Looking for all Spartan Rages locations and upgrades in God of War Ragnarok? Spartan Rages temporarily buff Kratos, either awarding him an injection of health or boosting his combat proficiency. In order to trigger these, you'll need to fill the red meter below his health bar.

On this page, we'll list all Spartan Rages locations and upgrades. For more information on the various other weapons augmentations in Ragnarok, you can find a comprehensive breakdown of all the game's Equipment and Gear in our God of War Ragnarok guide.

God of War Ragnarok: All Spartan Rages and Upgrades

Below is a list of all Spartan Rages locations and upgrades in God of War Ragnarok. While you can upgrade each of the individual Spartan Rages, be aware that you can only have one equipped at a given time, so select the one that best suits your playstyle.


God of War Ragnarok: All Spartan Rages Locations and Upgrades 2
Image: Push Square

You unlock the Spartan Rage named Fury at the start of the game, during Surviving Fimbulwinter. The official description reads: "Balance fury with control to stay alive and win against odds."

  • Fury: Press L3 + R3 to enter a state of Rage and use the R1, R2, L1, and L2 buttons to unleash on enemies. Each attack heals a small amount. Exit this state early by using the command again.
Upgrade Level
Level 2
  • 3,000 XP
Level 3
  • 8,000 XP


God of War Ragnarok: All Spartan Rages Locations and Upgrades 3
Image: Push Square

You unlock the Spartan Rage named Valour during the Vanadis battle, shortly after The Lost Sanctuary. The official description reads: "Valiant defence can be the strongest offence when used with strategy."

  • Valour: Press L3 + R3 to consume a chunk of Spartan Rage and gain a moderate burst of Health. Time it right before being hit to negate the incoming attack, gain an additional burst of healing, and grant a Melee Attack bonus.
Upgrade Level
Level 2
  • 3,500 XP
Level 3
  • 9,000 XP


God of War Ragnarok: All Spartan Rages Locations and Upgrades 4
Image: Push Square

You unlock the Spartan Rage named Wrath once you retake control of Kratos towards the end of Unleashing Hel. The official description reads: "Command the wrath of legendary weaponry to overwhelm foes with brutal force."

  • Wrath: Press L3 + R3 to consume a chunk of Spartan Rage and charge down an enemy with your current weapon, dealing a large amount of damage with additional weapon effects. Killing the enemy heals a small amount.
Upgrade Level
Level 2
  • 3,500 XP
Level 3
  • 9,000 XP

Did you find this list of all Spartan Rages locations and upgrades in God of War Ragnarok useful? For more information, be sure to refer to our God of War Ragnarok guide, and let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.