Looking for a LEGO 2K Drive Trophy guide? As part of our LEGO 2K Drive guide, we're going to tell you how to unlock all Trophies and show you how to get the Platinum. This Trophy roadmap explains everything you need to know to get 100% completion in 2K Games' open world racer.
LEGO 2K Drive Trophy Guide: All Trophies and How to Get the Platinum

LEGO 2K Drive has a total of 39 Trophies to collect, including the Platinum. In this part of our LEGO 2K Drive Trophy guide, we will be listing all Trophies and how to get the Platinum, while also answering some crucial questions you may have about the game, like whether there are any missable or difficulty-related Trophies.
Does Difficulty Affect Trophies?
There are no difficulty options in LEGO 2K Drive, so no, there are no Trophies tied to difficulty settings. However, as you progress through the game, you will level up and unlock higher tiers of each race, and these are faster and more challenging. There is also a 'Race Difficulty Assist' option in the Settings menu, which is toggled on by default, so you should hopefully find the game has a good level of balance throughout. When it comes to Trophies, though, you don't need to worry about cranking up the difficulty.
Are There Any Missable Trophies?
There are no missable Trophies in LEGO 2K Drive. It is worth noting, however, that one Trophy requires you to play online, competing in a number of public races and/or mini-games. All the other Trophies relate to the Story mode, and none of these can be missed.
For LEGO 2K Drive, the vast majority of the Trophies can only be earned by playing through the Story mode. This is where the game features open world areas to explore, complete with new vehicles to unlock, collectibles to find, and of course, lots of races to win. We would recommend playing all the way through Story mode as normal, because you're likely to get a lot of the Trophies through natural play.
However, there are some that'll require a bit more effort. For example, you'll need to track down all collectibles in each map, plus you have to spend a lot of time racking up cumulative stats. For example, driving a certain number of miles, destroying objects, and drifting a certain total distance. These can probably be saved for later, or may possibly unlock without you trying.
Trophy Guide
Here's the full Trophy list for LEGO 2K Drive, including descriptions and how to unlock each one.
Tastes Like Platinum
Platinum: Earn all the Trophies in the game
In order to get the Platinum Trophy in LEGO 2K Drive, you'll first need to earn all the rest of the Trophies, listed below.
A Charismatic Mentor
Bronze: Receive your first Checkered Flag in Story mode
To get this Trophy, you need to finish first in the Story mode's first race, called Racing 101. One of the rewards is a Checkered Flag.
Cruising Big Butte County
Bronze: Drive around in Big Butte County in Story mode
For this Trophy, simply drive around the Big Butte County open world for a couple of minutes.
Cruising Prospecto Valley
Bronze: Drive around in Prospecto Valley in Story mode
For this Trophy, simply drive around the Prospecto Valley open world for a couple of minutes.
Cruising Hauntsborough
Bronze: Drive around in Hauntsborough in Story mode
For this Trophy, simply drive around the Hauntsborough open world for a couple of minutes.
New Challengers
Bronze: Play 10 races or mini-games in Play With Everyone
This Trophy tasks you with competing in 10 online races or mini-games in the Play With Everyone mode. You don't need to win 10 events — just take part in them.
3K Drive
Bronze: Drive 3000 miles (4828 km)
You need to drive a cumulative total of 3,000 in-game miles for this Trophy.
Hop Upington
Bronze: Jump 100 times
This simple Trophy just needs you to jump 100 times. You'll get this one before you know it through regular play.
Just the Start
Bronze: Collect 50 new vehicles
For this Trophy, you'll need to collect a total of 50 vehicles. You can earn some vehicles by finishing first in races or completing other events. On top of that, you can visit Unkie's Emporium to buy more vehicles with the Brickbux you've earned.
The Pit Crew
Bronze: Collect 15 new drivers
This Trophy requires you to unlock 15 drivers. Some drivers are earned by finishing first in races or completing other events. Besides that, you can visit Unkie's Emporium to purchase new drivers with your hard-earned Brickbux.
Road Hog
Bronze: Destroy 200 traffic vehicles
As you explore the open world and compete in races, you'll be able to smash your way through traffic. Break 200 of these vehicles for this Trophy.
Brick Separator
Bronze: Destroy 1000 objects
For this Trophy, you need to destroy 1000 breakable objects around the map. There are lots of destructible objects scattered around, like fences, trees, and lampposts, so drive recklessly and you'll grab this in no time.
It Used To Work
Bronze: Wreck 100 times
Another easy one. Wreck your car 100 times in total to nab this Trophy.
Sidewalk Hog
Bronze: Punt 200 pedestrians into the air
As you drive around the open world, pedestrians will be walking along the roadsides. Simply send 200 of them flying and you'll get this Trophy.
Big Butte Champion
Bronze: Beat the Big Butte Grand Brick Arena race in Story mode
You'll unlock this Trophy as you progress through the Story mode campaign.
Prospecto Champion
Bronze: Beat the Prospecto Valley Grand Brick Arena race in Story mode
You'll unlock this Trophy as you progress through the Story mode campaign.
What's This Button Do?
Bronze: Use every type of power-up at least once
In certain events, you'll be able to make use of power-ups. Find and use each type of power-up to get this easy Trophy.
Heat Seeker
Bronze: Hit opponents with missiles 15 times
For this Trophy, all you need to do is pick up the homing missiles power-up and hit opponents with them 15 times total.
Free Banana Smoothies
Bronze: Discover all the Garages in the world in Story mode
Throughout the open world, you can find numerous Garages. Follow the link for help on where to find them. Once you've located them all, you'll unlock this Trophy.
Read the Manual
Bronze: Complete all chapters of the Go-Kart tutorial in the Garage
Go into any Garage in the game. Press Options and you'll find some extra Tutorials. Complete all the steps in the tutorial called Build: Go-Kart and you'll get this Trophy.
Honk Means Hello
Bronze: Talk to 150 folk
Certain characters around each open world map can be talked to. They're marked with a yellow circle around their feet and an exclamation mark above their head. When you're close enough, press L3 to talk to them. Find and talk to 150 characters in Story mode for this Trophy.
Hauntsborough Champion
Bronze: Beat the Hauntsborough Grand Brick Arena race in Story mode
You'll unlock this Trophy as you progress through the Story mode campaign.
Couldn't Have Drifted Better Myself
Bronze: Drift 5000 meters
You'll nab this Trophy pretty quickly. All you need to do is drift for a cumulative total of 5,000 metres, which you'll rack up easily.
Missile Misser
Silver: Avoid 50 missiles by jumping over them in races
You can avoid being hit by missiles if you jump at the right time. Do this successfully 50 times in total and you'll unlock this Trophy.
All Perked Up
Silver: Collect 10 Perks
As you progress in the game, you'll steadily unlock Perks, which you can equip to your vehicles for stat boosts. These are earned by winning races and beating other events throughout the Story mode.
Silver: Find all the jetpacks in Big Butte County in Story mode
Exploring Big Butte County, you will come across Rocket Jetpacks around the map. Find them all to get this Trophy.
Silver: Find all the rotorpacks in Prospecto Valley in Story mode
You can find several Rotor Jetpacks in Prospecto Valley. Find them all to get this Trophy.
Silver: Find all the batpacks in Hauntsborough in Story mode
Find all the Bat Jetpacks, which are scattered around Hauntsborough, to get this Trophy.
Roadshow Ready
Silver: Find all the Collectables in Big Butte County
You'll unlock this Trophy when you find all the collectibles in Big Butte County. Hit the link for more information.
Township Treasurer
Silver: Find all the Collectables in Prospecto Valley
You'll unlock this Trophy when you find all the collectibles in Prospecto Valley. Follow the link for more information.
Paranormal Procurer
Silver: Find all the Collectables in Hauntsborough
You'll unlock this Trophy when you find all the collectibles in Hauntsborough.
The Golden Ending
Silver: Earn a Gold Medal in every On-the-Go event in the world
Throughout the open world are On-the-Go events. These small, optional objectives must all be completed with a gold medal if you want this Trophy.
6K Drive
Silver: Drive 6000 miles (9656 km)
Drive a cumulative total of 6,000 miles and you'll pop this Trophy.
You BREAK Stuff!
Silver: Destroy 15000 objects
Destroy a whopping 15,000 objects in total to nab this Trophy.
Silver: Get to Level 30 in Story mode
Level your driver up to Level 30 to unlock this simple Trophy.
Sky Cup Champion
Gold: Beat the Sky Cup Grand Prix race in Story mode
This Trophy requires you to win the final race series in Story mode.
Higher Orbit
Gold: Spin 1080 degrees in the air without using a jetpack
You'll need some serious air for this Trophy. While airborne, spin your car 1,080 degrees — that's three full revolutions — before you land.
Crystal Clear
Gold: Mow down all weed patches in the world in Story mode
Throughout each open world are numerous patches of weeds. Mow them by driving over them using a lawnmower, which you'll earn during a quest in Big Butte County. Once you've hit them all, you'll get this Trophy.
Folk Hero
Gold: Complete all quests in the world in Story mode
Finish every quest in the open world to nab this Trophy.
Did you find our LEGO 2K Drive Trophy guide useful? Did you unlock all Trophies yet and do you have any more suggestions for how to get the Platinum? Let us know in the comments section below, and take a look at our LEGO 2K Drive guide for much more.
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