Where do you find all Rubble and Ruin collectibles locations — including the Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, and Workbenches — in Sniper Elite 5? In Mission 8, Karl Fairburne must infiltrate a U-Boat in St Nazaire in order to halt Operation Kraken at long last. As part of our Sniper Elite 5 guide, we're going to reveal all Rubble and Ruin collectibles locations.
Sniper Elite 5: All Rubble and Ruin Collectibles Locations
This Sniper Elite 5 guide includes all Rubble and Ruin collectibles locations, including Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, and Workbenches. There are 19 collectibles in Rubble and Ruin in total.
Personal Letter #1: It's Not Over Yet
On the ground floor of the hotel, in the south-eastern part of the map, head in a side-room where there's a hole in the main wall. To the left of the hole is a table, with Personal Letter #1: It's Not Over Yet on top.
Personal Letter #2: Clean Out the Sewer
Immediately after you enter the sewers, there's a short cut-scene. Look to your left straight away, behind some boxes, and you'll find Personal Letter #2: Clean Out the Sewer on the floor.
Personal Letter #3: He's Not the Sharpest
There's a theatre right in the middle of the map. On the balcony at the top of the theatre is an armoured gun, and just behind it is a locked box. Use a crowbar to open it, and you'll find Personal Letter #3: He's Not the Sharpest inside.
Personal Letter #4: Your Man Talked
In the southern, central part of the map, you'll need to crawl through some debris to reach a bombed out building. Once you get there, there's a locked door which you can blow with a Satchel Charge. Alternatively go around the rear, and climb up the ladder through the window and inside. Once you're in, take the stair case down into the main entrance room and loot the key. Then head back upstairs, unlock the locked door, and take Personal Letter #4: Your Man Talked from the table.
Personal Letter #5: Möller Is Moving
There's a building in the southeast corner of the map, which is marked as Sea View Offices. It's basically an alternative infiltration point for the mission, but if you look in the back room on the ground floor of the building, you'll find Personal Letter #5: Möller Is Moving.
Classified Document #1: Secure Radio Lines
At the very beginning of the level, just to the left of a restaurant where three Nazi troops are standing huddled together, you'll find Classified Document #1: Secure Radio Lines atop a wooden box.
Classified Document #2: Broken Resistance
It's messy work, but someone's got to do it. That's what Karl Fairburne says to a French resistance fighter, after he's informed he'll need to break into the sewers to continue his mission. Break apart a boarded up doorway, and then slide down the hill. Classified Document #2: Broken Resistance is directly ahead, on a box.
Classified Document #3: Resistance Report
A heavily bombed building, marked as an Interrogation Room, on the western side of the map. Drop into the basement and you'll find a locked door. You can detonate this with a Satchel Charge, but the easiest thing to do is follow the tunnel around opposite the locked bars and get into the room that way. Classified Document #3: Resistance Report is on the table.
Classified Document #4: Flagship Fuel Risks
In the main hotel, on the second floor, there's a locked room you can access by using a Satchel Charge or by finding the Hotel Key, which is in the locker at the top of the stairs. Once you're in, there's a safe, which you can obtain the code by collecting Personal Letter #1: It's Not Over Yet. Open the safe, and Classified Document #4: Flagship Fuel Risks is inside.
Classified Document #5: Priority Pick Up
In the Metro Du Café on the very far western side of the map, head up to the top floor. This area also doubles as a Starting Location. The building is heavily bombed, so you will need to do some climbing to reach the attic. Once you've unlocked the door for the Starting Location, in the immediate next room, look at the roof for a gap you can climb through by climbing on top of a table. Classified Document #5: Priority Pick Up is on the floor and impossible to miss if you're in the right place.
Hidden Item #1: Hidden Tantō
When you first enter the sewers area, directly opposite you is a locked door which requires either a Satchel Charge or the Sewer Pump Room Key. You can get the Sewer Pump Room Key by following the path around and opening the safe, assuming you collected Personal Letter #2: Clean Out the Sewer already. Unlock the door and use a crowbar to open the chest in the middle of the room. Hidden Item #1: Stolen Tantō is inside the chest.
Hidden Item #2: I-400 V2 Hangar
When you need to Sabotage the Kraken Fuel System in the very north of the map, take the staircase up to the second floor on the left and head into a large room filled with mainframes and other technical equipment. On the table towards the western side of the wall is Hidden Item #2: I-400 V2 Hangar.
Hidden Item #3: An 'Original' Adolf
Enter the church in the centre of the map from the northern entrance, and immediately head up the ladder. Once you get off, take the next ladder up, but climb down once you reach the next floor. Perched up against the back wall, next to a sleeping bag, is Hidden Item #3: An 'Original' Adolf.
Stone Eagle #1
Stand outside the front of the Sea View Offices, where you found Personal Letter #5: Möller Is Moving, nearest to the ocean, and look out far to the west. Way out of the boundaries of the map, you'll see Stone Eagle #1 far away in the distance.
Stone Eagle #2
Stone Eagle #2 can be another tough cookie to pinpoint. Follow the road east of where the sewer entrance is, and eventually you'll brush up against the mission's boundary. If you look far out to the east, just to the left of two giant silos in the distance, you should just be able to see the dead-eye target off in the distance.
Stone Eagle #3
From where you find Workbench #1: Rifle Workbench, in the northwest corner of the map, look across to the large building where you're tasked with killing Yoshikawa. Atop the front of the building is Stone Eagle #3.
Workbench #1: Rifle Workbench
In the sewers, in the first area where you encounter Nazis, there's an armoury just to the left. You can loot the key from the two soldiers standing in the centre of the room. Unlock the door to the armoury, and Workbench #1: Rifle Workbench is directly in front of you.
Workbench #2: SMG Workbench
On the north-western side of the map, opposite the estate where you're tasked with killing Yoshikawa, there's a resistance armoury upstairs. You'll need to jump across some damaged floorboards and climb up to reach Workbench #2: SMG Workbench.
Workbench #3: Pistol Workbench
In the north-western corner of the church in the centre of the map, you can loot the crypt key from a locker above where you find Hidden Item #3: An 'Original' Adolf. Head back down to the ground floor and then unlock the door to a hole in the floor, which leads to a room with Workbench #3: Pistol Workbench inside.
Did you find all Rubble and Ruin collectibles — including the Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, and Workbenches — in Sniper Elite 5? Have a glance at our Sniper Elite 5 guide, and let us know in the comments section below.
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Hey hey! Thanks allot for making an easy to use guide!
Guides make game play more fun for me. I like completing everything and that's impossible without a guide.
Thanks again! Your team does a great job!
Thanks for the guide.
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