond some pots.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #2
Location: Temple of Light
Reward: Light Runic Attack - Hades Retribution
Found during Groa's Secret. After heading up some stairs that curve to the right, you'll see a spot on the left where you can drop down. Do this, then take the next left. There's another point where you can drop down further — the chest is down here to the left.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #3
Location: Temple of Light
Reward: Relic - Hilt of Gram
Found during Groa's Secret. You'll come up against another light door, with a lower level you can drop to on the left. Down here, turn around and go through the round, gold doors. Grab the chain and pull it all the way down. While holding the chain, aim your axe at the Twilight Stone. Let go of the chain, then recall the axe. Drop down again and you'll be able to open this chest.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #4
Location: Temple of Light
Reward: Accessory - Rune-Engraved Release
Found during Groa's Secret. After fending off Light Elf Warriors for the first time, you'll need to grapple across to keep going. Instead of going straight across, you can grapple over to the left. Use the Blades to swing the Twilight Stone, and bounce the axe off it when it swings to the right. Then, use the next grapple points to get up to where the Legendary Chest is.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #5
Location: The Barrens
Reward: Wrist Armour - Gauntlets of Radiance
Found during Groa's Secret. In the northwest corner of The Barrens is a building guarded by Dark Elves. Once you defeat them, you can find this Legendary Chest out to the left.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #6
Location: The Barrens
Reward: Waist Armour - Belt of Radiance
Found during Groa's Secret. There is a giant skeleton in the northeast corner of The Barrens. Hop into the mouth, then grapple up to a higher area. Inside you'll need to fight off some enemies. Once done, you can find this chest by climbing up the wall at the back of the room.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #7
Location: The Barrens
Reward: Shield Attachment - Rond of Affliction
Found during Groa's Secret and after completing the Favour, Secret of the Sands. On the southern edge of The Barrens, you'll find a crack in a wall you can squeeze through. This Legendary Chest is just inside at the back of the room. To get to it, you'll need to clear the Hive vines first.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #8
Location: The Below
Reward: 5x Whispering Slab, Chest Armour - Shoulder Straps of Radiance
Found during Groa's Secret. At the very bottom of The Below, you will encounter a huge, jellyfish-like creature called a Hafgufa. Once you get rid of the Hive ensnaring it, turn around and head through the newly opened passageway. Continue along the path and you'll reach a weak spot in the ceiling. Bust through this and you'll see the Legendary Chest in front of you.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #9
Location: The Burrows
Reward: Light Runic Attack - Hel's Touch
Found after completing The Reckoning. You'll reach a combat room which you exit by climbing a wall to an archway. Once you climb it, turn around and throw the axe at the Twilight Stone below so it hits the knotted Hive. Go back down and use the newly exposed grapple point. Clamber along, then grapple over to the Legendary Chest.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #10
Location: The Burrows
Reward: 13x Whispering Slab, Heavy Runic Attack - Nemean Crush
Found after completing The Reckoning. After clearing the Hafgufa's binds, a new pathway back to the surface opens up. Drop down into this room, clear the enemies, and the Legendary Chest is at the back.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #11
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Reward: Blades Attachment - Hardened War Handles
Found after completing The Reckoning and the Favour, Song of the Sands. Head to the south of The Forbidden Sands and you should see the glow of the Legendary Chest from outside. Head in by hopping over the ledge. After killing some enemies, you have to clear some Hive vines. Do this by using chained runic arrows to clear the blue vines from the Twilight Stone, then bounce the axe between the Twilight Stones. Once the Hive is cleared, you can get to the chest.
All Alfheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #12
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Reward: Jewel of Yggdrasil
Found after completing The Reckoning. As you enter the Elven library for the Favour The Elven Sanctum, turn around to find grapple points on either side of the room. Use either of them and you'll find this Legendary Chest at the back.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore
If you want to get more details on the game's characters and world, look out for extra Lore items as you explore.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers
Lore Markers are the tall stone tablets with runic writings.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #1: The Living Desert
Location: The Strond
Found during Groa's Secret. This Lore Marker can be found on a lower ledge as you head out of the first cave.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #2: U-natur-liker
Location: The Canyons
Found during Groa's Secret. This Lore Marker is easy to find. From Sindri's workshop in The Canyons, it can be found by going back down the ledge and over to the right, towards the large pillars.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #3: The Tower's Purpose
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret. In the northwest corner of The Barrens is a building guarded by Dark Elves. Once you defeat them, head over to the right to find this Lore Marker.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #4: The Desert of Our Ignorance
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret. There is a giant skeleton in the northeast corner of The Barrens. Hop into the mouth, then grapple up to a higher area. Inside you'll need to fight off some enemies. Once done, you can find this Lore Marker towards the back of the room to the right.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #5: Gulon Cull
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret and after completing the Favour, Secret of the Sands. Towards the southeast of The Barrens, you'll find an area outlined by pillars and flags. At the back of this area, you'll find this Lore Marker.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #6: The Enlightened One
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning and the Favour, Song of the Sands. In the northwest of The Forbidden Sands, you can see a huge statue of Freyr. Just in front of it is this Lore Marker. You need to solve the puzzle using the light crystals before you can read it.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #7: Bjarg Stormr
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. Head to the west of The Forbidden Sands and you'll come up to a grapple point. Grapple up, and this Lore Marker can be seen to the left of a large statue.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #8: Rules of the Sanctum
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. As you enter the Elven library for the Favour The Elven Sanctum, this Lore Marker is dead ahead at the back of the room.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #9: The Arbiters of Knowledge
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. As you enter the Elven library for the Favour The Elven Sanctum, turn around to find grapple points on either side of the room. Take the one on the left to find this Lore Marker.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore The Lost Pages
The Lost Pages depict ancient sword hilts that can be crafted if you have the right resources. You'll need all the Lost Pages in order to get all Relics and Sword Hilts and unlock the Trophy named Collector.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore The Lost Pages Lost Page #1
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret. In the northwest corner of The Barrens is a building guarded by Dark Elves. Once you defeat them, this Lost Page can be found to the left on the ground.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore The Lost Pages Lost Page #2
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. As you enter the Elven library for the Favour The Elven Sanctum, this Lost Page can be found at the very back of the room on the left-hand side.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads
Rune Reads are pretty easy to spot: these carved messages glow a bright blue, so stand out from the rest of the environment.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads Rune Read #1: Broken History
Location: The Strond
Found during Groa's Secret. When you first arrive in Alfheim, this Rune Read can be found on the statue dead ahead.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads Rune Read #2: Limitless
Location: Temple of Light
Found during Groa's Secret. In the room with the two giant statues either side of the elevator, go up the steps and look to the right. Use a Sonic Arrow on the right-hand statue to release a grapple point. Go back down and to your left to grapple across, and this Rune Read will be on your right.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads Rune Read #3: Patience
Location: The Below
Found during Groa's Secret. You'll fight your way into a room with lots of Twilight Stone on the walls. On the right are some Hive vines. Climb up and then head around to the right. From here you can cut through all the vines. Head down to where the vines were and this Rune Read is on your right.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads Rune Read #4: Sacrifice
Location: The Burrows
Found after completing The Reckoning. Continue through the main path of The Burrows. After you get rid of a Wretch nest, grapple up to the next room. On your left, drop down to find this Rune Read on the wall. You'll need to clear the baddies first, though.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Scrolls
Scrolls are small collectibles that offer some background on the world and its inhabitants.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Scrolls Scroll #1: The Bifrost Bridge
Location: Temple of Light
Found during Groa's Secret. After heading up some stairs that curve to the right, you'll see a spot on the left where you can drop down. Do this, then take the next left. The scroll is at the end of this path.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Scrolls Scroll #2: An Examination of Temporal Significance
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. As you enter the Elven library for the Favour The Elven Sanctum, this Scroll can be found on one of the tables to the left.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Treasure Maps
Treasure Maps are self-explanatory. They give you a sketch and a few lines of text as clues to the location of some treasure.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Treasure Maps Treasure Map #1: Vulture's Gold
Location: The Canyons
Leads To: Buried Treasure #1
Found during Groa's Secret. Towards the end of the mission, you'll send Tyr back through the Mystic Gateway. An elf will smash open a new pathway. Walk through here to find this Treasure Map on the ground.
All Alfheim Collectibles Lore Treasure Maps Treasure Map #2: Forgotten Tower
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Leads To: Buried Treasure #2
Found after completing The Reckoning. As you enter the Elven library for the Favour The Elven Sanctum, turn around to find grapple points on either side of the room. Take the one on the right and climb the ledge to find this Treasure Map on the shelf.
All Alfheim Collectibles Nine Realms in Bloom
Nine Realms in Bloom is a Favour that tasks you with finding a unique flower from each of the nine realms.
All Alfheim Collectibles Nine Realms in Bloom Dawnbloom
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. Head to the west of The Forbidden Sands and you'll come up to a grapple point. Approach the grapple point, but instead of using it, head to the left to find this flower.
All Alfheim Collectibles Nornir Chests
Nornir Chests are locked by three magic runes. To unlock them, you must find the matching runes nearby in the environment. Open them to find all Idunn Apples and Horns of Blood Mead and unlock the Trophy named Full Belly.
All Alfheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #1
Location: The Strond
Found during Groa's Secret. After squeezing through a gap, this Nornir Chest can be found by dropping down to the left. It rewards you with an Idunn Apple.
The first rune is opposite the Nornir Chest on the cliff edge. Another is past the chest and down to the left. For the third, return back up to the higher path and continue up. Tyr will point out the Temple of Light. Look down to the left for the last rune.
All Alfheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #2
Location: The Strond
Found during Groa's Secret, but you cannot open it until after completing Forging Destiny. After fighting Light Elves for the first time, you'll lift a stone pillar to continue forward. Just ahead and to the right is this Nornir Chest. It rewards you with an Idunn Apple.
The first rune can be seen to the right of the Nornir Chest. The second is back towards the main path, sitting on the rocks by a tree. The third is behind a rock you can destroy with the Draupnir Spear.
All Alfheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #3
Location: Temple of Light
Found during Groa's Secret. You'll see this chest on the right after you push over the statue to create a light bridge. It will reward you with a Horn of Blood Mead.
The first rune is down the hallway to the right of the chest. Use a sonic arrow on it, back out to the chest's location, then bounce the axe off the Twilight Stone to strike it. The next rune is around the corner from the chest to the left. The final rune is just behind the chest.
All Alfheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #4
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret. At the northernmost point of The Barrens, you will find a structure taken over by the Hive vines. On the western side of the building, you can cut through them all to clear the Hive. Go around to the other side to find the Nornir Chest. It rewards you with an Idunn Apple.
The first rune is just to the left of the chest. The second is on the roof of the structure — to light it, have Atreus shoot the nearby explosive pot. The final rune is around to the right-hand side of the structure.
All Alfheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #5
Location: The Below
Found during Groa's Secret. After zip-lining down a rope, you will see some more vines and a bunch of grapple points. Grapple across the canyon, then drop down to the lower level. Just ahead you'll find the Nornir Chest. It rewards you with a Horn of Blood Mead.
The first rune is opposite the chest. For the second, open the nearby wooden door and it's inside on the left. The third rune will require you to progress a little further. Cut through the vines using the Twilight Stone above them. Grapple and climb across to the new area, and drop down to the location of the third rune. Open the door on the right and you should now be able to hit them all in time.
All Alfheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #6
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning and the Favour, Song of the Sands. To the southwest of The Forbidden Sands, you will find a pillar that's toppled over, and a love heart painted on the rock. Pass under the pillar to find the Nornir Chest. It rewards you with a Horn of Blood Mead.
The first brazier is located to the right of the chest itself. The others are back the other side of the pillar. To the left, you'll see one up on a tall rock, and to the right, the third one is even higher up, to one side of the stone arch. You'll need to chain runic arrows together to light them.
All Alfheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #7
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. Head towards the Elven library to the east of The Forbidden Sands. As you approach, note the loose rubble on the ground. Hit it with a weapon to clear it, then press Circle to enter a hidden area. Follow the path forward and you'll find this Nornir Chest. Throw your axe at the Twilight Stone above and to the left of the Nornir Chest to clear the Hive away. It rewards you with 10x Shattered Rune and Amulet Enchantment - Alfheim's Justice.
The first rune brazier can be seen over to the left, next to a small fire. Use a sigil arrow on the fire to light the brazier. Opposite, on the right-hand side, you can see the next brazier a short distance from another fire — again, use sigil arrows to transfer the fire across. With the second now lit, look up to see some Hive material. You can clear it briefly with a sonic arrow, and behind it is the third brazier. Chain the fire from the second brazier up to it using more sigil arrows, quickly opening the Hive with a sonic arrow to clear the way.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens
Odin's Ravens are green, shining birds dotted around the game. They normally stand out, but they will also make shimmering sounds when you're nearby. Throw your axe at them to "collect" them. Find and kill all Odin's Ravens to complete the Favour named The Eyes of Odin.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #1
Location: The Strond
Found during Groa's Secret. After Tyr spots the Temple of Light, continue along the main path. The Odin's Raven is sat in a tree to the left.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #2
Location: Temple of Light
Found during Groa's Secret. After heading up some stairs that curve to the right, you'll see a spot on the left where you can drop down. Do this and follow the path as it veers right. The Odin's Raven is behind a metal grate. To hit it, you must bounce the axe off the Twilight Stone to your left and behind the grate.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #3
Location: Temple of Light
Found during Groa's Secret. Once you've completed Nornir Chest #3, you'll battle some Light Elves. On your way out, heading up the stairs to the right, the Odin's Raven is to the left on a balcony.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #4
Location: The Canyons
Found during Groa's Secret. From Sindri's location in The Canyons, you will see this Odin's Raven flying around some rocks over to the right.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #5
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret. Once you first reach The Barrens, stick to the left-hand side of the area and travel north. You'll see this Odin's Raven perched in a tree to the left.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #6
Location: The Barrens
Found during Groa's Secret. In the northeast of this area, you'll find a giant creature's skeleton. In the skeleton's right eye, you'll find this Odin's Raven.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #7
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. From where you enter The Forbidden Sands, head straight ahead to the northwest of the area and you'll see this Odin's Raven flying over a chasm, with a giant statue in the distance.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #8
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. From the entrance to The Forbidden Sands, veer to the right, with the large rock formation on your right. Follow it around and you'll see this Odin's Raven perched on the rock.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #9
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. Head to the west of The Forbidden Sands and you'll come up to a grapple point. Grapple up, and this Odin's Raven is hopping around behind the statue.
All Alfheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #10
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. Head towards the Elven library to the east of The Forbidden Sands. As you approach, note the loose rubble on the ground. Hit it with a weapon to clear it, then press Circle to enter a hidden area. The Odin's Raven will be just ahead, flying on the left-hand side.
All Alfheim Collectibles Remnants of Asgard
Remnants of Asgard are post-game arena battles found dotted across most of the realms. They appear in the game after completing The Realms at War.
All Alfheim Collectibles Remnants of Asgard Remnant of Asgard #1
Location: The Strond
Travel to the Mystic Gateway at The Strond. Head forwards, toward the Temple of Light, and this Remnant of Asgard is along the main path.
All Alfheim Collectibles Remnants of Asgard Remnant of Asgard #2
Location: The Barrens
Travel to the Mystic Gateway at The Canyons. Take the sled to The Barrens, turning right when you pass through the gate. The Remnant of Asgard is located in the southeast of the area, accessed via the above pictured ledge.
All Alfheim Collectibles Yggdrasil Rifts
These hovering rifts glow blue, and when you approach them, they'll send out some high-level enemies for you to tackle. Once conquered, interact with it again for a reward.
All Alfheim Collectibles Yggdrasil Rifts Yggdrasil Rift #1
Location: The Forbidden Sands
Found after completing The Reckoning. In the north of the area, you'll find a rock you can grapple to, from which you can then smash through a weak wall. Defeat the enemies, then pass through the small gap into a new space. Up and on the right, you'll find the Yggdrasil Rift.
Have you found all Alfheim collectibles in God of War Ragnarok? Tell us in the comments section below, and check out our God of War Ragnarok guide for lots more.
Comments 4
Some of this is incorrect, for example Nornir chest #7 does not contain an enchantment and broken runes unless you have already opened 30 Nornir chests, it contains either an idunn apple or a horn of blood mead (that is what the first 30 nornir chests you open all hold)
@sooB hey mate do you have an idea of where might it be (Alfheim justice) if you do please reply i have been looking for it everywhere. thanks
I think I got it from a random nornir chest after having already opened 30
@sooB thank you
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