Which graphics mode is best in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart? You can pick from three different options to enjoy Insomniac Games' latest action platformer: Fidelity, Performance, and Performance RT. Fidelity focuses on the best possible graphics quality, while Performance focuses on framerate. Performance RT is best considered a combination of the two, sacrificing resolution in favour of framerate and ray tracing. As part of our Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart guide, we're going to answer the question: which graphics mode is best?
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: Fidelity, Performance, Performance RT - Which Graphics Mode Is Best?
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart's graphics mode can be changed at any time, but the title will restart your current checkpoint when you make an alteration. The game's checkpoints are frequent and plentiful, however, so we'd recommend you experiment and find a setting that best suits your needs.

Fidelity runs at 30 frames-per-second but has graphical features like ray tracing, enhanced lighting, and enhanced scene density. In this particular scene, there appear to be more spaceships in the skybox, and the lighting is more cinematic overall. However, the framerate is jarring, especially coming from other 60 frames-per-second games on PS5.

Performance runs at 60 frames-per-second and adjusts the lighting and scene density in order to achieve it. There does appear to be a reduction in the number of spaceships present in the skybox, although the scene doesn't lose too much of its spectacle as a result. This mode also doesn't have ray tracing, which means some reflective surfaces look flatter than in Fidelity mode.
Performance RT

Performance RT is a combination of Fidelity and Performance, sacrificing resolution in favour of ray tracing. It has the same compromises as Performance in terms of lighting and scene density, but presents a slightly blurrier image in favour of retaining the reflective surfaces of Fidelity. While the image quality does take a noticeable hit, it still looks fairly clean depending on how far away you sit from your TV screen.
Which Graphics Mode Is Best?
Having spent several hours with each of the options, we like Performance RT the best, but you really can't go wrong with any of them. Insomniac Games has delivered a smooth 30 frames-per-second in Fidelity, so if you can adjust to the "slower" framerate then you may appreciate the maximum eye candy available. In our opinion, though, the sacrifices made in Performance and Performance RT are more than justified by the smooth, responsive gameplay. The title still looks stunning at 60 frames-per-second, and at an average viewing distance from your screen, you're unlikely to be able to perceive the resolution differences. We like the ray tracing because it adds depth to each scene, and seeing as the developer has found a way to present the best of both worlds, we'd recommend Performance RT as the best way to play.
Which graphics mode will you be using in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart? Pick your favourite configuration in the comments section below, and be sure to check out our Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart guide.
Comments 67
Put this up early as I figured people would appreciate the intel prior to release.
Performance RT for me, I like 60 fps, I like RT, and I don't have problem with 1080p/1440p resolutions 😃
I've been playing miles morales in performance RT mode and man, it's really good.
I can't decide between Fidelity and Performance RT 😩
@wiiware It's not the resolution for me but I do like the additional detail/density of Fidelity mode. I'll probably play it once in Fidelity and then NG+ in PerfRT!
Performance mode is where I'm starting and finishing the game. Performance RT mode has too many compromises and in my tv it will look like a blurry mess, Fidelity is 30fps so it might as well be blacked out in my options 🙂
@Voltan That's a great idea — take in the spectacle of it in the first run, and then for the second run make it more about speed and performance once your eyeballs have overdosed on the eye candy!
Never played Ratchet & Clank but it's a PS5 exclusive & it looks pretty good so I bought it
Fidelity 100%
@get2sammyb Thanks for this. I'm losing my mind waiting for this game to arrive, so it's nice to have distractions.
Performance RT all the way.
60fps and most of the bells and whistles.. no brainer for me.
Will play Performance RT on my 1080p projector and then once completed will check out the fidelity on my 4K OLED for Challenge mode (although feel it'll be jarring going from 60 to 30fps).
@get2sammyb What's the pixel count on Performance RT?
Performance RT of course.
NX Gamer from IGN is becoming my reference for analysis now..
@JB_Whiting Honestly don't know, will defer to better sources to provide that information. All I can tell you is that it does look blurrier than Fidelity, but still good!
Performance RT in Miles Morales was outstanding and made the game brilliant to play, so I'll be going for that one again.
you get addicted to 60 fps so fidelity is a big sacrifice
4k or 1080p is fine if the DA is great
Performance RT fro me like in Miles Morales
30 fps, never again
I’ll just play the game three times. One on each setting.
Problem solved.
Anyone (like myself) that ever questioned what the fuss is about between 30/60fps, try out the latest 'the last of us 2' patch which let's you switch between them in the options menu on the fly.
Could the ps5 handle fidelity mode @60fps and its a dev issue, or are we already seeing hardware constraints that will lead to a ps5 pro in the not too distant future?
When I play it i'll probably try Fidelity and 30fps and see if I can put up with that after the recent move to 60fps+ on just about every game i've played this year.
@Futureshark Ditto. These are the same settings that had and I thought Performance RT was great on my older HDTV.
Fidelity all the way. I kept swapping between performance and fidelity during both Spider-Man games on my ps5 and honestly cannot tell when something is 30 fps or 60fps. I played ratchet and clank 2016 on my ps5 in January thinking that WAS in 60fps only to find out that patch came out later. I really can’t see the difference.
I have never really noticed or cared about the difference between 30 and 60 FPS (as long as the frame rate is stable), so I will always select the quality modes as I can get noticeable benefit from them.
@Hopewell I feel the same way, and I don't think many people actually can tell the difference if there wasn't something telling them what mode they are in; despite their claims otherwise. Anecdotally no one I know can tell, as long as its stable. If its not stable; then its easy to tell the difference between, say a dip from 30 to 25 vs a dip from 60 to 55.
@thedevilsjester I'm sorry but no amount of bells and whistles can top a buttery smooth 60fps, and like with most of these titles, the extra graphical flourishes are minimal at best (some extra reflections here, more refined shadows there).
The irony is that you say you can barely notice the difference, but for me and many other pairs of eyes, the frame rate difference is night and day and drastically improves the actual gameplay of the game; while these graphical extras you get from fidelity are barely noticeable unless you go into photo mode.
Plus with R&C you get the best of both worlds with Performance RT mode (at 1440p, which is enough)
I'm probably a rare case where my eyes just cannot tell the difference between 30 and 60fps.
So like I have for everything else, I'll go fidelity. Because I do seem to notice a massive difference between 4k and 1080p, my eyes are clearly different to everyone else's.. haha
@get2sammyb I'm a little confused by this. So performance RT looks much denser than performance, but you said it makes the same compromises? Why are there so many more spaceships in the Performance RT picture if they are supposed to be the same density reduction? It looks like the fidelity screenshot. in terms of that.
Fidelity for me I couldn't really tell the difference with 30/60FPS on the PS4 games that got updated for the PS5??? I don't know why. I just want the best looking version really. Maybe next gen when all games are 60FPS+RT I'll play games in 60FPS mode(then something else will be missing I bet)
@JB_Whiting I have heard many people say that they can see and feel the difference, but making the claim doesn't make it true. I don't honestly believe that the majority of gamers can actually tell the difference unless you told them. I've yet to meet someone in real life that could actually tell; despite the overwhelming majority online seeming to claim they can.
There are some that can, for sure. There are people so attuned to the frame rate that they can time frame perfect actions in crazy competitive scenarios; but these are people that train daily to be able to see and feel the difference; not your typical gamer.
Fidelity = 1800p-4K 30FPS with RT
Performance = 1440p-4K 60FPS no RT
Performance RT = 1080-1440p 60FPS with RT
I imagine the screenshots they've taken aren't exactly like-for-like.
Most likely Performance RT. Really struggled going back to 30fps after experiencing 60fps since getting a PS5.
Some games I don't mind 30fps and prefer to get the best visuals I can at a more "cinematic" (there I said it) framerate.
But R&C isn't one of them. The speed these games move utterly demand the best possible framerate to feel fluid enough. It's a hard call between Performance and Performance RT. It depends on just how "blurry" it is up close. I'd rather "have it all", but when I hear "blurry" I picture the PS3 tracing paper renders of basically every game. I'm not sure how much RT is worth res while both are smooth 60fps.
I can easily tell the difference between 30 and 60.
I’m not opposed to 30 FPS for certain types of games. This is one those games where id rather play it at 60 FPS and sacrifice resolution.
By comparison, I have a hard time distinguishing resolutions above 1080p.
Thanks to image compression, all the screenshots above look equally blurry on my device…
I won’t be playing this game for a long time since I’m unlikely to get lucky at getting a PS5, but I’ll likely play on performance mode once I get it. Might give Performance RT more a shot, but doubt it will win me over.
I can’t see ever again subjecting myself willingly to 30fps modes.
If I had a PS5 right now: Fidelity, as I don't have a 4K TV.
If I had a PS5 and a 4K TV: Still Fidelity, because give me a more detailed world and a solid 30fps every... single... time.
PS5 so far behind nvidia with FPS and RT it's a joke.
Performance RT definitely, though I may check out the other two modes.
Yeah, I found Performance RT was the way to go when playing Spider-Man: Miles Morales. I'd do the same here.
Performance RT for me. Not that fussy about high-end graphics but fussy enough for it to be respectable for next gen.
If it's anything like Miles Morales, fidelity is the way to go for first playthrough! The 30fps were barely noticeable in that game, and the visual quality takes a serious hit on performance!
Let's see when the game drops but I do enjoy my eye candy
@Paranoimia bruh i didn't want to buy a 4ktv but as soon as i started playing Ghost of Tsushima on the PS5 I was like I need one but that was during a long weekend sale haha
I was quite happy with assassin's creed valhall a 30 fidelity, then on a whim changed to 60 performance
When I tried to go back to 30 fidelity it seemed absolutely awful. Been playing on 60 performance ever since.
Clocked over 170 hours and have not looked back
💯 agree with you.
I just don’t get all the people on here saying they’d never play 30fps again. It’s ridiculous as I genuinely can’t tell the difference.
I’m fidelity all the way as I just want the game to look as amazing as possible.
Performance RT is the perfect mode for me since I still don’t have a 4k TV!
I never have an issue switching between 60fps and 30fps. I get used to “slower” within just seconds. But I can’t really get used to “blurry” on my 4K screen.
So for me it will be Fidelity. I also played spider-man in fidelity mode and had zero issues.
I'm gonna go with Fidelity first up. I'm one of those that doesn't really notice FR differences, so maybe Performance RT second time around. But I want the eye candy I paid for gosh darnit
Perf RT. I greatly appreciate Insomniac for providing us with options, including one (Perf RT) that is the best of both worlds. I really hope other devs can take note at what Insomniac is doing.
Put Control Ultimate Edition on, spin the camera around in a room on 30 and 60fps.
If you still claim you 'cant notice any difference' despite the very obvious judder and blur at 30fps then there's something wrong with the perception of your brain, not your eyes. See a doctor in that case because you have an issue.
Disappointing for a console whose adverts boasted 8K, RT and 120fps.
Also if I wanted to spend time messing about with settings to find the best compromise for my setup I'd have bought a PC.
I trust you guys so I'll be giving Performance RT a shot first. If I don't like how it looks for some reason, I'll switch to Performance. Will take the hit in resolution for that sweet 60 frame rate per second gameplay.
@Max_the_German For me it depends on the game i dont believe turnbased game will make much of a difference.
@YepYepYep How do think you get a 8K with all bells and whistles for €500. If thats the case then PC gaming would be dead. Even if you think about it a litte its impossible at that price with a controller....
@Flaming_Kaiser I know. I'm merely suggesting that the advertising campaign for PS5 was and is misleading. There are a lot of gullible people about who will have taken the specs at face value and will expect to get it all. Despite my comment I'm not one of them.
@YepYepYep Not really did they ever say you get 4K at 120FPS and RT at once? All the options are possible and ofcourse it making it. Look at one game or product and see how much companies say things at fill in the blanks. Look at the new Farcry 6 adds with only the Xbox logo's its a blatant lie if you look at it in the end they only show the Xbox logo. I agree its cheap but they all are full of lies. So whats the message you cant trust the big companies. If its to be good to be. real use your brain dont be gullible.
@Flaming_Kaiser You can't say that they've "Not really" been misleading and then excuse them by saying "but they all are full of lies". That's a contradiction.
They have not said, but they have kind of implied (to the uniformed) that PS5 is capable of 8K, 120fps and RT all at once, yet it can't even manage 4K, 60fps and RT at the same time.
The Farcry 6 ads aren't really a lie. They've just sold the ad space to the highest bidder which in this case is XBox. There have been plenty of cross-platform game ads in the past where PlayStation was the logo at the end.
Saying "I agree it's cheap but they are all full of lies." is just excusing bad practices. If you think it's "cheap" and "lies" why would you not criticise it or at least call it out for what it is?
If it's too good to be true, don't advertise it!
@YepYepYep Show me one time they implied that games will run at 8K, 120 FPS with full Raytracing.
@YepYepYep Oh its not but why is add not a lie the Tombraider reboot also a lie or they made it look like it was Xbox only
Did they say PS5 is 8K compatible? Yes.
Did they say PS5 is capable of 120FPS? Yes.
Did they say PS5 does RT? Yes.
Did they say that games will run at 8K, 120FPS with full RT? No.
Did they say that games will NOT run at 8K, 120FPS with full RT? No.
Did they say you'll have to compromise between 60FPS at 1080p or 30FPS at 4K? No.
It's not so much about what they DID say, as what they DIDN'T say.
I already commented on the ads.
I don't understand why you think it's excusable that we've been lied to in ads. We haven't but you think we have and say that it is acceptable because they all do it.
@YepYepYep ***** so one lie is ok and the other is no lie you made your assumption are any of the single options impossible no. Being uninformed is the problem of a customer you have a brain. You have to pay more then a more then a €1000 to have all options PC how gullible would you need be to think you get it for €500 with a €70 controller included as if the basic consumer is looking for a setup like that.
First off I have already said that your ad examples are not examples of lies.
Secondly, I have already pointed out that I did not make any assumptions. I knew what the score was from the start but I criticised the way that PS5 has been promoted because others who are less well informed (like children perhaps or if you prefer, stupid people) might have got the wrong impression about what PS5 is capable of.
Yes it is capable of all of these things but nowhere does it say "but only one at a time".
@YepYepYep You think a kid will look at those things are you kidding me. A kid looks wow i can play Fortnite or GTA, COD. Mom and dad dont look at the PS5 but does it 8K at 120FPS but does it have Raytracing. 😂
Lets be real parents or kids dont look at these things the only people who care about these things are hardcore gamers. And if you are to stupid enough to believe that it does those your deluded as a gamer and stupid. 😁
So you're telling me that 15-18 year olds don't care about specs?
Please don't tell me that you thought I was talking about 10 year olds!
We might have to reassess who is calling who "stupid".
I'm bored now. I don't want to continue repeating myself ad infinitum.
If you don't see the point by now, you never will.
I hope this hasn't taken up too much of your hardcore gaming time.
Hey @Tharsman, are you going to keep lying about ps5 not being rdna 2 or what?
Here you go buddy:
@Lobbo95 sure bud, “helped” = “it is”
Besides, what do Sony engineers know about PS5 architecture. It’s been said over and over it’s not full RDNA2, it has some RDNA2 features (therefore: “helped”.)
I am usually saying 60 fps is better but in this game with a 4k 65+ screen you really notice the difference in fidelity mode. Its hard to make a choice.
Because my monitor supports 120hz the game is running at 1080p in every mode except fidelity. This is very annoying because I don't want 30fps but I definitely don't want 1080p as well on a 4k display! They need to patch this, it's idiotic. I could fix it by turning off 120hz but that's not the point, most users won't know how to do that. Its very annoying trying to play the game on 30fps which is what I had to do until I figured out to turn off 120hz mode in the ps5 options.
Fidelity for me. When I switched to the others the game lost most of its colour pop. It looked very grey and washed out.
And I couldn't tell the difference between the 30fps and 60.
I guess it could depend on the tv you're using.
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