Which PS4 games have free PS5 upgrades? Below, we've compiled a list of all confirmed titles that let you transfer from PS4 to PS5 at no extra cost. All of these titles will receive some kind of upgrade on Sony's next-gen console that will allow them to look better, perform better, or both. Please note that this PS5 guide refers to specific game updates, not PS5 backwards compatibility. You can find out more about PS5 Game Boost through the link. And if you'd like to know How to Upgrade PS4 Games to PS5 then you can find a full walkthrough through the link. You may also want to double-check the following: How to Check You're Playing the PS5 Version of Cross-Gen Games.
For more information, you may be interested in the following guide: PS5 Smart Delivery: Does PlayStation 5 Have Smart Delivery for PS4 Games? For further articles on PS5 games, check out the following links: All PS5 Announced Games, All PS5 Rumoured Games, All PS5 First-Party Exclusives, All PS5 Launch Games, and New PS5 Game Release Dates in 2022. You may also be interested in the following: Will PS5 Games Play on PS4?
PS4 to PS5: All Games with Confirmed Free Upgrades
Below is a full list of every PS4 game that allows you to transfer to the PS5 game for free. You'll also find a brief overview of the differences between the versions, and any other pertinent information, such as whether save progress transfers.
PS4 to PS5: How Do Free Upgrades Work?
PS4 to PS5's free upgrades will work differently depending on how the publisher decides to support the initiative and which versions of the games you own. For example, if you purchase a digital copy of Assassin's Creed Valhalla on the PS4, then you'll be able to upgrade to a digital copy of Assassin's Creed Valhalla on the PS5 free of charge. If you own a physical copy of Assassin's Creed Valhalla on the PS4, then you'll need to hold on to your copy of the disc, as you'll need to use this to play Assassin's Creed Valhalla on the PS5.
This means that if you purchase a physical copy of any of the games listed above, you won't be able to upgrade to the PS5 version if you purchase the PS5 Digital Edition. You can find out more about the two models courtesy of the following guide: PS5 Digital Edition vs PS5: What's the Difference?
Which PS4 to PS5 free game upgrades will you be taking advantage of? Take a look at our PS5 guide for more information, and then let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 209
I would love to see all the big titles upgraded from PS4. That would give me a reason to revisit them again.
It would also be helpful to track if there will be a PS5-specific version. If yes, then I may decide to wait for the PS5-only version than get the PS4 version+online-upgrade, which may take up twice the space and you lose out on the new PS5 game case.
Nah.. I want to see PS4 backwards compatibility on PS5 first!
@badbob001 I feel like these are the PS5 "specific" versions. Otherwise you'd end up with two versions on the PS5, and both would be upgraded for the console. It would be redundant.
@Richnj Yeah, I think this is supposed to be native PS5 releases. PushSquare could do with using a term like that to distinguish what is meant.
@JohnKarnes There's a strong rumour going around that The Last of Us: Part II and Ghost of Tsushima will receive full PS5 support, so I can definitely see Sony upgrading all of its first-party stuff.
Silly question probably, but I was wondering whether ps4 games which won't get an upgrade will still benefit from the ssd drive?
Id like to see the free upgrade for these-
The Last of Us 2
Ghost of Tsushima
Death Stranding
Red Dead Redemption 2
Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy
God of War
Marvel's Spider-Man
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Days Gone
Jedi Fallen Order
The list goes on...
@Richnj Unclear how that will work exactly. Sony hasn't defined something like Microsoft's 'smart delivery' where it seems to automatically determine which version to use. Certainly the PS4 disk version of a game can be installed on PS5. But if the PS5 version is also available, then what happens? Does something pop up and ask if you want the PS5 version? Is the PS4 version automatically uninstalled or do you have a choice to keep both (may be needed if the progress from the PS4 game is not compatible with the PS5 version)?
Some possibilities:
This may be a unique situation for Sony where the new console is backwards compatible with the previous generation. I know the PS2* could play PS1 games and the PS3* could play PS2 games, but I think that is from the inclusion of additional hardware and not that the new hardware was compatible with the old software.
(*) Initial hardware versions only
Thats a very small list with less than 5 months to go until console release.
Yes, if you install a SSD on a PS4 then load times are considerably faster. So the benefit should be better on PS5
@hotukdeals Excellent, cheers!
@ShaiHulud if they're on the SSD, then it's hard to imagine not, given the raw data transfer speeds - I actually wonder how they'll optimise for this, as some loading screens exist to give hints. But I'd imagine it'd be a given they'd benefit, unless they purposefully introduce delays to slow loading down.
@Arugula worth every penny
@hotukdeals it's kind of disengenuous as Sony has already said all games certified from July onwards MUST be forwards compatible, which is what they said for the pro, which for almost every game meant not only compatibility but also benefits
Extensive list...
@ShogunRok I imagine so... I think many people would be willing to hold onto their discs from the last of this gen, to see them and play them again with boosted graphics and framerate. I count me in that party, at least!
Personally so long as the PS5 can play the titles at all, that's what matters to me.
I still really wish it played PS3 titles too. If it did, upgrading to PS5 would have been a no brainer for me. But right now, I just don't see much reason to replace my PS4.
Hmmm, you are genuinely put off buying a PS5 because it doesn't play PS3 games? That seems bonkers to me, no offense, but I am glad the console if forward facing and chock full of tech that will push the medium forward.
I am happy it will be backwards compatible, but its makes no difference in my decision to buy a PS5, I want new games that take advantage of the new system and that is the same reason I have bought every console I own.
I will settle for a Bloodborne patch to improve the frame rate and resolution but, what I really want, is a remaster, so that I get a fresh trophy list to work towards a 2nd platinum trophy
"Dynamic 4K" is such a slimy marketing term for "4K at best but usually less".
Wow, 5 games, that’s it? Isn’t worth the trouble.. meanwhile in Xbox Series X.... Sony will no doubt would prefer all the games to be resold as remastered versions.
@S1ayeR74 you mean this list
Halo Infinite
Cyberpunk 2077
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Destiny 2
DiRT 5
Scarlet Nexus
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
The Ascent
Call of the Sea
Gears 5
Second Extinction
Metal: Hellslinger
Not exactly huge, also most of those will also be the same on PlayStation. Else they are shooting themselves in the foot.
@Lovespuds Yes, I am genuinely put off by it's lack of PS3 support. I was looking forward to the idea of having the ability to play my existing library of games all on one device. PS3, 4 and 5 on one nice, neat box under the TV.
As it stands right now, PS5 is extremely underwhelming. It's PS4+. And people keep saying how it's gonna push the medium forward and blah blah blah. And honestly, I'm just not impressed. Better graphics and faster loading times on a new console isn't surprising, it's expected. I've played games for more than 20 years. Every new console is better graphically and loads faster.
Do I think PS5 is, in any way, bad? Hell no! I'm just not impressed. Maybe once it's been out for a couple years, the price has come down, and they've had a chance to release a good selection of games for it, then I'll pick it up.
But for now, I have plenty of PS3, PS4 and Switch games to keep me more than busy.
@dr_lovejoy Yes and those are ‘free’ upgrades let’s not forget, that’s the difference here. Microsoft offers incredible value and Sony needs to be mindful of that, simply making statements along the lines of, well we don’t care it’s up to the developers to offer you an upgrade to PS5 graphics free or otherwise.. isn’t going to cut it. Not this time. Their will be people who won’t buy the PS5 because of its looks and size and Sony will have to sell to them.
Microsoft has been about backwards compatibility since the launch of the Xbox 360, Sony’s treated it as an afterthought to make more money from.
Metro exodus please. Ray tracing, tessellation and max graphics, 4k 30fps please.
Pretty please.
Thank you for justifying the existence of the phrase “there is just no pleasing some people“.
If you thought the PS5 was going to be backwards compatible with PS3, then you are either willfully ignorant or just have ridiculous expectations and are ignoring the limits that BC with PS3 brings to the table. It’s true that they could have made PS five backwards compatible with PS3, but did you want to pay $1000 for the PS5 and have it increased in size by another 25-50%? No? Neither did anybody else.
In addition, I’m just curious as to which PS3 games do you want to play that are not available through PS now?
@NorrinRadd you should google the free PS3 emulators for PC. I have never used one but if open source people can do it, why cant Sony?
It's quite a small list, but is ok I suppose. Does this mean that other PS4 games will work on it, but won't necessarily get an upgrade? I would play old PS3 games if the PS5 played them btw
@NorrinRadd Sorry my differing opinion is so offensive to you. Welcome to the internet. But as to your "there is no pleasing some people" that's a load of nonsense. I've never been happier with Nintendo's offerings. And Microsoft has completely turned around recently as well, impressing me a lot more than during most of the Xbone early years.
To answer your question about PS3 titles, I don't have the list of PS Now stuff in front of me. But I have a nice sized collection of PS3 games that I own already and would like to have been able to simply play and enjoy on the same device alongside newer PS4 and eventually PS5 titles. Is it so hard to see how that would be nice?
I suppose you actually do believe your rubbish of a 1000 dollar machine that is 50% larger just to have PS3 support, but that seems ludicrous to me. Even going the least efficient route possible, of just shoving a PS3 into the PS5 the PS3 is all old tech that is far cheaper than it was when it was new. And the cost would further be reduced because you wouldn't need a second disc drive or HDMI out or hard drive etc etc. Personally, I can't imagine PS3 support added in this manner adding, at the absolute most, another 100 dollars.
And if there were a version of the PS5 that had that, I would spend the extra money on it. Because it'd very much be worth it to me.
So I don't really care if you think I'm naive or greedy or whatever other insult you want to label me with.
But here's a friendly piece of advice: Online, people always have different opinions. Get used to it. YOU went out of the way to reply to me.
@Tacktful They won't slow down the loading times just so you can see hints. We've had a meme on PC for nearly 10 years now "game loads so fast from the SSD, I can't read the loading screen hints".
Artificially adding delay would defeat the purpose.
Has Sony stated whether or not getting the free PS5 version will also transfer game progress from the PS4 version? It would be a darn shame to start Cyberpunk 2077 all over again after putting a lot of work into the PS4 version.
Death Stranding, Uncharted 4/TLL, God of War, The Last of Us Part II, Days Gone, Dreams, Horizon, and some big third party titles like Rise/Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Red Dead 2 etc
... as many have said... I'm banking on first party games all having PS5 'benefits' - so that'll include "Ghosts" and " Stranding" - as well as games like Watchdogs Legion, etc... I have no doubt you'll have games like Spidey Miles, and all of those all offering benefits on PS5 too... I'm going to be buying AAAs a few months after release (when they're reduced) and stockpile them ready for PS5... Including Cyberpunk and Avengers (which looks like a fun little romp - don't understand all the negativity around it currently) that way I'll have at least 'some' decent titles to enjoy my PS5 with!
@Heavyarms55 not wanting to wade into an argument(!) but I suspect lack of PS3 backwards compatibillity is because of it's internal architecture... if I remember it was apparently a NIGHTMARE to develop for, really difficult... that's why they made it super-easy on PS4 (presumably a completely different internal architecture?!) - and PS5 will be similar... I suspect you may need a 'classic' PS for older games (if I remember also, PS3 couldn't play all PS2 games either because of how weird it was to develop) - didn't stop me loving Demon's Souls, Eye of Judgement, and so many other classics on there... easily my favourite console ever... the leap from 2 was amazing and they had fun with the games too...
Onwards and upwards though!
@OneManDroid Yes, I understand there are considerable issues with it. It's just a shame that Sony is a small indie company with highly limited resources and an inability to address this problem.
Look, like I said above, even going the least efficient route - but actually shoving a PS3 board into a more expensive version of the PS5 - it's doable. I just don't accept that it's not. And I find it hard to believe that Sony couldn't find a way to do it without making it prohibitively expense. This is Sony we are talking about, not some small upstart company with 14 employees working in the garage.
@Heavyarms55 lol - you may be right, I guess it's about supply / demand - and I guess the first priority of creating a new console, shouldn't be making it more expensive in order for it to play 10+ year-old games - I suspect they can't justify costs vs demand... I suspect the amount of people buying a PS5 to play PS3 games is quite small... and if the PS5 IS going to be £450ish (I'm really hoping for £400 with the disc drive) - then making it MORE expensive just to play PS3 games - makes zero commercial sense... :/ (and makes it even larger - from the reports, it's going to be higher than my cat tower and that's almost to the ceiling!)
I'm pretty sure the Cell processor was discontinued in 2009, at least the main one for the ps3, but either way you don't need to add a ps1 2 and 3 INSIDE the ps5 to make it have some form of BC.
Microsoft has been doing a great job at emulating OG Xbox and 360 on the Xbone.
I'm more than certain Sony could do the same via software emulation for the more popular games and niche games whose companies are fine with being downloaded by users if it has added upgrades like for 360/xbone games.
And ps1/2 could easily have been added via software emulation at near 100% compatibility with maybe an up-res by x2 just using our discs without having to download much besides the emulator.
The $1k and size increase comment makes zero sense.
On jailbroken ps3 fat and slims, you can play many ps2 games via the internal software emulation Sony added to the last ps2 compatible ps3 fat.
Psnow, remastered new games, and subsciption services are their priority.
I can play Morrowind on my xbone. I'm pretty sure the day they updated their emulation my xbone didn't get bigger. 😆
I guess people heard about the ps3 near failure of basically having 3 consoles inside it....but forget they can install emulators on their PCs, phones, and CFW'd consoles.
@OneManDroid I mean, the amount of people buying PS5 hoping to be able to play their PS3 collection is gonna be zero since the machine can't do it.
But I know what you mean and I think you seriously under-estimate the number of people who still have a collection of PS3 games they'd like to be able to enjoy alongside their PS4 and PS5 games all neatly on one console.
Added the first PS5 game to technically not have a free upgrade — NBA 2K21.
There are some games I really hope get an upgrade in the form of an update. FF7R and concrete genie are 2 of them.
I still want to know how it will work when you buy the game on ps4 lets say fifa then you get it for free on ps5 if you buy say the disc version how does it work like do they send you a free copy or do you pay for it then you get a refund? Coz I know with digital it will be registered you have it on ps4 and I assume your account will register you have it so when you go to the ps store it will say free on ps5 but by disc version how will that work?
@Collette That’s right! Collette Was the one saying he doubted the PS5 could run Bloodborne at native 4k 60fps...
Gran Turismo 7 at native 4K 60fps with ray traced reflections says hi 🤣🤣🤣
The current ps5 boost mode needs work. Like the ps4 pro. Will it get added improvements? I'm doubtful.
@darksoul77 they haven’t even announced everything about the console or its boost mode yet. Maybe wait until you have all the information before saying something like this 🤦♂️
@MarcG420 well they are testing the boost mode but only the top 100 ps4 titles at the moment. As I said it needs more work. As for upscaling or hdr coming from a boost or enhanced mode im sceptical this can be achieved.
@darksoul77 they’ve barely spoken about the feature, as I said wait until more information is given to draw conclusions.
Right now you (and everyone else for that matter) know basically nothing about how it’s handled and what it will entail.
You’re jumping the gun so to speak.
@MarcG420 if im honest the boost on ps5 will probably be similar to the pro's. I expect all the ps4 games will run fine of a standard hdd it's the new ps5 architecture and ssd that could throw up some issues. I'm even doubtful that the xbox can add all the improvements that they have boasted about as well.
It's better to set expectations low to avoid disappointment.
@darksoul77 how do you figure the boost mode will be similar to the pro when the pro had the same gpu but doubled up?
Just stop with the guessing, unless you’re a software engineer you have no idea about what you’re taking about.
@MarcG420 I have 22 and a half years in the industry what you got?
@darksoul77 doing what exactly? You never answered the question I posed also as to why you think it will be the same when the ps4 pro had the same gpu but doubled and a slight overclock. The ps5 has a hell of a lot more power than the ps4 pro.
@MarcG420 it's got nothing to do with power be it either processing speed or ram.
It's to do with coding and the fact that unless software is patched by those who developed it on their end to take advantage of improved hardware specs there is very little that a hardware manufacturer in this case Sony who not forgetting are building the bulk of the ps5 with other third partys can do on their end.
Sure they might be able to tweak a few things but it ain't gonna be a game changer no matter how you cut it.
If they can really add hdr for instance to every ps4 title now that would be impressive piece of coding on their behalf!
@darksoul77 you never answered what it is you do in the field. You have a habit or tendency of avoiding the questions posed.
The extra power in the ps5 can most certainly be used to boost the PS4 games. You’ve not given any reason it couldn’t. Apart from saying the game would have to be patched which I’m pretty sure isn’t accurate. You see it literally all the time with PC’s.
I’m pretty sure the ps5 will run a virtual machine for the PS4 compatibility and you would most certainly see boosts if that is the case.
To be clear here before you even say it; I’m aware that any game with locked resolution and framerates would need to be patched to unlock them, as such I’m mostly talking about the games that employ dynamic solutions
@MarcG420 I started my career after technical college as a programmer, did that for 8 years then went back to uni for 4 and now work as a senior consultant in house but on occasion abroad. I ain't telling you who I work for so don't ask.
Performance boosting is easy im talking about other quality of life improvements.
My wishlist for improvements would be
Fps. Sometimes adjusting Fps due to hardware can break game mechanics and has to be patched as we have found out ourselves but otherwise not a problem
Full 4k upscaling,
Full hdr implementation.
If they can do this with their own ps5 os. I will be very impressed. Just to add the devkit had no boost function.
@darksoul77 so what you’re really talking about are ps5 patches not boosting at all. Got it.
Should’ve just said so 😉 I would also be very impressed if they could do some of those things with OS alone as well.
@MarcG420 https://www.polygon.com/2015/4/21/8464295/dark-souls-2-weapon-durability-bug-fix-scholar-of-the-first-sin
This is a lie by Microsoft you just can't double frame rates on old software without issues. Full hdr b/c i look forward to seeing this and hope this isn't another lie.
@darksoul77 it simply isn’t possible to add true hdr to a game not built to be hdr. They could darken it on the dark ends and brighten it on the brighter ends but it’ll just be washed out and dark lol.
I’m not sure why you linked those, I already knew their claims.
@dr_lovejoy Thank you for your post, I do hope so. It’s nice to see Dirt 5 will run at 120FPS in either console, I’ve seen a lot of Sony fanboys claiming the PS5 will only do 4K 30FPS... I think they are blind to the actual specs of the machine, it’s up to the developer if they want to use it all.
@Heavyarms55 simple solution, buy a ps3
For me it has to The Last Of Us Part 2, Dreams and God Of War
@Dange that's pretty much my list!
Hopefully, all the first-party PS4 games will get "PS5patches", which did the same kind of effect for PS4Pro patches. Although my baseline expectation is that I can use my digital or disc PS4 library on my PS5 with no hassle. Any improvements / enhancements is a bonus.
I wonder if the upgrades are just simply small patches to enhance the game on PS5, or an annoyingly large complete replacement download?
@michaelf Nice. Great taste in games 😃
@Dange cheers! I'm typically a single-player, story-led gamer as principally I'm really really cack at multiplayer games! Growing up, "multiplayer" meant "coach gaming on the Spectrum or Amiga" for me ... it was easier to win those games as you could nudge your mate in the ribs to distract him!
@michaelf Or give them the cheap/broken pad. Ah the ZX Spectrum was my first step into gaming. Manic Miner is the game I have the fondest memories of.
@Dange good idea!!! Yes to MM; Chaos, Dizzy, Pac-Mania and a lot of Ocean games were my go-to choices, even if Ocean just followed the "bloke walking around shooting people" template for a lot of them!
R: Tape Loading Error, 0,1 - begone!!
AC: Valhalla is confirmed as well. Rainbow Six Seige too if I'm not mistaken.
“All confirmed upgrades”..... unconfirmed....unconfirmed....unconfirmed...
Upgrade to PlayStation®5 Version: This Digital Watch Dogs®: Legion PlayStation®4 game gives access to the corresponding Watch Dogs®: Legion PlayStation®5 digital version at no additional cost, when available.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L GBA played Game Boy, DS supported GBA. Wii played Gamecube. Wii U played Wii. But sure, whatever bro. never.
@Heavyarms55 you forgot: 3DS plays DS(i) games, GameBoy color plays GameBoy games. Most Nintendo consoles had backward compatibilities for at least one Generation. WIth exception for the SNES, N64 and Switch.
I really hope The Division 2 gets a much needed upgrade. I love the game but with each update it runs worse and worse on PS4. The popin is very bad...
Only digital versions of the games upgrade.
@Heavyarms55 if they made it backwards compatible with ps3 who would pay for ps now. I also believe it can be done and for cheap. All they have to do is have an emulator program on it to run it but I think they feel like they would loose subs for psnow and they definitely wouldnt want that.
@Kunfoostu in that case I will wait and buy just for ps5 although I'm sure I read on an article on this website that if you buy disc version for ps4 you can get it upgraded for free on disc but maybe im wrong.
@Dange that's the kind of list I was expecting 👍🏽. Hate click bate.
Days Gone!
Forget the rest.
This is one step closer to eliminating the second hand market or physical side of games which is what the companies have wanted for years. More than likely the last gen to have a disc unless the disc version massively outsells the non disc version. Time will tell
@sanderev To be fair I almost always forget Game Boy Color is its own thing. I didn't realize it until years after the GBA was out, once the internet was far more common than it was when I was a kid.
FACE PALM......... Destiny 2 is a free to play game
i'm so hoping for Read Dead 2!?
Sad that Yakuza Like a Dragon is Xbox only for the free upgrade in the launch window.
That’s not a very big list! Especially when compared to the Series X! The PS5 ‘boost’ mode better be worth something to make up for the short fall of free upgradable games.
The decision to restrict Control to Ultimate Edition buyers only really yanks my chain as someone who was poised to pick up the DLC when the AWE expansion was released.
Despite my love of Alan Wake they can swing for it now.
No native 4k 60 fps for Avengers. that's sad!!!
PS5 superior hardware also can't handle ?
What about Yakuza 7? This one is really important!
Please please please someone confirm
God Of War
@Tatoun Don't know why that one is getting more attention on the xbox side of things shrug
... Control its absolutely NOT a free upgrade and should be changed on here.. You have to buy the game AGAIN even if you bought the original deluxe edition.. Please don't whitewash this anti - consumer practice just for more coin...
@Ciabatta I copied what they wrote in the description of the standard version. so now they change things maybe.
Control isn't a free upgrade.
Funnily enough, Control Ultimate Edition (with PS5 upgrade) was a free earlier on today, but then got quickly revoked.
That blarney they came up with about 'blockers' on PSN stopping them from doing a free upgrade was blarney indeed.
@ShaiHulud Not really as they were designed to run on a standard HDD, they will probably load a little faster but you'd be wasting space on your SSD. You'd be better off installing PS4 games (that don't have an upgrade) on an external HDD.
@hoffa007 You put the PS4 disc into the PS5, install the game then go to the store and their will be an upgrade download it and away you go. But you must have the PS4 disc inserted into the PS5 to play it.
Should "Control" really be on this list? "Free unless you pay"? Doesn't sound right. Maybe it should simply be listed as "Control Ultimate edition" instead, since the none ultimate doesn't offer a free upgrade
@Arugula witcher 3 is getting a free upgrade to ps5 😁
@Swordsman83 avengers is trash and will be abandoned by the developer after Spider-Man releases
@Futureshark Lol yeah. They must be devastated that happened.
Where has SONY said that they didn't care? I don't want to see an article either because the written word can be changed or misquoted. I need a video of one of the higher ups that say they don't care. Also this is up to each developer and the same goes for XBOX. Also keep in mind that this list is getting updated frequently so the amount of games grows daily. As for backwards compatibility if you want to play old games than have the old console. As for the 360 having it so did the PlayStation 3 at launch and the 360's backwards compatibility was only emulation like it was through the generations and the PlayStation 3 was hardware based. Also keep in mind that MICROSOFT said that the machine could play HD DVD and later told us that you needed a separate unit to do that and the PlayStation 3 supported blu-ray and it was built in. Also you said that SONY's treated it to make more money. Well they are a business are they not? Also look at XBOX they also make money through having those backwards compatible games on their store front making money off of each sale and also charging hosting fees for the game to be on there. Also XBOX needs to have backwards compatibility because that's all they can offer. SONY offers us new games that are game of the year contenders that are crafted with love and passion and it shows. Why did HALO Infinite look terrible? 343 Industries put the blame on everything and everyone other than themselves. Also why haven't we seen any legit gameplay running on the Series X yet? The consoles 2 months away so here's hoping we actually get some gameplay soon.
Does anyone know if I purchased a ps4 games that gets free Ps5 upgrade, will the game performance be the same as if I purchased the standalone Ps5 game?
Seems an obvious way to get Ps5 games without having to pay the premium that publishers are putting on Ps5 games?
Am I missing something?
@badbob001 I'd say your "PS4 game owners can download enhancements to support PS5 and there will not be a standalone PS5 version" theory is most likely. It would just piss off a lot of people who had to effectively waste hard drive space with two versions of a game, and kill the indie market when people can't download games stores don't carry.
Either that or it'd just be a case of updating the software like any other game but your PS4 copy would be replaced in its entirety with the PS5 files.
If it were up to me, that's how I'd do it, it makes sense.
PS5 is native 4k 120fps on cold war. the devs themselves said it. devs said the improved memory of ps5 allows it to BOTH "MAX OUT" resolution (full 4k) and fps (120fps).
miles morales was confirmed ages ago to have a 4k/60 performance mode on ps5 with 4k/30 regular
I wonder if Monster Boy will look much different. Although I only own it on Switch at the moment.
It’s rather nice that more titles are being offered upgrades than I originally thought; although with regard to Control they may as well just rereleased it as a PS5 title.
Have they said anywhere that the PS5 upgrade eligible games will be available at PS5 launch (for the games releasing before launch like Valhalla, Watch Dogs Legion, Control Ultimate Edition, etc)?
Honestly, Push Square needs to remove Control and NBA2K21 - these aren't 'FREE' upgrades at all, they have to be purchased if you already own the original... these are higher priced SKUs and therefore NOT free upgrades... come on Push Square... sort it out!
What this guy says, Control and NBA2K21 aren't free upgrades as you have to purchase a specific version to get it
Where is stellaris upgrade? For the ps5
@kemosabii Ubi has PS5 dates on their store, assuming you can upgrade on that same day.
Valhalla PS5: November 12
Legion PS5: November 24
Immortals Fenyx Rising PS5: December 31
If you in the States. Amazon has both $10 cheaper than PS5 (49.99)
Made up my mind to go with Playstation 5 after watching this video. If I can only find any in stock 🤗
I am more interested in which games I can carry over game saves and progression. Yea upgrades are good, but whats the point if i cant carry on where I left off.
Control - Base PS4 - 30 fps
Yeah right!
I'm curious what the Doom Eternal upgrade will entail. Just bought the game, but wondering if I should wait a bit more.
Add Monster Hunter World to that list and it's everything I'd love to see upgraded on PS5!
@blacklivesmatter Also, they're mostly new games.
@FX102A I don't think so, it's a 2D game, there isn't much you can do to improve it visually without redrawing everything from scratch, it will be 120fps though (this will affect only the few people that already have a 120Hz TV).
So many need this and that, but Sony did a big leap from PS4 just by the fact that we can play almost all PS4 games on PS5, and we have the benefit of fast loading, the rest that many people ask for is not so easy to make. But I think that almost all the games that still get updates on PS4 will get an update for PS5. As for the rest, it is hard to ask a developer to improve a game for PS5 if he does not get some money out of it. How many of you work for free...
Yakuza being upgrade for digital only is lame
Wish sony did backwards compatibility for ps1, 2 and 3. The only reason i dont think they did it was probably to push their garbage playstation now subscription. I have so many good games from the ps2 era id love to go back to. I kept shadow hearts, shinobi, MS saga, front mission, parasite eve 2.... guess ill have to stick to my ps2 emulator on the pc..
@badbob001 I'm also confused on how does it all work. If i buy the PS4 version do I get the PS5 version for free? Like with Assassins Creed Valhalla? Or will i get an upgrade that i can play the PS4 version on PS5? Or is that the same? I dont understand the difference because some games say if you buy the PS4 version you will get the PS5 version too. On COD Cold war it even costs 10$ more if you buy the cross gen version. Others only say its "Playable on PS5 with an upgrade" So i suppose thats a difference? Because i want to pre-order Spiderman Miles Morales on PS4 and some other games but I am not sure if i'll get a full PS5 version later or just an upgrade or if its the same.
So, Ghost of Tsushima is not a free PS5 upgrade? It's just counted as backwards compat with upgrades?
It's true about coding - and the fewer lines required the better. But here's my question. Is it worth loading the upgrade of say my digital version of "Destiny 2" onto the PS5 if I'm still using the same old 1080p 200hz TV? Aside from, I presume, the faster load times, what benefits are there?
As for TV, I'm waiting for the Mini LEDs to come onto the market next year as most of the TV's out there now have one or more deficiency, be it Burn-in with OLED, sub-par HDMI 2.1 implementation, lack of VRR or LLM, banding, blooming, etc etc.
@nathanSF and the leap from 30 to 60 fps is nice (or more)
Why on earth would Sony upgrade its games to PS5 for free. If the PS5 hardware can give the game a boost so much the better, but people actually expecting the game to be get a free upgrade to utilise the PS5 hardware is unbelievable.
That's not the reason at all. The PS2 and PS3 would require emulation. Whereas PS4 does not.
I'm genuinely interested to see what upgrades Atelier Ryza 2 gets, beside the immediate upgrade that the console won't sound like a jet engine.
So is there a difference between an Upgraded PS4 Version to PS5 and a PS5 Version? Since games like COD CW and AC Valhalla offer a Cross gen version and others just say Playable on PS5 with an Update
Lots of confusion over these ‘upgrades’. There must be some difference or at least a time limit otherwise I’ll just buy the PS4 version where there is the upgrade and save the money on the PS5 game.
Am I missing something?
@Puckwhacker74 For some games that works, AC,Valhalla, Watch Dogs 3, CoD BO Cold War. But Spiderman MM only say Playable on PS5 so i suppose its an update rather than a free upgrade. Not Gonna buy this on PS4 until i know it includes a full PS5 version.
@S1ayeR74 five games that we no of. Sack boy demon souls yakuza mm godfall, cyberpunk, will look way better on ps5 watch Dogs Legion will look better also. and alot of games releasing Jan and Feb bar ubisoft games. So hitman outriders gods and monsters. Talk about 5 like its nothing. I also don't get why people moan about bc when we want better graphics and fps yet I think the only people who moan are the ones who can't afford it. Also who plays more than five games at once oh forgot black ops zombies and I even own a pro and one x. And I will gladly play them all when I'm wanting to put on a specific game or play with mates on same platform, Xbox for the nostalgia and games pass, the pro will act as another 1tb of storage whilst still playing some games like ghosts of tsushima and avengers and when I'm ready I will swap them over to my ps5. But again I'm in a position i am able to have owned every ps since the first and I'm not gonna give up now. I was in two minds at the start but when u hear that fan especially playing avengers or mw than buy all meens i want next gen. But again treat the ps4 like the wife and treat the ps5 like its ur mistress. She will blow better. And run cooler. Whilst the ps4 will always be their over cooking having good days and bad. Just like a wife.
Could you add the release dates for when the PS5 upgrades will become available?
Most of these aren't out yet and until they are, people will just be installing the PS4 versions. They may end up unknowingly installing both once the upgrade releases.
So the digital version gets screwed and doesn’t get to switch their ps4 physical games to the ps5 since there’s no disc drive... that made my cheo or easier.
@Dange Good list , Id add Bloodborne and Alien Isolation and even a new 4k 60fps of TLOU.
I think Yakuza: Like a Dragon will get free upgrade for physical edition too.
@S1ayeR74 I believe You have misunderstood all this. These are not retrocompatible game, these are games that You will get a hole new coded version of the game rearanged to get the most they can from the new console.
Untill now I could play every game i tried from my ps4 on ps5.
@spotanjo3 Ps5 launched backwar compatible.....
@farahjr in fairness, you didn't know that back in June 2020 either - it's a bit unfair to pick on comments from way back when there was much more uncertainty about how back compatibility was going to work. Remember when Sony said their ambition was that "the top 100" games from PS4 will all be back compatible on PS5? That sounds so much more shoddy than what we ended up with - no one could have known how well the backwards compatibility was going to turn out at that point
Would it be possible to update nioh/nioh 2? It's been confirmed by digital foundry that ps4 pro version 1800p checkerboard while ps5 is native 2160p. I feel like that's an important distinction to make besides just "4k" for both.
@spotanjo3 PS5 is fully backwards compatible. That's how it's able to play any PS4 game. I own one and can confirm it has full, unrestricted backwards compatability for PS4, and while it can't play PS3 discs but it can play any of the PS3 games Sony has made playable on the PS4 through remastering.
I dont see a €99 edition as a free update the NBA2K 21 is in my eyes not a free upgrade.
O thats good ive been wondering how i should buy outriders because i have ps5 and frends still on ps4. So if i get ps5 version i cant lend the game to them. Ill go for ps4 version and ill play the free upgrade and let em borrow it whenever i feel like. Digital is hard since you can only share with one friend.
@ShogunRok could it be arranged - for a released/release date or a TBC - to be added? Would be really useful?
@Stocksy Feedback noted!
@spotanjo3 It already has that
Just a few as I skimmed the list, might be more.
@zekepliskin Hi! Actually, these games you are mentioning don't have a ps5 native upgrade. They are enhanced via game boost (pushsquare has an article about gameboost, check it if you like)... In game boost, the ps5 runs the ps4 (pro) version, with improvements patched by the developer... Other examples: Ghost of Tsushima, Jedi Fallen Order, etc. Lastly, as far as I know there is no improvement whatsoever in playing Horizon Zero Down on PS5. It runs basically the same as on PS4 pro
How about Final Fantasy XIV? The PS5 version was released last April 13, 2021.
Thanks for putting this list together. I just wanted to say that the Hitman III info. appears to be out of date, since there is a free update from the disc version of the PS4 game to the PS5 version. I have done this, and it's stated in the 'Next-gen Upgrade' section in the following link:
It would be helpful if you added the release date of the PS5 version since some game upgrades might be released with little fanfare. That would make it easier to double-check whether one has upgraded all available games.
@ShogunRok Add me to the list requesting release dates / eta please sir
Can we have a Yes/No column for 4k AND 60fps? The vast vast majority are either 4K OR 60fps. Struggling to think of a game where you can have both.
Agreed the date is really the most important thing for many because we don’t know when we can actually get these versions. I think maybe the ability to see those that are available and which are coming soon and when you refresh this into the new stories but we can see the newly released versions to go and check out
Once again Push Square neglecting Genshin Impact lol
I made it to 3rd chapter of GoT when I started playing FF7R.
GoT will be something else when that gets upgraded.
My eyes will bleed mogul blood of joy!
All I need is GoT to get an upgrade, a new TV and a PS5...
heres an idea sony i wana play resistance fall of man trilogy on ps5! ive the discs. and update regardless to show customer support.
ESO upgrade Tuesday! Simply. Can’t. Wait!!!
FF7 Remake may need a side note saying the ps plus version is not eligible for a free upgrade
Here's something I learned yesterday...if you got the ultimate edition of control with psplus you had to upgrade to the ps5 version within the month it was on plus. I of course didn't have a ps5 then. Got one a few days ago...and even though it clearly stated the version I have installed has a free ps5 upgrade...it doesn't. So scratch that off the list.
And then I try borderlands 3 via psnow. A game that clearly states a free upgrade to Ps5 version...nope, not if you're paying for a psnow subscription.
FF7 free upgrade to Ps5 version....nope, not if you're playing the psplus version.
It's all a bit bs when you look at all the Xbox series X enhanced games that come with gamepass. To my knowledge psnow offers zero ps5 enhanced games right now.
Still requesting a date or “available now/later” column: at this point this list is pretty pointless without it. Especially refreshing it. As how does anyone know what’s just been made available
@Obeycamp Thank you. I know because I got my PS5 finally in March after reserved for 4 1/2 months long waits since November.
@Sealightbreeze Yeah, I already have PS5 and test it. Awesome. And thanks.
It would be nice if this list could be kept up-to-date. Ghost of Tsushima etc is missing. There's still by far not enough PS5-only games for us not to be needing this list updated anymore.
I have "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition" and did not get an option to upgrade to a PS5 version. Is this only for the original version? Can anyone verify this game could be upgraded?
So far I can only verify "Immortals Fenyx Rising" and "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order" did allow me to upgrade to PS5 versions. I have a few more to try yet.
@retrogamer777 Witcher 3 isn’t out yet, they are aiming for end of year
@SweetChaos ghost of Tsushima is not a free upgrade. It’s $10 more IF you bought the directors cut extended version whatever. Else it is $30 more. Not free.
@AgentGuapo Oh yeah, it says Free Upgrades. You're right.
Horizon Zero Dawn is free though, and is missing too.
This is still a pointless list as it doesn’t say which are available now….
@retrogamer777 the list includes announced versions that aren’t out yet. It’s super annoying. Should be an out now tick box
@staff Alan wake remastered is also a free upgrade
I know many many of us have already asked several times but this is still kind of pointless without an available now/date available column. Many of these still aren’t available. Available now column would allow us to check if we have any games we need to upgrade from the last refresh
AC Odyssey is upgraded.
i wanted to see gta 5 and rdr2 run at 60 frames and at least 1440p. but it looks like they want us to buy gta 5 all over... AGAIN.. on ps5 to get 60 frames. nope! im not buying it a 3rd time! i also heard witcher 3's upgrade was pushed back to april-june 2022. what?! i guess they're focused more on cyberpunk right now. i'd also love to see fallout 76 get at least a 1440p and 60 frame rate upgrade.
Appreciate this list. Salute 👌
Sony needs to take a step from Microsoft and start upgrading more game for free AND get better at backward compatibility.
It’s still early, but I feel like the Xbox could end up being king of the hill in the long term for this gen with how they keep doing things.
You guys should mention whenever you bump up this article what was added lol.
Please add River City Girls
quick heads up
Samsung 980 PRO M.2 2TB SSD, $280 at newegg
The Evil Within 2 doesn't have a PS5 update or something per se, but with it's latest patch you're able to unlock the framerate and it runs on buttery smooth 60fps on PS5. It plays great this way. Just wanted to mention this
There are many misunderstandings in this list I wish to help, let me know the direct line if you want
Bloodrayne ReVamped 1+2 got a stealth PS5 release last friday, also a free PS4 to PS5 Upgrade. Couldn't find any details regarding improvements on PS5 though. Also looks and plays the same.
You can now officially add Star Ocean: The Divine Force to this list as it was confirmed this morning on Siliconera.
@InfamousOrange Many games do get a free upgrade. The games that do not are usually legit PlayStation 5 versions with added content. As for backwards compatibility Xbox will no longer be adding any original Xbox or Xbox 360 games to the list and to be frankly honest the list of games that are offered are laughably poor. Would have been nice if they brought all the Halo games, Forza games, Project Cars and so many others. It's funny how many hated the fact that Xbox announced that they were going to eliminate used games back in 2013 and this is how they are doing it people....through Game Pass. Also makes me laugh when the rumored Spartacus is copying Game Pass even though PlayStation Now came out 3 years before Game Pass.
@Mr_PlayStation Sorry not Project Cars. I meant Project Gotham Racing.
What about Back 4 Blood?
Any chance you could include a box to say if the games have auto-pop for the trophies?
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is a very friendly game for auto-pops. You can upload the save from one platform and download it onto the other. So no matter which platform you play, you can get the auto-pop trophies for the other.
The other games I've played only work one way and they need the PS4 version to be played to get the auto-pops on PS5.
It saddens me that the last of us part 2 didn't get a PS5 upgrade.
Still waiting on arkham knight.....
Some PS4 Games on disc covers didn't have a tag that said PS5 Upgrade Available. Also, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is upgradeable, so that needs to be added to the list. Also, Black Ops Cold War and Vanguard, even though it is a cross-gen bundle.
Assassin's Creed Origins en Odyssey are both missing. Is this list complete?
Every time this article jumps up here on the main page, Its hard to know what game was added since there’s no “PS5 upgrade release date” I wish they would add that
agreed and there seem to be a lot missing, eg eternal cylinder
Call of duty modern warfare 2 shouldn't be on this list seen as you're forced to buy the criss gen edition lol
Also need to add Jydge. I already have the PS5 version downloaded - and can confirm it exists and it was free.
Resident evil 2, & 3 are 60fps on pro and RE7 is 60fps on base PS4. I'm sure someone else in the comments has pointed it out already.
Just tried downloading the PS5 version of Control only to find that the PS4 save file isn't compatible (so I'd have to replay from the start!) and the dopy PS5 can't see the PS4 Ultimate Edition on it's feeble store. Grrrr.....
can you guys please clean up this mess of a list - especially proper alphabetizing - ignore articles like 'a' and 'the' and sort by the next word
it's also missing titles like Gris
Cities skylines is only a free upgrade if you bought the digital version, if you own it in disc it’s full price.
I don’t consider “if you bought [x] bundle/edition” a free upgrade as those cost more than the base game. You are essentially paying an extra fee for 2 versions.
“Free upgrade,” to me, means base game updates without any strings attached.
Far Cry 5 got a free PS5 patch.
I suggest you add a list of upcoming confirmed free and paid PS5-upgrades.
Would be great if you could add update notes on what has currently been updated on this page. It’s not necessary to keep long lists of all updates. Just having notes of the latest update is enough, I think.
Sifu offers a free upgrade
For disc-based games, can we delete the PS4 version yet?
(without it trying to reinstall everytime we play PS5 version)
I'm not upgrading Valhalla, till I can delete huge PS4 install...
Looks like you've missed GRIS. It has a free PS5 update, as " GRIS | PS4 & PS5 "
and also Jydge. It also has a free upgrade to PS5.
Thanks for the list though. It's a big help. It's a shame Sony doesn't do more to keep people aware of these free updates since they don't always show up in the PS5 library. -Matt
@Peite I don't see a Far Cry 5 PS5 version on the PSN store (in the USA). Is this forthcoming or a mistake perhaps?
There is no PS5-version IIRC (deleted the game since I rather replay Days Gone a 7th time) but a PS4-game with a PS5-patch so you can still use your trusty DS4.
I’m in EU but it should be available world wide, no? American guy on Digital Foundry reviewed and this site too:
@caiol92 That's a good question! I would assume it just works like normal, and you use the game disc to verify the free PS5 upgrade. After all, the install disc is only used to install data on your PS4 — and you don't need to do that if you're playing the PS5 version.
I'm not 100% sure on this, but I imagine that's the case.
Hi! Just spotted that King's Bounty II has a free upgrade
Is this list being maintained? Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is also a free upgrade to PS5 version.
Visage has free upgrade with no save transfer and it's not in the list.
Looks like you've missed GRIS. It has a free PS5 update, as " GRIS | PS4 & PS5 "
and also Jydge. It also has a free upgrade to PS5.
Thanks for the list though. It's a big help. It's a shame Sony doesn't http://www.flyingtogetherual.co/ do more to keep people aware of these free updates since they don't always show up in the PS5 library.
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