How much is a PS5? You're probably eager to know how much the PS5 will cost you to buy, especially if you need to save up for the new-gen system. As part of our PS5 guide, we're going to share the latest information on the PS5 price, but if you're looking for PS5 release date and PS5 stock information then click through the following links for more information on that.
How Much Is a PS5?
In some markets, the PS5's price point has increased over what it was at launch. Below, you'll find all the up-to-date regional SRPs for the console. Remember that pricing may vary based on region and retailer:
- $499.99
- €549.99
- £479.99
- ¥60,478
PS5 Digital Edition
- $399.99
- €449.99
- £389.99
- ¥49,478
Is the PS5 Digital Edition Cheaper Than the Standard PS5?
There are two PS5 models: the Standard PS5 and PS5 Digital Edition. You can view the differences between the two models in our guide: PS5 Digital Edition vs PS5: What's the Difference? There is a difference in price in all regions, with the PS5 Digital Edition cheaper than the standard console due to the lack of a Blu-ray disc drive.
How Much Does the PS5 Cost Now in United States?
There are two PS5 price points in the United States: the PS5 Digital Edition costs $399.99, while the PS5 costs $499.99.
How Much Does the PS5 Cost Now in UK?
As in other territories, there are two PS5 price points in the UK: the PS5 Digital Edition costs £389.99 and the PS5 costs £479.99.
How Much Does the PS5 Cost Now in Canada?
The PS5 carries a larger price tag in Canada compared to the United States, due to currency differences. The PS5 Digital Edition costs CAD$519.99 and the PS5 costs CAD$649.99.
How Much Does the PS5 Cost Now in Europe?
The price of the PS5 in Europe will depend on the country you live in, but these are the prices in Euros for countries like France and Germany: €449.99 for the PS5 Digital Edition and €549.99 for the PS5.
Why Is the PS5 Still So Expensive?
PS5 is a powerful console with cutting-edge capabilities in a number of departments, including visuals, audio, and performance. For this reason, it’s an expensive piece of hardware. Late last year, Sony increased the price of the platform across a number of territories, excluding the United States. This decision was attributed to “high global inflation rates, as well as adverse currency trends, impacting consumers and creating pressure on many industries”.
However, as the PS5 has become more readily available, the price has generally started to decrease again. There have been a number of promotions across the world throughout 2023 which have seen the console’s overall cost reduced, with some retailers even topping up the deals by bundling in additional games.
Is It Worth It to Buy a PS5 Now?
Generally, as generations mature, consoles become more attractive with age. This is because the selection of software available significantly expands, and you can find a full list of the best PS5 games through the link. There are strong rumours that Sony is set to introduce a revised PS5 console model later in 2023, and this may convince you to pause your purchase temporarily. However, it’s worth noting that this updated version of the system is unlikely to differ much from the existing model, with the most notable change being a detachable disc drive.
The PS5 is unlikely to be replaced by a hypothetical PS6 until at least 2028 or so, which means your purchase will be future proofed should you make it now. And we also know all of Sony’s major first-party teams are working on new projects for the platform, like Sucker Punch and Santa Monica Studio. Furthermore, while it’s possible there may be price promotions over the Christmas period, the console is unlikely to get a formal price drop any time soon.
For all these reasons, assuming you’re interested in some previously released or upcoming games, we’d argue it’s more than worth buying a PS5 now.
Did this guide help to answer your question on how much is a PS5? Take a look in the comments section below, and let us know.
Comments 50
What's the rumour/leak/hearsay situation on them shipping more than 1 model at launch?
1 model w/o only a SSD - BYOHDD, either internal or external, for $449 and a model w/ both an SSD and an internal HDD for $499 might make sense.
Though realistically I'm not sure there's enough of a psychological difference between $449 and $499 so it might have to be $399 and $499 that way. 2TB for $499 or you might as well buy your own.
$499 if it really is fully backwards compatible with all of our PS4 discs and PS4 downloads would probably sell well enough they wouldn't need a separate cheaper model.
Anything over $499 my eyes get twitchy. And not in a good way.
I just hope it's a fair price and won't be affected by the politics and such
I'm thinking as a niche product and Kodera in charge it will launch as £725.
Hopefully someone gives the lad a slap in the boardroom and it launches at £450 or under!
I will be disappointed if is below $500, I need them to get it right the first time and release something super powerful so that there's no need for a Pro model in two years.
@rjejr the ssd and aspiration to reduce load times as much as possible is integreal to sony's strategy with the ps5 — i believe it has already been confirmed to be stock on all potential ps5 skus. i honestly don't see how sony will get the base ps5 below the $450usd point, with a larger capacity ssd option available at $500usd. i don't think they will be crazy eough to exceed this price point as they have learned the hard way in the past and layden even acknowledged this publically. now, with the idea of a 25% tariff looming over american imports, sony may have to water down the specs to fit in this price range... which is infuriating.
@Porco I doubt any one country is important enough for them to change the product because of taxes.
in other words, you think sony would be willing to eat up the tariff costs themselves? if they keep the specs as is and add 25% to an already expensive console, the base ps5 will cost roughly $550usd. the console will bomb at launch, plain and simple. the tariff fiasco is a very real problem that needs to be addressed in some way. there is speculation that nintendo might manufacture the switch in taiwan to avoid the tariffs... should this work, i wouldn't be surprised to see the same strategy from sony. but should that not work out for whatever reasons, i don't think it is a stretch to assume some cuts will be made to the specs to keep the price point reaosnable. the most obvious cuts would be storage capacity and ram. also, close to 1/3 of all ps4 sales are from the american market — you are clearly underestimating how important the u.s. is and how much it can impact sony's bottom line.
@Porco Apologies if I wasn't clear. I know all models of PS5 will come standard with an SSD, 128GB probably, maybe 256GB, but a bunch of us had been discussing the likely scenario, possibly a leak or rumour, I forget, that the PS5 will also include a larger HDD and sort of treat the two as one.
We discussed it here.
Near the bottom @Agramonte embedded a nice short vid explaining how it works on a PC and could work on PS5 as well.
So when I say 2 models, I mean both would have a 128GB or maybe 256GB SSD but 1 would also include an additional 2TB HDD while the cheaper model would just have a space to put one in. The Super Slim PS3 with only 12GB solid state storage had such a space, I put my old 80GB HHD in it. Or, the cheaper model might just work with the same type of USB 3 HDD that the PS3 works with. Making it easy for people to move them.
I hope gamestop or whoever does some kind of trade in deal. Trade in your pro and knock whatever off price. But i would only consider that if it ia fully BC.
$500 I think it will retail at and I think it's going to be acceptable this time round, because consoles are now pcs and with AMDs new Navi architecture and GPU it's what would pay just for those 2 parts alone heck to be honest even more. The Navi 3700X is around £300+ and the GPU s are around that too the SSD they are talking about 128GB if it's specially made will cost £100+ maybe so Sony will be taken a hit for a couple of years
I think Sony is trying to trick Microsoft by saying that the ps5 is targeting hardcore gamers and as such may require a high price, ms will take up the bait and crank up the price of project Scarlett, then after boom, $399 ps5. DieKaiser92... Out!!!
@Porco In the short term I think it would cost 25% more for US consumers to buy it than it would for countries without tariff. In the long term if the tariff continue they likely switch manufacturing for the US market to somewhere that did not incur tariff‘s.
I still say $599 - $699. Times have changed since the ps4 launch and $1,000 phones are now the norm. Yes on contract, but nobody said stores won't start offering contracts on these either. All big box chains can easily set up exact same month contracts on these as well. Besides, in other countries it is common to buy phones off contract at full price. This still is cheaper than high end phones.
Plus with backward compatibility you can sell your old system and make up the difference of the extra cost. If sell my old system with a game or two the Ps5(The Playstation) will around as cheap as the ps4 at launch, even if at $699 for the new one.
If only it ran PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4/PS5 on disc.
I would pay whatever they wanted...
@Nakatomi_Uk You realize that they aren't going to be paying the same price that end consumers do for all of these components, right? They'll be purchasing them by the tens of millions direct from the manufacturer, not one at a time from Best Buy or Newegg. The SSD will be at least 1TB if not 2.
From what we know about the PS5 so far. I am not interested in purchasing it. A PS4 with better graphics and faster load times... Meh. That's why I didn't upgrade to the PS4 Pro.
Now if PS5 features backwards compatibility all the way to PS3, meaning I could buy a PS5 and then put both my PS4 and PS3 into the closet... Now that would be pretty nice!
@Applejackson75 Yes I know they will buy in bulk at a fraction of the retail price. At this moment in time it's just another upgrade with a new arc and GPU and for me personally I've no interest in the PS5 for a few years
£499(and over) is to much really :-/ I wouldn't pay more than £399 for a day 1 next-gen console really. I bought the PS4 day 1 because it was only £349. £449 maybe if it was the best thing ever but nowadays what is the the best thing ever??? I don't know Well actually I do know...if it had FULL PS1/2/3&4 disc playback then I would pay 'ANYTHING' for it!!!
I know people will be hyped and excited for the PS5 release but why buy at launch for full price when by the next holiday season it’ll probably have a permanent £50/$60 price cut and come bundled with the latest game that’s out around that time of year. Plus there could be teething problems with the launch console which could be ironed out in the next batch of PS5s. Also there should be a decent amount of games out by that time.
@Heavyarms55 It will not BC with the PS3 no X86 i rather have them spend that cash in important things. Why waste money on something like that how many people will still have PS3 games anyway.
$500 is fine, I can sells my ps4 pro and a couple of my ps4 games to subsidize the cost, just like when I bought ps4 and ps4 pro
Of course, the console has to be worth it to cost that much.
All the news we heard so far seems to point to a price higher than $399. $499 will be comfortable for many as we have already seen that on the Xbox One X. On the subject of SSD, I believe that we will getting it in the form of a onboard cache. The system will still come with a HDD which user can upgrade. This will bring down the cost significantly. Sony is also going to patch some of their popular titles to run on the more powerful system which will be an incentive for PS4 users.
A launch price of $500 for the PS5 pretty much means it'll be more than 3 times that price here in Barbados. I'm expecting around $1700-1750 local price. A PS4 Pro still costs around $1100-$1200 here. I won't worry too much about that though, as I will not buy a launch system. I'll probably jump into PS5 about year or two after launch, hopefully my 2015 PS4 keeps on trucking until then.
The SSD being talked about is not a standard SATA SSD, that will not be fast enough for what is being promised, It will be PCIe4 based similar to the latest M.2 drives. I expect it will be quite small and do dynamic caching. AMD already licences this tech with the 400 series chip set. So a standard large hard drive will act at tradition storage still. PCIe this will require expensive multi layer boards and I/O chip sets. As cooling is always a issue in compact consoles CPU will be a fairly low wattage 8 core Zen 2. No current available AMD graphics chips can perform at the Sony promised level so we must presume that the next gen GPU already has engineering samples out and in Sony and Microsoft's hands. Sony talked ray traced sound mostly which the one x already does but I'm not sure they will get away with just that so I see sum need for the AMD equivalent of at least a few RT cores. None of this is going to be cheap. The question is how big a loss Sony can take on each unit. As much of Sony business are not in great shape I would expect not a lot. So all this leads me to believe they will push the PS4-pro as the standard console and push PS5 for the high end only with a $599 to $650 price range at launch knowing Microsoft has the same price restraints.
it will be 450$.for the ps5.and 14 teraflops.word up son
@Neolit I believe that there are people that want too play them i know that same here. But im looking at it from the casual/standard consumer i think its not really that important too most. I think/believe that PS4 games should be playable its X86 too and not a custom processor. I have Drakengard 3 in seal but i just can get myself too play it with quite a few RPG's. You know getting older and having less time spend.
499 is a likely price point I Assume. The beginning of the console is going to be largely cross gen games playable on both consoles, and PS4 is doing great still. I’m sure they don’t care as much about getting ps5 to sell gangbusters out of the gate.
Ecosystem-centric era? hOe wut
Please stop with this spew of pointless PS5 speculation nonsense. It makes me want to go elsewhere for my gaming news.
@Neolit Sorry misread but i agree so many great PS3 games but i will not play them i just dont feel like putting in the effort. Thats why i always laugh when people tell there are no good games im a generation behind. Being a adult sucks having so little time. 😆
@Flaming_Kaiser How many people will still have PS3 games?! lol. A LOT OF PEOPLE. Having PS3 backwards compatibility would be a huge selling point that a lot more people would actually be able to use and enjoy. Unlike 8K and hard drive speeds which are nothing but fluff. Even the most demanding games on PS4 rarely have loading times beyond half a minute. Sure the SSD will be nice and way faster... but ultimately it wont be that big of a deal. And 8K is a joke. Totally unnecessary. Almost no one has an 8K TV yet because they are hardly better than 4K, which most people still don't have. The average consumer definitely still has 1080p or even 720p.
@Heavyarms55 You mean the people on the forums yes but the biggest group mainstream gamers dont.
@Flaming_Kaiser Approximately 80 million PS3 units were sold. If even 1/4 people still have their games, that's 20 million people. And I bet you a month's wage it's more than that.
I'm predicting $500 reasonably, $600 max if they can't cut the budget down.
Unsure how I feel about them potentially releasing two different versions at launch honestly...
@Heavyarms55 I dont know how many people keep BF, COD, FIFA the mainstream games for the casual player. I think 25% of the playerbase not selling everything is way too high.
Sony has not said anything about a M.2 or NVMe solid state drive or also adding any larger HDD to the PS5. The 2 drive config would drive the cost up way to much! What they said was a SSD, I expect a 500Gb to 1Tb SSD that's it.
I wished they dropped the current 5400rpm HDD and went to the 7200rpm three and a half inch HDD. with its smaller 33% loading time boost. A 8Tb 7200 cost very close to the same price as a 1Tb SSD.
@Flaming_Kaiser Wow, you really think that's all people play? I'm so sorry.
@Neolit You left out the Move controllers. Though I suppose those were PS3, not PS4, so, um, never mind.
They really could use some new Move controllers for PSVR though. I use them, but I've never liked them. Not even a little. They may actually be worse than the Wii Wiimotes and that shouldn't be physically possible.
They should just make a Dualshock that slides in half like the Switch Joycon. Not sure why the Move had to be so odd. But that's just me.
I would be happy if the DS4 worked, though I currently only have 2. And the PS4 camera, that's good enough.
Seems strange it's still probably 15 months away, feels like the world has been talking about it, and expecting it, for awhile now.
The real question is: Can you build a PC that will play 4K at 60FPS for $500?
No chance. 500 is too much, at this point it's more lucrative to build your own PC. I have 16 gb (2×8) ddr and an i5 so what's thw point? I'll wait for a price around 350.
Can't see how thay can do it for under £500 at launch tbh :/
Well, learnt the word facetious today, so thanks on that one Sammy
I don’t think that there will be a price drop for the ps5 for a couple of years. So in order to have legs in the market it should be between 449-499.
Sorry but what's the point of writing an article on a topic which you have zero information on? It's like saying "PS5 release games": we don't know, there might be a driving game, or a shooting game, or game about building robots made of cheese". These articles are just clickbait. You might as well start a topic on PS6 release date, price and games.
Both Sony & Microsoft will eat the cost and make that up through software & services, and later into this generation when manufacturing cost will become cheaper. I reckon the PS5 will cost around £449.99 & XSX will be around £500-£549.99 max, I don't see either costing more than £500 myself.
i am sure it will be $550, also dont forget you need a tv that support 2.1 hdmi to get the most out of your ps5. or you will just be buying a very expensive ps4.
@TheBuzz and you need a cable that is 2.1
I got a C9 65 so I am ready! And the cable 😉
@Ridwaano im waiting for the lg c10 48" that will be released this year
@TheBuzz well it is a definitely better model,! But depends on the price,..
@Ridwaano I've got a 65" C1!
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