5. Fallout 4 (PS4)
Average Length: 120+ hours (with DLC)
Bethesda's formula is clear to see in Fallout 4 — an open world game that aims to be dynamic, dense, and always engaging. You can blitz the main story in around 20 to 30 hours if you really want to, but most players spend a lot more time with this post-apocalyptic adventure before putting it back on the shelf. With hundreds of locations to explore, Fallout 4 is a game that you can come back to time and time again, only to find something new that you've never seen before.
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4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition (PS4)
Average Length: 120+ hours
Who hasn't played Skyrim at this point? Bethesda's seemingly timeless open world RPG can keep you hooked for hundreds of hours as you quest across Tamriel's frozen north. Main quests, side quests, faction quests — there's so much to see in Skyrim, and that's without even mentioning all of the caves and ruins that you're free to plunder. Throw in the Dawnguard and Dragonborn expansions, and you've got countless reasons to wrap up warm and slay dragons.
3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PS4)
Average Length: 120+ hours (with DLC)
The PS4's best RPG is also one of its longest. The Witcher 3's storytelling is unmatched, and that's partly because it somehow remains riveting throughout its massive runtime. When you're not journeying across the game's incredibly well realised world, you're engaging with some of the very best writing in gaming, and that's also true of the title's superb expansions, which outshine most full price games. Yes, The Witcher 3 demands a lot of your time, but it's worth every second.
2. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)
Average Length: 200+ hours
Now if you're looking for a real time sink on PS4 — a game you can lose hundreds of hours to if you're not careful — then Monster Hunter World should be one of the first titles you take a look at. Capcom's immense action RPG is gigantic in a way that few other games on this list are. It doesn't have an open world, and although its story is certainly lengthy, it's not the main reason you'll stick with this monster slaying masterpiece. Excellent combat and the constant promise of becoming more and more powerful make Monster Hunter World — and its expansion, Iceborne — a truly obsessive experience.
1. The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited (PS4)
Average Length: 200+ hours (with DLC)
As its name suggests, The Elder Scrolls Online is an online game — but you can play through so, so much of this gigantic RPG alone, and even by itself, that content is enough to put the title at the top of this list. All of its main story quests are accessible as a solo player, and it's going to take you hundreds of hours to see it all through. What's more, The Elder Scrolls Online's map is ridiculously huge, with its numerous expansions only adding to its gargantuan size. You could play this thing for months and you'd still be left with quests to complete and brand new locations to explore.
This guide is based on our own data, along with some data from HowLongToBeat. What are the longest games you've played on PS4? Spend as long as you want in the comments section below, and take a look at our Best PS4 Games list.
Comments 75
I'm foolishly playing 7 and 6 at the same time now. Think I'm going to play something very short after. Maybe do a list of short games.
And yet Dreams is infinite.
Waiting for Bethesda to fix Fallout 76
Average Length: 99999999+ hours (with controversy)
Putting ESO there is kinda cheating since it's an mmo;)
I've been playing elder scrolls online for 6 months solid and nowhere near bored or anywhere near having done everything. Like the article says, this game is HUGE!!!
@BearsEatBeets We can do a short list if you think it'll be helpful!
@roe Dreams and LittleBigPlanet 3 are basically PS4's Super Mario Maker's in-terms of having an infinite amount of content.
@Syndrome Okay, okay, it's a bit cheeky, but like the article says, the vast majority of the game is playable completely solo. Final Fantasy XIV would also be on this list if it didn't require co-op at points.
As always with these lists, we're totally open to suggestions. If you think any especially long games should be added to this list, let us know.
@ShogunRok @Syndrome Especially since Final Fantasy XIV is 250+ hours including DLC lol.
@TowaHerschel7 Yeah you could easily play these MMOs for 1000s of hours if you really wanted. The sheer size of them is insane.
I suggest Fairy Fencer F: Dark Advent. That game is 100+ hours in length.
i have 140 hours in FFXV but while not a PS4 game the longest i have is FFVII back on the PS1, i played that so long the clock stopped
in fact i STILL play my original game save i started back in 1997 so god knows how many hours i sunk into it
@FullbringIchigo FF XV is content-packed, but the main campaign is less than 20 hours in length.
@ShogunRok Absolutely, I actually have the current vanilla version of FF XIV and have sunk 100+ hours into it. I only login during the free campaign weeks. Usually binging it for 8 hours a day during those free periods.
@ShogunRok yes please, make a shortest games list. I love it when a game is short but fun and the internet has a sheer lack of short games lists because of the “short = bad” stigma.
Also suggestion. Best remasters/reboots/remakes list (maybe seperate since there are so many on ps4 of all 3 categories) especially with the upcoming destroy all humans and battle for bikini bottom remakes. I think you can easily find 10 good remakes, 10 good reboots and 10 good remasters on ps4.
I thought Dark Souls or one of it's sequels (especially the second as that is quite lengthy) might be up here... Though maybe I'm just a slowpoke/crap at those
@BearsEatBeets I'm similarly foolish, playing 3 and 2 at the same time (Witcher 3 Wild Hunt and Monster Hunter World Iceborne). At least I had completed the main Monster Hunter World campaign long before Iceborne, but that expansion is still very long.
I feel like you could put many different games on this list. Take an Indie like Terraria for example. Easily 300+ hours long if you try to solo through it on your own.
Shouldn't Horizon Zero Dawn Be On This List to
@TowaHerschel7 yeah but that same can be said for other games on this list including FFXII, if i don't do any side stuff i can do that story in less than 20 hours
Assassin's Creed story i also did in less than 20 and that's still on the list, it's the side quests and content that pad the games out so long
@Areus Average length for Horizon is, according to the data we've used, a little less than 60 hours, so it doesn't quite make the list. It'll be there if we ever expand the list, though.
@FullbringIchigo As the article says, though, this is based on average length. For Ass Creed your 20 hours will be an outlier. Not saying the data's perfect — there are a lot of different factors to consider — but it's the most "fair" way to add games to a list like this.
@ShogunRok I probably spent 60 hours in Horizon's photo mode
@ShogunRok yeah i know apart from MMO's i doubt there is any game that has a 120 hour story mode, it all about what you get out of the world and mechanics
@ShogunRok I mean, the same can be said for every mmo. I haven't played ESO but i figure it requires teaming with others to do the hardest content of the game(i.e. dungeons,raids) and that's where the endless loop exists.
Doing repeatable quests solo(in case that's what you mean) doesn't count since the same can be said for Skyrim and FO4, for example.
Just my 2 cents
MGS 5 - 140 hours for me (slow playing Obvs)
However the longest games this gen in my collection, have been Elite Dangerous, Rocket League and Pro Evo.
@ShogunRok nice list. I do wonder when you get time to write when you have played the equivalent of 3 elephant lifetimes in RPGs alone.
@DeepSpace5D terraria is a awesome game, but doesnt have much of a story to it. I think this list was about long games with good stories to them.
@ShogunRok I played Horizon Zero Dawn for 100+ hours Platinumed and im not finished with the DLC, Dragon Quest Heroes 2 180 hours 92% on my trophies.
MHW 700 + hours still not Platinumed i just didnt have the drive to go after the mini and max size monsters i got sick of it. The funny thing i still have too start Iceborne.
Skyrim i just dont like it after 30 hours im finished and RDR2 i hated the first one. 😆
Still have too start the Witcher 3 im some what intimidatie by the size.
@Syndrome ESO is a bit different. In something like FFXIV you need to play with others at points to get through the story. In ESO, you can play all of the main story content alone, and that's hundreds of hours if you take all the expansions into account as well. It's probably the most solo-friendly MMO there is right now.
There is some difficult content meant for groups in ESO, but again, there's literally hundreds of hours of solo stuff. You could never touch any of the co-op or PvP, and you'd still have a game that would last you weeks without ever having to team up with another human.
Final fantasy XV, X/X-2
For Hard Mode, try playing a bunch of these games at the same time like I am.
I might give long-haul RPGs a rest for a while after Cyberpunk, though.
@ellsworth004 Well I see No Man’s Sky on the list. I havent played the latest version of it with all the updates, but i dont recall it having much of a story before.
I've put a highly enjoyable 200+ hours each into RDR2, Dragon Quest XI and AC Odyssey.
I get that many people have family and work life so can't really get into and appreciate massive games like these but nowadays I much prefer a huge RPG/open world game and would happily take my time playing them over months and months.
200 hours in MGS V.
130 in Digimon Cyber Sleuth.
About a million in the last of us mp
@ShogunRok how many of these have you played?! Hope they give you vitamin d supplements as part of your perks at pushsquare towers 😂
My Name is Mayo should be on the list. Ive been playing for over a year and probably racked up 200+ hours. The story line is intense and action is non stop in this real life sim that inspired death stranding. There is so much to do that I'm still working on getting that platinum.
@R1spam Horrible realisation that I've played 13 of these 15 games to completion. Still playing ESO after 400+ hours!
@Arugula. Ni no kuni 2 is amazing.and the graphics.wow awsome.word up son
@DeepSpace5D yeah NMS didnt have much of a story when i played it either, maybe they have added more, i dunno.
@ShogunRok same here. I’m playing ESO now. Just checked and I got my first trophy on 2/13/2015. Nearly 4 years in and still going strong.
I own 10 of those 15 games and haven't finished any of them. That says it all really.
I'd dig a list of short games. Got a zillion epic 100+ hour games that I've never played. Like having War and Peace in your library.
Sad, sad little man.
nms is the one for me,over 2000 hours ,still searching for that elusive yellow whale hauler s class,barely scraped the surface of the massive base building either ,having tonnes of fun,meanwhile my copy of anthem rots in a corner somewhere crying over its cornflakes.
@ShogunRok Surprised Diablo III or Stardew Valley didn't make the list.
@Salt_AU not a single player game though, not even for an extra $100 😉
I've been playing RDR2 for a year and after 125 hours I'm on the brink of 100% completion. One of the games of my life.
But that just shows I'll never make a dent in most of the titles in this list. Bring on retirement!
@ShogunRok Yakuza 0 might be a consideration. There is likely high variance from person to person in how long they spend on mini-games but it can easily top 80 hours if you try to dabble in everything.
@TowaHerschel7 its a MMO... not a SP game.
What happened to FFXIV?
@ShogunRok Yes, please, a short games list! I've got so little time per week to play, I'm giving the most value to the good experiences that can be completed in a short time. Absolutely loved The Order and now I mostly play short indies.
Right now I'm finishing Days Gone, but it's been taking me several weeks!
Elite Dangerous, possibly the hugest game i've ever known
Elite Dangerous is massive, and endless, plus it's 1984 nostalgia brought right up to date...even with the frustrating, buggy updates, it's great.
Black desert online!. Should be mention.. Or atleast all MMO games
@Neolit when i looked at my end of the year stats its had witcher 3 as my most played game at 300+ hours. I really dont think i played it that long, i only played through it one time. I wonder if games count the time a game is paused?
@ShogunRok I think that’s a great idea
No mention of FFXIV??
I really am not a fan of these types of articles. Maybe if they didn't have the links to purchase games included. But to me they come off like a pushy salesman.
Is it bad that I have a lot of these but only finished Red Dead's and AC's story? lol
Ha. Played 7 of them. Finished none of them. Doh!
The longest game for real is not on this list!? I’m talking no mans sky
@ShogunRok Interesting list. I think a great list would be BEST SHORT GAMES ON PS4, or best games you can complete in a day. Based on quality of course.
And what about FF XIV???
Where's nier automata? My game time is about 100 hours finishing the game with all the endings.
What I don't get is why if we're counting Elder Scrolls Online we're not counting FFXIV. Is it because it came out on PS3 first?
Also Assassin's Creed Origins should probably be on the list. That's like a billion hours or something. I didn't count them. But I felt it.
I’ve been playing ESO for 5 years now. My PS4 stats from 2019 says my longest gaming streak was 17 hours. I’m sure I was playing ESO lol.
@johncalmc No FFXIV because it requires co-op to progress the story.
@troj27 I would take this list as opinion not as fact.
@ShogunRok Of course. I kinda forgot about that. I play Final Fantasy XIV solo as much as humanly possible.
I played Horizon Zero Dawn for more then 120 hours still missing a few things.
Kingdom Come Deliverance is a massive game as well and one of the best actually rpgs I've ever played. The steep learning curve unfortunately made most people give up before they learned it. That and being 1st person. 1st person games seemingly are the villains of gaming lol.
FFXII is listed as 80+ hours, but FFXV is much longer. I just passed 200 collective hours over my 2 playthroughs (50 hour story run followed by a 150-hour (so far) completionist run,) and in my 150-hour completionist run I still haven't completed everything. I still have the two hardest/longest Menace dungeons, one of which is something like 100 floors with no item use, and I also haven't yet defeated the mech that you get the Zwill Crossroads from. I'm also only level 100 out of a maximum 120.
For a true completionist run of FFXV (not just a platinum trophy,) you should figure probably 160 hours if you're not dilly-dallying as much as I have, fishing for tuna, grinding and repeating hunts, etc., so almost twice as much time as you estimated for FFXII.
@ObserverGamez Absolutely. KC:D is one of the best games I've ever played. It's really unfortunate that so many people get so frustrated with the game for not making you "the chosen one." If you want to succeed at something, be it fighting or picking locks, you actually have to work for it. Not just your character, but literally you, the player, need to work for that skill.
@Grimwood RDR2 25 hours of gameplay? Lmao.
Maybe for a casual who doesn't bother with all the side content, hunting, outfits, trophies, satchels, collectibles, etc. Idk if you've figured this out yet, but there's a LOT more to any video game than just the story missions the game puts directly in front of you. Try ignoring those instructions and exploring, doing your own thing. You'll undoubtedly find a TON of content that you're currently missing out on.
RDR2 has hundreds of hours worth of content without ever touching it's cancerous multiplayer.
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