Where do you find all Festung Guernsey collectibles locations — including the Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, and Workbenches — in Sniper Elite 5? In Mission 5, Karl Fairburne must locate an Operation Kraken prototype in the English Channel. As part of our Sniper Elite 5 guide, we're going to reveal all Festung Guernsey collectibles locations.
Sniper Elite 5: All Festung Guernsey Collectibles Locations
This Sniper Elite 5 guide includes all Festung Guernsey collectibles locations, including Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, and Workbenches. There are 19 collectibles in Festung Guernsey in total.
Personal Letter #1: No Need to Worry
There's an officer lingering around the Martello Tower, which you can detect due to his distinctive uniform. The Martello Tower is the southern-most building in the central part of the map, beneath the dilapidated farmhouse. Kill him and loot his corpse for Personal Letter #1: No Need to Worry.
Personal Letter #2: Getting Off the Island
In the dilapidated farm, enter the north-eastern most outhouse and take the ladder down to the underground room. You'll find Personal Letter #2: Getting Off the Island and Hidden Item #2: Crystal Radio in here.
Personal Letter #3: Confiscated Goods
At the Mirus Construction Site, on the eastern side of the map, there's a soldier in a brown uniform patrolling the southern part of the area. Scout him out with your sniper rifle or binoculars, and Fairburne will observe that he's carrying intel. Kill him and loot his body for Personal Letter #3: Confiscated Goods.
Personal Letter #4: Escaping Islanders
In the bunker on the western side of the map, Personal Letter #4: Escaping Islanders is on the table in the front room on the second floor.
Personal Letter #5: Harass the Huns
There's a small resistance safehouse very close to the underground hospital. Pick the lock to get inside then crawl under the tables to access the ladder down into the underground area. Personal Letter #5: Harass the Huns is inside. Workbench #2: SMG Workbench is also in the same area.
Classified Document #1: Grin and Bear It
Make your way through Fort Hommet and in the main room you'll be able to pick up a safe code from the table. Then climb out one of the windows in the hallway and use vines to infiltrate the locked door with the safe inside. Classified Document #1: Grin and Bear It is in the safe.
Classified Document #2: Cut Costs Cost Lives
In the hidden facility, in the room where you find the Scuttle Code, there's a desk with Classified Document #2: Cut Costs Cost Lives opposite the safe. The door to this room is padlocked from the entrance, so head deeper into the facility, past the submarine, and enter the room from the opposite direction.
Classified Document #3: Oafish Officers
On the western side of the corridor in the underground hospital area, opposite the main ward with all the beds, Classified Document #3: Oafish Officers is on a table under a poster.
Classified Document #4: Transport Troubles
Head inside the underground hospital and make your way to the far end of the corridor. There's a library-esque area with a number of bookshelves, as well as some radio equipment. Classified Document #4: Transport Troubles is on the table.
Classified Document #5: Drastic Measures
Enter the observation tower in north-west from its ground floor entrance, and in the first room immediately after you enter you'll find Classified Document #5: Drastic Measures on a table.
Hidden Item #1: Todt Uniform Badge
In the eastern part of the map, in the construction area, there's a green shed-like building. Hidden Item #1: Todt Uniform Badge is on one of the tables.
Hidden Item #2: Crystal Radio
Head to the dilapidated farm towards the middle of the map, and enter the north-eastern most outhouse. There's a hole in the floor and ladder you can climb to a secret room. Hidden Item #2: Crystal Radio is on the table. You'll also find Personal Letter #2: Getting Off the Island here.
Hidden Item #3: Comfort Bag
In the south-western corner of the main farmhouse building — the one with blue, painted windows — head upstairs to the second floor. In the corner of the bedroom, on a chest of drawers, is Hidden Item #3: Comfort Bag.
Stone Eagle #1
There's an observation tower in the north-western corner of the island, and if you approach from the south of the map you'll be able to see Stone Eagle #1 on the corner of the building overlooking the sea.
Stone Eagle #2
There's a large church in the middle of the map. Look to the eastern-most spire, and you'll see Stone Eagle #2 on top of it.
Stone Eagle #3
On the far eastern side of the map, atop the Mirus Munitions Bunker, you'll find Stone Eagle #3. You should be able to get up close and shoot it with your silenced pistol if you don't want to raise any alarms.
Workbench #1: Rifle Workbench
The church in the centre of the map, directly inside the eastern-most spire where you found Stone Eagle #2 atop, is a resistance safehouse. Climb up the vines on the side to access Workbench #1: Rifle Workbench.
Workbench #2: SMG Workbench
In the resistance safehouse where you found Personal Letter #5: Harass the Huns, you'll also find Workbench #2: SMG Workbench in the same underground room.
Workbench #3: Pistol Workbench
There's are some trenches in the northern part of the map, just east of the Operation Kraken prototype. Head inside one of the offshoot rooms for Workbench #3: Pistol Workbench.
Did you find all Festung Guernsey collectibles — including the Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, and Workbenches — in Sniper Elite 5? Check out our Sniper Elite 5 guide, and let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 1
Love the site and thanks for the info. Stone Eagle #1 and Stone Eagle #2 are reversed though. Stone Eagle 1 is actually the one shown for 2 and visa versa but the clues are fantastic.
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