In this part of our Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered guide, we're going to look at all the webslingers suits and how to unlock them. Considering the sheer variety of Spider-Man's opponents, it's pretty tough to believe that just the one suit fits all occasions. Spidey has to go in all fists whacking, as silent as a spider, and go gadget crazy depending on the situation.
Insomniac gets it, though, and with Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered provides our friendly neighbourhood hero with a sizeable arsenal of suits that let you adapt to any situation. That's thanks to Suit Powers, which give you handy rechargeable abilities that alter how you play.
Unlock a new suit and you unlock its corresponding Suit Power. Thankfully though, Suit Powers aren't tied to suits, so once you've unlocked one you can equip it with any suit. Those who are in it for the cosmetics will be very happy to hear that indeed.
In this guide, we're going to detail how to unlock every single suit in Marvel's Spider Man Remastered. We'll also list all of the corresponding Suit Powers and what each suit looks like to help you plan ahead. Be warned though, there's no other way to do this than to provide spoilers. Read on at your peril.
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered: All Suits and How to Unlock Them
Below is a list of all suits in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered and how to unlock them.
Advanced Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Battle Focus: Hybrid biomembrane rapidly generates Focus for a short time.
Unlocked at level 3.
Classic Suit (Damaged)
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Unlocked by default.
Classic Suit (Repaired)
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Web Blossom: Leap into the air and web everything in sight.
Unlocked at level 3.
Noir Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Sound of Silence: Enemies no longer call for backup when alerted.
Unlocked at level 3.
Scarlet Spider Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Holo Decoy: Experimental AR tech spawns multiple Holo Decoys that stun attacking enemies before decaying.
Unlocked at level 4.
Spider Armour - MK II Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Bullet Proof: Magnetically polarised armour plating makes suit temporarily bullet-proof against all enemies, even snipers.
Unlocked at level 5.
Secret War Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Arms Race: Discharges amplified EMP build-up to stun enemies and disable their weapons.
Unlocked at level 7.
Stark Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Spider Bro: Calls in a Spider-Bro to temporarily aid in combat.
Unlocked at level 9.
Negative Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Negative Shockwave: Synchronises nano-mesh particles to unleash a devastating wave of negative energy.
Blur Projector: Create a distortion field that can obscure you from non-alerted enemies' vision.
Unlocked at level 23.
Spider Armour - MK III Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Titanium Alloy Plates: Dynamic semi-liquid smart metal crystallises to reflect all bullets, except for sniper rounds, back at shooters.
Unlocked at level 26.
Spider-Man 2099 Black Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Low Gravity: Decrease gravity while in the air.
Unlocked at level 29.
Iron Spider Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Iron Arms: Wreak havoc with four articulated arms made from rapidly grown mono-atomic alloy crystal.
Unlocked at level 31.
Velocity Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Blitz: Micro-gyros allow for faster sprinting, and real-time momentum-transfer knocks down enemies.
Unlocked at level 33.
Spider Armour - MK IV Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Defence Shield: Experimental magnetic weave generates an energy shield that temporarily absorbs all damage.
Unlocked at level 35.
Spirit Spider Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Spirit Fire: Channels unstable waves of damaging ethereal energy from... somewhere...
Unlocked at level 37.
Spider-Man 2099 White Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Concussion Strike: Ventilated concussive technology temporarily sends enemies flying with every attack.
Unlocked at level 39.
Vintage Comic Book Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Quips: Insult your enemy's pride.
Unlocked at level 41.
Last Stand Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Unrelenting Fury: Enemies cannot block or interrupt your attacks, even if they have shields.
Unlocked at level 45.
Homemade Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Collect all Old Backpacks.
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Equaliser: Everyone goes down in one hit, including you.
Achieve 100% completion by beating the main campaign and achieving 100% district completion in every district.
ESU Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Collect all Secret Photo Ops.
Anti-Ock Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
Resupply: Distributed nano-mesh continuously refills current gadget's shots.
Beat the story.
Dark Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Beat all Black Cat Stakeouts.
Resilient Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Purchase 'The Heist' DLC.
Scarlet Spider II Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Purchase 'The Heist' DLC.
Spider-UK Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Purchase 'The Heist' DLC.
Spider-Clan Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Purchase the 'Turf Wars' DLC.
Iron Spider Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Purchase the 'Turf Wars' DLC.
Spider Armor Mk. I Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Purchase the 'Turf Wars' DLC.
Into the Spider-Verse Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Purchase the 'Silver Lining' DLC.
Cyborg Spider-Man Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Purchase the 'Silver Lining' DLC.
Aaron Aikman Armor Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Purchase the 'Silver Lining' DLC.
Future Foundation Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Free with 1.14.
Bombastic Bag-Man Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Free with 1.14.
Upgraded Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Free with 1.16.
Stealth Suit
Suit Power
How To Unlock
No associated suit power.
Free with 1.16.
So now you know all Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered's suits and how to unlock them, but you can refer to our Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered guide for more information. Which suit is your favourite? Cast a web in the comments section below.
Glen joined Nintendo Life in 2018 as Guides Editor, assembling walkthroughs, tips, and tricks for some of Switch's biggest games. He went on to work as Editor for Pocket Tactics and Senior SEO Strategist for Metro.
I never thought I'd say this, but the classic suit looks horrible. So few shadows outlining the muscles, Peter's body looks as if he doesn't have any muscles at all. All other suits look great, though - especially the Mark ones.
I love some of the old school throw backs however I do feel too many armor suits. I was hoping for some good digs like six armed spidey, the captain universe suit (one of my favorites), his wedding tux, (if they can put him half naked they can reference him having to websling to his wedding with no shoes of course), the MK I armor (my fave armor next to iron spider) or even Ben Riley's spiderman (not talking about scarlet spider).
That being said I can't wait to play. I just am grousing because it really seems like insomniac put a lot of care into this so I feel like they could have reached deeper, but I'm more than excited to play what they made.
@KALofKRYPTON doubtful for symbiote. That will hopefully be next game with a full on campaign for Venom. Venom deserves more attention than DLC can give. I hope Venom is in 2 and Carnage is saved for a vicious, dark story in 3.
Also the DLC pack names hint to Black Cat, Silver Sable and some turf war. Nothing sounds like Venom. Doesnt mean he won't be in them.. but would be a waste if they didn't go hard on Venom story.
@Giygas_95 They have all 3 suits from MCU. Homemade suit is the one he uses before Stark finds him in Civil War. Stark Suit is the suit he gets from Stark and wears later in Civil War, most of homecoming before Stark takes it back, and beginning of infinity war. Then Iron suit is the one ur thinking of and it even has the claw arms.
@KleebanKliban That's assuming there's a sequel. Would be pretty cool for them to do the full classic Secret Wars (not the crappy new one) as a stand alone game.
Apparently the end suggests a sequel. I haven't gotten there yet tho. Personally I'd love their take on Maximum Carnage and get to play as Venom at times. Ever since the Gamecube game.. Ultimate Spiderman I think? I've wanted a fuller Venom open world experience. Love Venom traversal with his super jumps.
Comments 15
some of those look awesome, also is that home made one from Spider-Man Homecoming?
I never thought I'd say this, but the classic suit looks horrible. So few shadows outlining the muscles, Peter's body looks as if he doesn't have any muscles at all. All other suits look great, though - especially the Mark ones.
Wow 😮
So many suits. I had no idea.
Vintage, Last Stand, Noir, and Scarlet Spider suits are great!
Rest are a bit meh...
Symbiote and the old Ben Reilley suit will be paid DLC I guess?
That Iron Spider suit looks like the one from Infinity War.
@Giygas_95 it is

@FullbringIchigo That's pretty darn cool. Glad I just ordered this game (yes, I'm late to the party).
I love some of the old school throw backs however I do feel too many armor suits. I was hoping for some good digs like six armed spidey, the captain universe suit (one of my favorites), his wedding tux, (if they can put him half naked they can reference him having to websling to his wedding with no shoes of course), the MK I armor (my fave armor next to iron spider) or even Ben Riley's spiderman (not talking about scarlet spider).
That being said I can't wait to play. I just am grousing because it really seems like insomniac put a lot of care into this so I feel like they could have reached deeper, but I'm more than excited to play what they made.
@KALofKRYPTON doubtful for symbiote. That will hopefully be next game with a full on campaign for Venom. Venom deserves more attention than DLC can give. I hope Venom is in 2 and Carnage is saved for a vicious, dark story in 3.
Also the DLC pack names hint to Black Cat, Silver Sable and some turf war. Nothing sounds like Venom. Doesnt mean he won't be in them.. but would be a waste if they didn't go hard on Venom story.
@Giygas_95 They have all 3 suits from MCU. Homemade suit is the one he uses before Stark finds him in Civil War. Stark Suit is the suit he gets from Stark and wears later in Civil War, most of homecoming before Stark takes it back, and beginning of infinity war. Then Iron suit is the one ur thinking of and it even has the claw arms.
@KleebanKliban That's assuming there's a sequel.
Would be pretty cool for them to do the full classic Secret Wars (not the crappy new one) as a stand alone game.
Apparently the end suggests a sequel. I haven't gotten there yet tho. Personally I'd love their take on Maximum Carnage and get to play as Venom at times. Ever since the Gamecube game.. Ultimate Spiderman I think? I've wanted a fuller Venom open world experience. Love Venom traversal with his super jumps.
I've unlocked and bought all of these, but none of my percentages say 100%, anyone think this is because of the DLC's coming out?
I think you forgot about Spider Armour MK1.
The Armored Advanced looks nice
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